Ultra MAGA AuntieX 🇺🇸 Profile picture
Sep 29, 2021 77 tweets 33 min read Read on X
1/ There is no pandemic. RONA v!rus is a fraud from top to bottom, beginning to end.

EXCESS deaths (above flu) are due to deadly rona treatment protocols that k!lled folks in nursing homes w sedatives, folks in hospitals w ventilators & remdesivir (organ failure) & now the vacks
6/ FDA Allows Whistleblower Testimony that RONA-19 Vacks !nes Are K!ll!ng and Harm!ng People!
7/ Presentations to the FDA advisory committee
S Kirsch 4:20:14: "The vax!nes k!ll more than they save....150,000 have died."
D WIseman 4:25:10: "If FDA cannot assure us of the safety of 2 doses, how can they assure us of 3? ...
8/ ... J Fraiman: 4:19:54: "We don't have the evidence to show that the 'vaccine hesitant' are wrong."
Jessica Rose: 4:11:32: "The covid products risk outweigh any potential benefit."
9/ The Pandem!c Pattern—how the illusion is built

There is no pandemic. RONA is a fraud from top to bottom. From beginning to end.blog.nomorefakenews.com/2021/09/08/pan…
10/ "...WHEREAS, this is not medicine. This is not care. These policies may actually constitute crimes against humanity."

13/ The FDA knew the rona vax side effects. Cr!mes against human!ty. Let the trials begin.

...And true enough, the contentious “slide 16” is still up on the FDA’s website. View the presentation being referred to by Dr. Ard!s at covidcalltohumanity.org/2021/07/16/fda…
14/ Why is the evil-doing Deep State so adamant about getting 100% compliance on the vacks?

Answer: The un-vacks'd will be evidence of their cr!mes against human!ty, as the vacks'd suffer any number of vacks injuries/de@th.

15/ The “Rona Flu Pandemic”: The Biggest L!E in Human History

The #Plannedmic is a decades-in-the-making, orchestrated deception perpetrated by the Deep State & its arms, Big Media/Tech/Pharma/Money, working together in collusion.

16/ The lies/misrepresentations...

CDC reports that over 80% of rona vacks injury/death occur within 14-days of getting vacks'd.

CDC doesn't consider people vacks'd until 14-days after the 2nd dose.

CDC is counting over 80% of vacks'd injuries/deaths as unvacks'd. Image
19/ Patients were k!lled w remdes!v!r (CDC/NIH treatment protocol) & deaths were falsely attributed to rona flu

a/ Remdesivir 53% death rate

b/ 23% serious adverse events: organ failure, septic shock, etc

20/ Vax mandates ILLEGAL:
a/ Basic right of sovereignty over our own body
b/ Violate laws on medical privacy & discrimination
c/ No justification, rona flu 99+% survival
d/ Vax cause injury/death
e/ All above imply sinister motives of tyranny/dep0pulat!on

21/ Steve Kirsch's unbiased assessment of the rona vacks deaths, estimated & explained w several different methods, concludes that the rona vacks has k!lled 200,000+ Americans.

Deep State Op, Plannedemic: Death by fraud, by remdes!v!r, & now by vacks.

22/ Remedes!v!r causes acute k!dney fa!lure in 30% of patients, shutting down patients' kidneys, flooding lungs w water, & then labeled 2ndary rona pneumonia, when it's death by remdes!v!r.

95% of rona deaths in hospitals (500,000) treated w remdes!v!r.

23/ The rona flu is NO more dangerous than the seasonal flu.

The evidence is clear from the level of fraud, lies, theater, & deadly treatment protocols & vacks.

If the rona flu were as deadly as portrayed, there'd be no need for the lying/criminal tactics summarized below.
23/ Evidence the rona flu ain't deadly...

a/ Fauci wrote in Feb 2020 in the New England Journal of Medicine: “the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza.”

