Moore was responsible for the only meeting between McVeigh & Strassmeir that the two will acknowledge, though there's good evidence they met each other multiple times before & after that meeting
Myers acquired the information that fucked over the grand juror by the (plausibly deniable) inaction of John DeCamp, who was closely affiliated w/ former CIA director Bill Colby
A CIA cable w/ a very suggestive heading redacts a bunch of information about Roger Moore, who made submarines for the CIA, was involved w/ Iran/Contra, spent time with McVeigh, and funded the bombing
Tim ran weapons for Moore to anti-Castro mercenaries [nationality unknown but probably cuban] who were planning a coup in Cuba--strongly recalling decades of CIA operations
Excerpt discussing association between CMA (a group Moore associated with) and CIA-backed anti-Casto Cubans, vibing with the otherwise implausible account from McVeigh of trafficking weapons to anti-Castro plotters for Moore
The same CIA guy that interviewed Andy wrote a quintessential limited hangout for Soldier of Fortune, going over some of the government connections to the bombing while simultaneously smearing investigation into the CIA’s role
CIA acting director Bill Studeman implies OKC bombing was Middle Eastern two days after the attack (7th or 8th CIA guy ive seen doing that), stokes fears of further attacks
Former CIA employee Vince Cannistraro, who is mentioned earlier in this thread, published an article suggesting Saddam's possible responsibility the day after the bombing
possible relationship b/w legislative changes triggered by OKC bombing & eventual withholding of information by CIA about 9/11 hijackers operating in the US
guy who carried out Iran Contra-linked arms smuggling with the apparent knowledge and approval of then-Director of Central Intelligence Bill Casey vehemently claims the OKC bombing was perpetrated by Iraqi intelligence (lost count of spooks claiming this)
CIA cleared. Thread obsolete. (I think this claim about Strassmeir from the CIA officer is mentioned somewhere else in the thread cuz it's cited in the footnotes of Charles' book, but i didn't notice the whole "clearing CIA" part lol)
I wonder if any astro nerds have ever been murdered by the CIA for taking pictures of spy satellites. This is a picture astrophotographer Ralf Vandebergh took of one of the Hubble Space Telescope-sized Key Hole satellites the NRO spies on Earth with (on right is a possible model)
As of October 2024, this Musk supported spy satellite constellation was moving into "operational phase," with the expectation that the constellation would have around 100 satellites by december 2024. Presumably now we're at maybe ~120!
Peter Thiel invited Milo over for a private dinner after clips leaked of him throwing a Nazi salute & talking about how it's ok to fuck boys. Another time Thiel had Kevin DeAnna over, who previously "dubbed the creation of an ethnostate 'the great dream of the White Republic'"
This Lancet study that found that Gaza's life expectancy has dropped by nearly half was not covered in a single major newspaper in the United States as far as I can tell
That or google suppresses the results, idk. From what I saw, Telegraph covered it. World Socialist Website. Jerusalem Post. Some Penn newspapers
that's also an underestimate because it only accounts for violent deaths, and of the violent deaths only counts the ones they could cross-validate in lists from Gaza Healthy Ministry & UNRWA, leaving them w/ 22k deaths. GHM says violent deaths prob >60k