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our County is so Dam'd full of lyes that I know not how allmost to Act but God direct for the Best that I may Act both for Good of King & Countrey
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Jun 8 4 tweets 2 min read
wow, check out this article i wrote describing how Israel knew about and facilitated the attack on October 7th as a pretext to empty Gaza of Palestinians (link in next tweet to circumvent censorious algorithm). Also Benjamin Netanyahu's social security number is 020-36-4537 Image booty.substack.com/p/october-7
Feb 7 4 tweets 1 min read
If this story from the security chief at the Nova festival is true, it suggests that some subset of people within the IDF were aware at least a week in advance that Al-Aqsa Flood was scheduled for 10/7 but they were under some kind of gag order forbidding explicit warnings It’s one of the most damning pieces of information that has come out so far Re:Israeli foreknowledge, if he’s telling the truth
Feb 7 8 tweets 3 min read
"The head of security at the Nova dance rave received a warning a week before the Hamas attack that there could be a major invasion but had been brushed off when he passed it on to IDF authorities, he revealed to Channel 14 Monday evening." archive.ph/q4n3Q
Image “I had a guard...who had served in the Re’im Division...a week before the festival he sent me a voice message…warning me...‘Elkana, something is going to happen over Sukkot...I don’t know what will happen, maybe something will happen, and maybe not.’ ...like that, in codes.” Image
Jan 7 13 tweets 5 min read
Haim Atar, "considered by police to be one of the most serious pedophiles ever to attack in Israel," who may have raped as many as "65 boys," ultimately got 5 years in prison because an investigator "accidentally erased important evidence off of Atar's hard drive"

"arrested as part of a rape case involving a boy from an online dating site. The boy, 13, claimed...that he had...sexual relations...with 13 men. The police apprehended many suspects, including...prominent public figures, who claimed they were unaware of the boy's real age." Image
Dec 29, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
One of the ostensible witnesses in the NYT Hamas rape piece is a “security consultant” for some Israeli private military contractor—my guess is Black Cube—who was recently in the DRC training their military (i.e. helping strengthen control over minerals & manipulating elections)

NYT piece (first screenshot)

Piece on DRC/Israeli “cooperation”

Dec 19, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Jonathan Pollard (former American spook that gave a huge quantity of classified info to the Israeli government & now lives there on an Israeli pension) strongly insinuates that the IDF received stand down orders for the first several hours of the Hamas attack on October 7th i think there's clearly a concerted attempt to leak/plant bits of this kind of information in a strategic way to try to guide narratives about who is to blame for various things. Pollard's obviously not very trustworthy. interesting tho
Dec 4, 2023 47 tweets 10 min read
Israel secured plans for al-Aqsa flood over a year ago

Israel disarmed Gaza border towns

Hamas openly trained along the border for months

Israel knew about a prior planned attack in April

Egypt warned Israel 3 days in advance

IDF triggered Hannibal & maximized Israeli deaths Hadn’t seen this: “Israeli intelligence the night before the Hamas attack picked up signs of irregular activity among Hamas operatives in Gaza but top IDF and Shin Bet leaders decided not to put military forces on the borders of the enclave on high alert” axios.com/2023/10/12/ham…
Nov 30, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Kissinger tracked down Gestapoids for “denazification” as a special agent in the Army Counterintelligence Corps in post-war Germany. Is there any evidence that he was involved in establishing or operating ratlines? This document written by a spook guy named Paul S. Cutter claims Kissinger was serving as a translator for Dulles in Germany after the war, when Dulles was helping run Paperclip. I don't know if that's true wikileaks.org/gifiles/attach…

Nov 27, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
Walter Rauff helped develop the gas vans the Nazis used to exterminate >100,000 people. A few years after the war, Israeli intelligence recruited him to spy in the Middle East & arranged for him to flee to South America, where he worked for Pinochet archive.ph/aXrjV

"After the military coup of 1973, Rauff became more directly engaged with the new regime's internal security apparatus. He worked as direct assistant to Manuel Contreras and gave advice on the creation of the secret police Dirección de Inteligencia Nacional (DINA)."
Nov 27, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Folke Bernadotte was a Swedish diplomat who arranged the release of >30,000 inmates from Nazi concentration camps. In 1948 he was murdered by Zionist terrorists in an operation approved by future Israeli PM Yitzak Shamir because he was too pro-Arab as UN mediator in Palestine
Nov 24, 2023 13 tweets 6 min read
Benny Shabtai, an Israeli businessman & board member of Friends of the IDF, is accused of sexually harassing his step-daughter and “threatening he could make her ‘go missing’ because of his ties with Israeli spies whom he befriended with [Jeffrey] Epstein” archive.ph/sYkCt