23/ Evidence the rona flu ain't deadly...

b/ The use of the fake PCR test with high percentages of "fake positives." HHS docs admit the CDC never isolated any “rona-19 virus” … PCR tests nothing but instrument of NOISE …

23/ Evidence the rona flu ain't deadly...

c/ The WHO/CDC changed the definition of "pandemic" from a large number of DEATHS to a large number of CASES.

We saw no dead bodies in the streets when the Plannedemic was kicked off. There was no pandemic.

@pebblesdapibble Also, my f!rst acc0unt was susp3nd3d.
23/ Evidence the rona flu ain't deadly...

d/ Rona death counts inflated by fraud & medical malpractice.

"...patients who tested negative were routinely listed as positive & placed on ventilators, an inappropriate treatment that ended up k!ll!ng them"

23/ Evidence the rona flu ain't deadly...

e/ Sick people were ordered into nursing homes by Governors NY, NJ, CA, MI, PA, & WA, where most initial "excess deaths" occurred...& then likely k!lled by treatment protocols that called for "sedatives."

23/ Evidence the rona flu ain't deadly...

f/ Deadly CDC/NIH rona treatment protocols k!lled patients & then fraudulently labeled as rona deaths.

Most Rona Deaths were a direct result of the administration of Midazolam or Remdes!v!r.

23/ Evidence the rona flu ain't deadly...

g/ Norway's removal of all rona restrictions was suppressed by the Deep State apparatus (Big Tech/Media). Covid cases plunge after Norway abruptly gets rid of all restrictions.

24/ More doctors w a conscience will speak out & the DeepState will not be able to contain the avalanche.

ICU doc letter to FDA: “I can no longer silently accept the serious harm being caused by the C19 vaccines…"

The Plannedemic: Death by fraud, by remdes!v!r, & now by vax.

25/ "The Vacks!ne Death Rep0rt" by David J. Sorensen & Dr. Vladimir Zelenko.

"...all over the world millions of people have died, & 100s of millions of serious adverse events have occurred, after rona vax jabs...real risk of an unprecedented genocide."

26/ Steve Kirsch's presentation to FDA advisory committee on rona vacks for children

"Why are kids dropping like flies just after getting vax!nated?"

For the public record: Critical questions FDA must address about vaccine safety skirsch.com/covid/VRBPAC-1…

27/ Dr Rose to FDA committee re rona vacks 4 children 4:46:55

"Emergency Use Authorization of biological agents requires the existence of an emergency & the non-existence of alternate treatments. There is no emergency & rona-!9 is exceedingly treatable."

28/ Increases in people coming to ERs due to the rona vacks, NOT the rona variants.

"...with more serious conditions, like strokes & heart attacks." "...includes abdominal pain, respiratory problems, blood clots, heart conditions & suicide attempts..."

29/ Either way, this IS the Deep State agenda:

"...Once the herd accepts mandat0ry forc!ble vacks !nation, it’s game over," ...vacks !ne makers "stand to make b!llions…We thin out the herd & the herd pays us for providing exterm!nat!on serv!ces."

32/ Nobel Price virologlist Dr Luc Montagnier:

"I'll refuse the madatory vacks."

"This vacks is the biggest risk to the g3noc!de of humanity in all of human history."
@MaryNel96916461 Check this video out as well! The "death by remdes!v!r" is an absolute BOMBSHELL.

33/ Heartbreaking stories of vax injuries/deaths.

Sen. Ron Johnson's panel discussion in DC, w doctors, researchers, & victims.

No evidence the vacks offers benefit.

The rona flu ain't deadly, but the CDC/FDA/NIH treatment protocols & vacks are.

34/ In pf!z3r's own study, more k!ll3d by the vackseen than the placebo group.

Deep State Operation, the #Plannedemic: Death by fraud, by remdes!v!r, & now by vacks.

It's time for the arrests & trials for #CrimesAgainstHumanity.

35/ Most doctors & hospitals have become paid a$$a$$!n$ of the Deep State.

