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Boundless is the procession of shades
23 subscribers
Mar 7 8 tweets 4 min read
Let's check into the owners of the VPN that our near-future FBI deputy director is advertising on his podcast. Oh they're all Israeli spooks Image
patriots in control
Mar 4 4 tweets 1 min read
"Shin Bet for years failed to identify Hamas' plan to attack Israel despite possessing the information" lmao Image archive.ph/JwGeD
Feb 16 4 tweets 2 min read
I wonder if any astro nerds have ever been murdered by the CIA for taking pictures of spy satellites. This is a picture astrophotographer Ralf Vandebergh took of one of the Hubble Space Telescope-sized Key Hole satellites the NRO spies on Earth with (on right is a possible model) Image archive.ph/okbxM
Feb 14 46 tweets 17 min read
Finally, a champion has emerged to take on the Deep State Image
Feb 14 11 tweets 5 min read
Peter Thiel invited Milo over for a private dinner after clips leaked of him throwing a Nazi salute & talking about how it's ok to fuck boys. Another time Thiel had Kevin DeAnna over, who previously "dubbed the creation of an ethnostate 'the great dream of the White Republic'" Image
Feb 12 12 tweets 4 min read
This Lancet study that found that Gaza's life expectancy has dropped by nearly half was not covered in a single major newspaper in the United States as far as I can tell That or google suppresses the results, idk. From what I saw, Telegraph covered it. World Socialist Website. Jerusalem Post. Some Penn newspapers
Feb 11 7 tweets 4 min read
The CIA prostituted a Hollywood actress to the previous King of Jordan. Do you think they still do stuff like that? Also the dwarven son produced by this tryst later bludgeoned her to death in a fit of rage stimulated by growth hormones he was taking to increase his height Image
Think they taped em?
Feb 10 5 tweets 3 min read
Feb 8 7 tweets 4 min read
In Miriam Adelson’s news outlet Israel Hayom, an expert hasbaroid recently recommended that Israel should deploy a “swath of cool ‘Gen-Z’ activists” & more explicitly link Israel w/ Judaism in the public mind. Twitter’s promotion of Nazis to rep “anti Israel” POV achieves this Image
Feb 6 11 tweets 4 min read
The bit role of "Pyro" in the X-Men movie was added so Marc Collins Rector & Bryan Singer & Brock Pierce could drug & rape the young actor they cast for the part, who left the industry & changed his name. He's a childhood friend of Pierce & he lived w/ Pierce & Rector beforehand Image
The white screenshot describing Burton's association with Pierce & Rector before X-men (in which his mother says she's concerned because he never returns her calls) is from the link in the QT, and the dark screenshots are from: cbr.com/x-men-bryan-si…

Feb 6 8 tweets 3 min read
Steve Bannon cofounded Breitbart with Andrew Breitbart, who cofounded HuffPo with Arianna Huffington, whose husband invested $5 million in DEN, the video company / child rape ring that was co-founded by Brock Pierce, who attended the inauguration at the invitation of Steve Bannon I'm angry i couldn't fit in something about Pierce and Bannon laundering money together in WoW
Feb 4 5 tweets 1 min read
I think the Thielite interest in cults+religion really does come down to gaming out how best to structure society for max chance of retaining control as the value of human labor asymptotes toward zero. There’s two options, you feed everyone on the surplus or you kill everyone This kind of collectively explains his interest in MKULTRA & in O’Neill’s Manson investigation, his “declassify everything!” BS, his investing in Pray . Com, the tendency for his slaves to become fake Catholics, etc etc
Feb 1 6 tweets 4 min read
Brock Pierce was invited to the inauguration by Jeffrey Epstein’s friend Steve Bannon, who desired to take over Epstein’s blackmail role. Pierce was there hanging with Eric Adams, who shares a CIA lawyer with Elon Musk & plans to move to the Golan Heights after finishing as mayor Image
Note Bannon’s mention of Turkish currency in relation to Epstein in the third screenshot above. Consider Eric Adams’ legal troubles involving Turkey that tangentially connect to a CIA covert operation to launder money through Turkey Image
Feb 1 6 tweets 4 min read
As of 2021 the Pentagon owned 175 million IP addresses--1/25 of the internet & more than China Telecom, AT&T, or Comcast--via a company called Global Resource Systems LLC registered in the name of a guy who previously contracted w/ gov agencies to spy on web browser traffic Image
"Deepening the mystery is Global Resource Systems’ name. It is identical to that of a firm that...was sending out email spam using the very same internet routing identifier. It shut down more than a decade ago...Both used the same street address in Plantation" in Florida Image
Feb 1 5 tweets 2 min read
Brock Pierce was introduced to Epstein by Al Seckel, a fraudster illusionist married to Isabel Maxwell (Ghislaine's sister). Seckel was described as a "connector" who "threw splashy parties in Malibu." He was supposedly found dead in a cliff in 2015 but may've faked his own death Image
Oh and he invented the "Darwin fish" lmao i forgot to write that in the tweet so that picture is probably a confusing inclusion Image
Feb 1 7 tweets 3 min read
before JD Vance was JD Vance he was JD Hamel, a Marine Corps Public Affairs operative that deployed to Iraq to write puff pieces about soldiers and escort civilian press around. So he was literally a US military propaganda asset under his old name Image
Jan 31 5 tweets 2 min read
The CIA hit Deepseek with a DDoS attack as large as the total network traffic of Europe for 3 days Image Maybe NSA or some Pentagon hacking unit but that's so insanely massive that it was obviously US retaliation
Jan 30 11 tweets 3 min read
The night before 10/7 Israel monitored Hamas...
1.) activating 10s or 100s of Shin Bet-provided SIM cards for use in Israel
2.) preparing rockets
3.) preparing drones
4.) preparing a sea raid
5.) leaders entering command stations
then met & decided not to warn the Nova Festival by accident
Jan 29 22 tweets 8 min read
Elon Musk, Jay-Z, Eric Adams, and MrBeast all share a lawyer that did a fellowship at the CIA during his legal training Image And Megan Thee Stallion for some reason Image
Jan 18 4 tweets 2 min read
Also Tether was co-founded by Brock Pierce, who probably trafficked & raped boys in Hollywood with Marc Collins-Rector (they fled the US & were arrested by interpol with child sex abuse material) & attended a conference in the Virgin Islands at Jeffrey Epstein’s invitation Don’t worry about it
Jan 15 6 tweets 2 min read
Ceasefire’s fake, they’re going to resume “intense combat with additional tools,” reduce aid, and permanently seize territory once they decide that Hamas hasn’t been successfully deterred in 42 days Image
And they will act to “encourage immigration”

link: mobile-mako-co-il.translate.goog/news-politics/…