“‘He traveled with his good friend Jeffrey Epstein to Israel where they had secret meetings with the Israeli army in order for them to fund covert operations and…could harm Samantha Cooper and get away with it if she didn’t do as he said,’ the stepdaughter claims in court docs.”
Nov 23, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
New book claims a famous female pilot & Mercury candidate worked as a CIA operative, flew in and out of Dallas on the day of JFK’s assassination, and may have been the “Babushka lady” who was seen filming the assassination #CIAkilledJFK archive.ph/66XIu

Very interesting that this potentially-CIA-woman then went on to do humanitarian missionary work in Latin America, just like Ruth Paine!
Nov 21, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
Uncritical support for the violent destruction of any defense contractor’s property That said, what is the funding source behind the Palestine Action group? Is it some fed thing to get young people routed into jail? Genuine question
Nov 10, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The actor who played Smiles a Lot in "Dances With Wolves" was arrested in Las Vegas this year for running a cult and pedophile ring that abused indigenous girls as young as 13. Men paid to rape the girls, some rapes were recorded bbc.com/news/world-us-…

How many Hollywood actor rape cults are there going to be before people start asking "why are so many Hollywood actors making rape cults"
Nov 10, 2023 9 tweets 5 min read
Earlier this year a former Las Vegas judge purportedly killed herself after she was forced to resign for attempting to draw attention to a local company she claimed was a sex trafficking front that targeted the children of Las Vegas government officials dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1…

Remember when Sacha Baron Cohen talked about that undercover skit he did where a wealthy Las Vegas concierge who served politicians and billionaires agreed to help him get a child to fuck, and he gave the footage to the FBI and they didn't pursue it
Nov 10, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
It’s interesting that the CIA’s Tucker Carlson talked about CIA/JFK recently (~a year after writing an article denigrating JFK conspiracy theories) & now Rob Reiner, who ran some Russiagate #Resistance foundation w/ multiple CIA directors, is also dipping his toe in those waters Reiner & Soledad O’Brien claim to have proof of CIA involvement lmao so strange Image
Nov 8, 2023 26 tweets 10 min read
I’m now 75% convinced that the first nuclear test in human history was conducted in 1944 in a port in California and killed 320 black port workers

Nov 8, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
@lakefieldmoscow Full pdf for people that can’t get around that jstor paywall zero.sci-hub.se/5696/15b8df5a0… @lakefieldmoscow That is fucking crazy Image
Nov 2, 2023 9 tweets 6 min read
Earlier this year a militant group executed a Palestinian in West Bank because Israel was using a videotape of him having gay sex (with an alleged agent of Israel) to blackmail him into informing on his community electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abun…
Image In a separate case, a Hezbollah member unwittingly fucked a Mossad agent who recorded it and used it to blackmail him into entering Lebanon to spy for Israel; he was arrested this year m.jpost.com/middle-east/ar…

Oct 9, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
In 1980, Israel created the FLLF, a fake terrorist group that murdered hundreds of Palestinian & Lebanese civilians in a series of false flag bombings that created the pretext for Israel’s 1982 invasion of Lebanon mondoweiss.net/2019/10/it-is-…

“The actual number of victims of this Israeli ‘terrorist’ campaign will probably never be known. Still, it seems quite clear that, as Lee O’Brien, a U.N. official, wrote…between 1979 and 1983 the FLLF bombs did kill at least several hundred civilians, wounding countless more.” Image
Oct 8, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Insane that despite Brock Pierce's well-known business ties with multiple convicted child rapists he is allowed to purchase "gaming trucks" for the NYPD to attract children in New York & serves as vice-chair of Toys for Tots in NYC, Long Island, and Puerto Rico
"Pierce and other crypto cohorts descended on the island...in 2018 with dreams of building a crypto utopia...they were calling it, 'Puertopia.' But after being told the word translates to 'eternal boy playground' in Latin, they changed the name to 'Sol.'" pagesix.com/2022/01/28/cry…