"Fauci knew remdes!v!r was deadly, but fast-tracked FDA approval Oct 2020 as the primary treatment rona patients. Patients across this country were not treated, but murdered."

36/ A MUST watch. Pf!zer's own study shows more d!ed in the vacks'd group than in the plac3b0 group.

Deep State Op, the #Plannedemic: Death by fraud, by remdes!v!r, & now by vax.

Scott Youngblood - Efficiacy of Vax | San Diego County Board of Supervisors
37/ Orthodox Christian Priest: What is to come for those who are vax'ed.

~22:00 "Under no circumstances are we to accept these things that the evil one is selling us. ... Whoever cowers & is silent before sin, becomes an accessory & an accomplice to sin"

38/ (BMJ) Rona-!9: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pf!z3r’s vackseen trial

Swedish doctors/researchers call for pause in vacks.

"...staff were overwhelmed by the amount of problems they discovered."

39/ Statistician M. Crawford: "The vaxx!nes are not effective, they've never been effective, &, in fact, we've never even had evidence of their efficacy."

The rona flu ain't deadly, but the CDC/FDA/NIH treatment protocols & vax are. Motives are SINISTER.

40/ Former Pf!zer VP, Dr Yeadon:
30:50: "For 70+, rona is a slightly bigger risk than influenza. For <70, rona is LESS of a risk than influenza."
45:50: "The lies, the vacks, the passports ... for the purpose of totalitarian control & mass dep0pulation."

43/ S K!rsch: "RONA vackseens are the most dangerous vaxseens in human history...the sp!ke prote!n produced in response to the mRNA is cytot0x!c, results in bl00d cl0ts, inflammat!on & scarr!ng thruout b0dy creating a wider range of sev3re adv3rs3 events"

44/ "The spike protein is the pathogen...The spike protein is one of the most contrived toxins man has ever made. The aim of this toxin is to kill billions without anyone noticing it."

The spike protein was inserted into the rona virus & the d3adly vax.

45/ In the 1st docs released by Pf!z3r, the basis for the EUA, there were 1223 deaths in a total group of 42,000, w 9400 labeled as "unknown" outcome.

This is, at a minimum, 1 death per 34 jabbed & extremely HIGH. The vax should never have been approved.

46/ There is NO evidence the rona vax provides benefit, only that it does harm.

BMJ Sounds Alarm: RONA Vacks Trials Cannot Tell Us if They Will Save Lives.

Will rona vackseens save lives? Current trials aren’t designed to tell us
47/ A must watch BOMBSHELL interview.

Robert Kennedy: "It won't just be disgrace and firing for Fauc!...it would be Nur3mb3rg tr!als."

The Real Anth0ny Fauc! with Robert F. K3nn3dy, Jr.

48/ Dr Mike Yead0n: Dep0pulat!0n thru !nject!0n?

It appears that just 5% of the batches/lots are associated w almost all the d3aths.

Given the tight reqs of consistency associated with an authorized product, it’s impossible that this is a chance event.


Deleted on utube. Here it is on b!tchute. bitchute.com/video/bg4LxgmA…
49/ In the US, hospitals k!11 patients with remdes!v!r (kidney failure) & label it a rona flu d3ath. In the UK, they use m!daz0lam, a drug used in l3thal inject!0ns.

50/ Dr Chetty
a/ In covid illness, pathogen is tox!c spike protein (SP), not the v!rus
b/ Rona virus engineered to be a carrier of SP
c/ mRNA rona vax instructs body to create SP
d/ Aim of SP is to k!ll b!lions w/o anyone noticing

51/ UK Group Including Dr Mike Y3ad0n Filed Compla!nt In Int'l C0urt For CR!M3S AGA!NST HUMAN!ty, Against Gat3s, Fauc!, Schw@b, D@szak!

a/ Violations of Nuremberg Code
b/ Suppression of known rona cures
c/ Pushing illegal & d3adly vax mandates/passports

52/ Trump's Warp Speed: DoD create a vackseen that eliminates the toxic spike protein!? #BOOM

Bill Gates was furious at Warp Speed!

Army to announce it's developed a single vaccine that protects from ALL variants of COVID/SARS

53/ Hospital Death Camps Exposed
a/ Rona flu patients treated worse than prisoners, held hostage & segregated from visitors
b/ Govt pays
i/ PCR test at door
ii/ Extra for rona admission
iii/ Extra if remdes!v!r used
iv/ Extra if patient d!es
Reason: MONEY
56/ The Deep State Op Plann3demic was planned for decades.

RFKJr: "Germ games were staged by military, medical, intell!gence planners...each ending the same: the global pand3m!c is an excuse to justify the imposition of tyranny & c0erced vacks!nat!0n."

57/ Dr Yeadon: Evidence the rona vacks batches vary in adverse effects, indicative of PR3M3D1TAT3D MASS MURD3R.
Adverse effects:
a/ Flu shot: Distributed relatively evenly w avg ~4/batch
b/ Rona jab: Vary significantly, ~10 to ~200-600 per batch

58/ Schools incentivized w ~$200B in fed funds to mask/vacks children, where the schools need to prove how they r satisfying CDC requirements on universal masking, contract tracing, isolation, quarantine, vacks!nat!0ns for all students, teachers, & staff.


The Pf!zer study...

59/ Former Vice President, WHO Advisory Group of Experts in Immunization: “Congressmen who vote for compulsory injection of experimental products can be prosecuted in criminal courts & the ICJ for seriously harming human life.”


60/ Five hours of testimony, very much worth watching. Dr. Kory, 1:17:54: "...The impact of their disinformation war [by Pharmaceutical industry] on repurposed medicine now constitute CRIMES AGA!NST HUMAN!TY..."
61/ The cat is getting out of the bag re the d3adly rona vackseens. Criminal fraud...and murd3r?
Must watch both 👇

1/ Pfizer And Moderna Are Modern Day Enrons

2/ 1000+ Increase Of Disease From The Vaccination. Murder? Fraud?
62/ Int'l Grand Jury Invest!gation: 'Psych0path!c' Global!sts Who Committed Cr!mes Against Human!ty

“One, there is no rona pand3m!c, but only a PCR test ‘plandemic’ fueled by an elaborate psycholog!cal operation ...This agenda has been long-planned.”

63/ The vid30 that got Dr Mal0n3 kicked of tw!tt3r.

There is no evidence the rona vacks provides benefit, but overwhelming evidence is causes harm/d3ath.

The Pf!zer In0culat!0ns Do More Harm Than G00d
64/ Rona-!9 CRIMES AGAINST HUMANTIY, Grand Jury of the Court of Public Opinion, Day 2.

67/ Thomas Renz: "I Wanna Know Who's Going to Jail for Murder First"

The data Pf!zer was forced to release showed a 3% mortality rate for the vaccines, which is 12 times the RONA death rate.

The Pf!zer study:

~5:00 phmpt.org/wp-content/upl…
68/ "As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK. There are many diseases which can cause serious illness which are not classified as HCIDs."

69/ Dr Ard!s: The "rona v!rus" is actually sn@k3 v3n0m. Also put in vackseen.


Not just a crime against humanity, but one without a precedent. rumble.com/v10mnew-live-w…

70/ C0r0na V!rus = K!ng V3n0m?

Part 1/3 - Dr. Bryan Ardis BOMSHELL
https://www.brighteon .com/2b090826-787f-4d03-9f78-a1a80d3fe767

https://www.brighteon .com/60556b94-86af-4eae-aa59-441b02b71c33

https://www.brighteon .com/0d74ac38-dcf9-44e6-99f6-96c6a59abcf9
71/ BOMBSHELL: The evidence is compelling. The treatment remdes!v!r & the rona vackseen contain synthesized sn@k3 v3n0m. Initial cases of "rona" of vulnerable folks were from v3n0m poisoned water supplies.

C0r0n@ v!rus = K!ng V3n0m.

72/ The evidence is compelling. The treatment remdes!v!r & the rona vackseen contain synthesized sn@k3 v3n0m. Initial cases of "rona" of vulnerable folks were from v3n0m poisoned water supplies.

C0r0n@ v!rus = K!ng V3n0m.

C0rbevax...or C0bra Vax?! Image
Video on bitchute. bitchute.com/video/kirxnFpI…
73/ A short collection of key pieces of evidence showing the RONA vackseens are not "safe and effective." Not even close. They are the most d3adly vackseens ever produced.
75/ "Vaccines as instruments of Foreign Policy": The "concept of 'universal humanitarian intervention'" as a guise for the evil-doing warmongering psychopathic (((Globalists'))) sinister agenda of de-population, control, & tyranny, via d3adly vackseens.

76/ The CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY continue. I look forward to the arrests, sentences, jail time, & liquidation of assets of the evil-doing DeepStaters/Globalists. Image
78/ There is no pandemic. Only lies, theater, & massive criminal medical malpractice. The rona flu ain't deadly, but the CDC/FDA/NIH treatment protocols (remdesivir, ventilators, etc) & rona vackseens are. telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/03/0…
79/ Paper states mRNA vackseens suppress the immune system, autoimmune diseases (myocarditis) & cancer.

80/ Pfizer Recorded 5 Million Harmful Outcomes Across 1.5 Million mRNA Injected Victims
696k nervous, 317k gastro, 126k cardiac, 100k blood/lymphatic, 62k eye & 32k immune system disorders; & 167k developed bacterial, viral, or parasitic infections. karenkingston.substack.com/p/pfizer-recor…
81/ Hospital ‘Murder’: Atty Unveils Shocking Survival Rates Among Mechanically Ventilated COVID Patients

“You got a cash bonus when someone died from COVID. It was an incentive to kill people, & it worked incredibly well.”


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More from @annietul0

Mar 8, 2024
An excellent thread by Wyatt. Trump foiled the Globalists' Plannedemic Operation, interrupting their Great Reset plans.

One must factor in political realism...and strategy. Trump's pattern is to give the evil-doers all the rope they need to dig their own grave and reveal themselves. Trump can't fix the corruption alone...We the People need to be made aware of the extent & depravity of the corruption. We the People are waking up. #TheGreatAwakeningthreadreaderapp.com/thread/1664524…
@ShadowofEzra The Globalist Operation, the #Plannedemic, was decades in the planning, highly coordinated, & timed to take down Trump. We Q following Trump supporters understood that from the get-go.
@ShadowofEzra Bill Gates used Dr Death Fauci as a well-positioned front guy/g0y.
~27:00 in the video link below.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 10, 2023

"The idea that there was some special, divine plan for the nation who had rejected Christ would be completely foreign and bizarre to any Christian who lived more than 200 years ago. This is a new, different teaching from all of Church history, a radical break from what has always been known to be true by Christians the world over. Many would say it is a “different opinion”—the literal meaning of the word HERESY—from all of Christianity before it."orthodoxyindialogue.com/2018/01/12/the…

The Zionist-Created Scofield 'Bible'
"World Zionist leaders initiated a program to change America and its religious orientation. One of the tools used to accomplish this goal was an obscure and malleable Civil War veteran named Cyrus I. Schofield. A much larger tool was a venerable, world respected European book publisher--The Oxford University Press.
The scheme was to alter the Christian view of Zionism by creating and promoting a pro-Zionist subculture within Christianity. Scofield's role was to re-write the King James Version of the Bible by inserting Zionist-friendly notes in the margins, between verses and chapters, and on the bottoms of the pages."rense.com/general60/zcre…
Evangelical Christians have been manipulated to support all the z!0 wars.

The Armageddon Lobby:
Dispensationalist Christian Zionism and the Shaping of US Policy Towards Israel-Palestine1

Old Testament scholars express grave concern with the misinterpretations of the Bible by Christians and Jews alike (Domb 1989; Beck 1991).... Dr Stephen R. Sizer, a noted scholar and critic on Christian Zionism, describes this unflinching belief of decoded biblical context as a 'literalist approach to biblical hermeneutics'.10 He explains that Darby along with contemporary apocalyptic Christian Zionists such as Hal Lindsey have '[developed] erroneous views concerning Israel [on the basis of] an allegorical, non-literal hermeneutic'.11muse.jhu.edu/article/199773
Read 4 tweets
Dec 23, 2022
1/ The Brunson Lawsuit seeks to remove Biden, Kamala, & 388 members of Congress, for failing to uphold the Constitution, & to reinstate Trump as President.

SCOTUS has taken the case, 22-380.

This is a GAME CHANGER. 🇺🇸🙏✨

2/ SCOTUS accepting the case "suggests concerns about a lawless Jan6 Committee, politicized fed law enforcement & intelligence agencies, & major constitutional violations intended to overthrow an elected govt by manipulating the presidential election."

3/ Loy Brunson chats w Tim Canova about the Brunson SCOTUS Case, where we find that our govt & other positions of power/influence/ownership are infested with an extremely powerful & deeply entrenched corrupt Deep State.

Our country is at a precipice.

Read 6 tweets
Nov 3, 2021
33/ Heartbreaking stories of vax injuries/deaths.

Sen. Ron Johnson's panel discussion in DC, w doctors, researchers, & victims.

No evidence the vacks offers benefit.

The rona flu ain't deadly, but the CDC/FDA/NIH treatment protocols & vacks are.

34/ In pf!z3r's own study, more k!ll3d by the vackseen than the placebo group.

Deep State Operation, the #Plannedemic: Death by fraud, by remdes!v!r, & now by vacks.

It's time for the arrests & trials for #CrimesAgainstHumanity.

35/ Most doctors & hospitals have become paid a$$a$$!n$ of the Deep State.

"Fauci knew remdes!v!r was deadly, but fast-tracked FDA approval Oct 2020 as the primary treatment rona patients. Patients across this country were not treated, but murdered."

Read 25 tweets
Oct 16, 2021
1/ The real insurrection occurred on Nov 3. It was a planned & coordinated Deep State Operation, #2020ElectionSteal, & nothing short of a criminal/treasonous COUP by the evil-doing DS, with an agenda of tyranny.

#TrumpWon2020 in a landslide.
#LyinJoeBiden will be arrested. Image
2/ DJT, 11/5/2020: "If you count the legal votes, I easily win. ... I've already decisively won many critical states, FL, IA, IN, OH, to name a few. We won these & many other victories despite election interference from Big Media, Big Money, & Big Tech."

3/ Trump won 16 of 17 bellweather counties [updated from figure]. It seems the Deep State forgot to steal these counties for #LyinJoeBiden also. Image
Read 14 tweets
Oct 11, 2021
21/ Steve Kirsch's unbiased assessment of the rona vacks deaths, estimated & explained w several different methods, concludes that the rona vacks has k!lled 200,000+ Americans.

Deep State Op, Plannedemic: Death by fraud, by remdes!v!r, & now by vacks.

22/ Remedes!v!r causes acute k!dney fa!lure in 30% of patients, shutting down patients' kidneys, flooding lungs w water, & then labeled 2ndary rona pneumonia, when it's death by remdes!v!r.

95% of rona deaths in hospitals (500,000) treated w remdes!v!r.

23/ The rona flu is NO more dangerous than the seasonal flu.

The evidence is clear from the level of fraud, lies, theater, & deadly treatment protocols & vacks.

If the rona flu were as deadly as portrayed, there'd be no need for the lying/criminal tactics summarized below.
Read 36 tweets

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