[Semantics (from Ancient Greek: sēmantikós, "significant") is the study of meaning, reference, or truth]
7+15+4 = 26
"The language we use influences the thoughts we think much more than the thoughts we think influence the language we use."
"No modern Christian, Jew or Moslem seriously believes in the corporeality of 'God.' Jehovah walking around the Garden of Eden in the afternoon was recognized as an allegory, a parable, even by St. Augustine fitfteen centuries ago.
[J E H O V A H
1+5+8+6+4+1+8 = 33]
[P A R A B L E S
16+1+18+1+2+12+5+19 = 74 -> 11]
A spirit does not have a beard like elderly gent in Grandma's illustrated Bible. Nor does a spirit have any of the other gross morphological traits of masculinity.
The Believer had better face himself and ask squarely: Do I literally believe 'God' has a penis? If the answer is no, then it seems only logical to drop the rediculous practice of referring to 'God' as 'He.'
It is this 'He,' after all, which has given Judaism, Christianity and Islam that anthropomorphic cast which makes them so unattractive to the scientific mind. Dr. Gerald Wald wrote once in Scientific American, 'I try to avoid making sentences with the word God in them.'
What he is objecting to is clearly the dualistic anthropomorphic image of Bid Daddy separate from the universe, for later he adds that when somebody else says 'God' he mentally translates this as 'the order of nature.'
Which brings to mind a recent interview I had with
Bucky Fuller.
WILSON: Why do you always write 'Universe' instead of 'the Universe'?
FULLER: 'The' comes from theos, God, and 'God God' seems rather redundant.
WILSON: Then 'God' and 'Universe' mean the same to you?
FULLER: 'God' seems like a rather small concept to contain the
exquisitely interaccommodative coherencies of the Universe.
So, then: suppose the Believer begins referring to 'God' as it. He will soon find that his statements about IT will grow more abstract and impersonal. If he implies purpose to IT, he will be more cautious about
attributing such human (or sub-human) purposes as jealousy, authoritarianism, intolerance, vengeance or a paranoid obsession with sexual behavior of the people doen the street.
Dr. Wald will find it easier to translate the Believer's statements, since the 'order of nature' is more an IT than a He."
Fuller says that "The" equals "Universe". Let us check this in the kabbalah dimension:
20+8+5 = 33
21+14+9+22+5+18+19+5 = 113
Thus: Yes, since 113 kabbalistically (like 311) can be read "three eleven", or "eleven three's", i.e. 11x3, this implies that "THE" and "UNIVERSE" are equivalents.
9+2 = 11
But it's getting even better in the end of the chapter.
"Thus, IT can metaphorically be considered as an Intelligence and even as possessed by 'personality' (or the cosmic analog of 'personality'), in the manner of the traditional theist;
or IT can be considered as a giant machine, as the traditional materialist prefers; IT can be seen as a mesh of energy or four-dimensional grid of energy or a 'dance' of energy, which are metaphors from early 20th century physics;
or IT may be visualized as an Information System, which is the current model I happen to like (...)"
Robert Anton Wilson
Right Where You Are Sitting Now
Further Tales of the Illuminati
1982, 2nd Ed. 1992
I T [11] SYSTEM [101]
"Information technology (IT) is the use of computers to create, process, store, and exchange all kinds of electronic data and information. IT is typically used within the context of business operations as opposed to personal or entertainment technologies.
IT is considered to be a subset of information and communications technology (ICT). An INFORMATION technology SYSTEM (IT system) is generally an information system, a communications system, or, more specifically speaking, a computer system (...)"
"In Symbolic Masonry, the yod has been replaced by the letter G. But in the high degrees it is retained, and within a triangle, thus, constitutes the symbol of the Deity."
"G. As in all Roman Catholic and in many Protestant churches the cross, engraved or sculptured in some prominent position, will be found as the expressive symbol of Christianity, so in every Masonic Lodge a letter G may be seen in the east, either painted on the wall or
sculptured in wood or metal, and suspended over the Master's chair. This is, in fact, if not the most prominent, certainly the most familiar, of all the symbols of Freemasonry."
Albert G. Mackey was a 33rd degree freemason, and we will now study "his" letter 'G'.
1.) Everything Is Under Control av Robert Anton Wilson, 1st edition 1998
2.) The Golem, What You Should Know about Science av Harry Collins och Trevor Pinch, 1993, 10th printing 2008
3.) Samuel Butler (1835 - 1902) av P. N. Furbank, 1948
1.) Slår upp sidan 34 och hittar direkt något intressant som jag lärt mig så sent som i år:
"Critics of the Fort Detrick theory of the origin of AIDS point out that AIDS appeared in Africa before it was found in Washington or New York, but Dr. Peter Duesberg has complicated
matters by arguing, with some plausibility, that African AIDS is a different disease from American AIDS, neither of them caused by HIV: The African variety, he says, results from malnutrition and the American strain from overuse of stimulant drugs (crack, crank, and poppers).
På den öppet kabbalistiska Madonnas Facebook (är det ens samma människa idag som spelade rollen på 80- och 90-talet?) släpptes den 21 september en 22 sekunder lång videosnutt ackompanjerad av hennes ABBA-rip (Gimme gimme gimme, 1980), låten Hung up (2005).
Inte nog att hon lånar från ABBA, det är en hel del Marilyn Monroe i videon också.
Allt blir ju som en soppa när man kollar på globalisternas kulturutbud; alla är släkt och allt hänger ihop. Monroe länkar till Kennedy, och han dyker upp som en flygplats längre ned i denna tråd.
Titeln på videon:
"« Epic shoot with Steven Klein For V Magazine…,….., 11.1.2021 » -Madonna"
Som vi såg i bilderna ovan, visas texten:
V133 LANDING 11.1.2021
Ok, ska vi försöka på oss en avkodning?
Första bokstaven, V = 22, matchar videons längd. Mästarbyggarnumret.
"Chemotherapy (often abbreviated to chemo and sometimes CTX or CTx) is a type of cancer treatment that uses one or more anti-cancer drugs (chemotherapeutic agents) as part of a standardized chemotherapy regimen." (Wikipedia)
"Chemo" = 44, samma som "Cancer" och "Kill".
"Being a hi-tech entrepeneur and inventor and a curious scientist, I am deeply shocked by the extreme primitiveness of chemotherapy treatment. Chemotherapy was initially developed from mustard gas, the most deadly chemical weapon deployed in WW1.
One of the tricks used in the Q-Trump theatrical play:
"If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, then you would have the key to the universe." = 369
Did Nikola Tesla really state exactly this, i.e. was he a kabbalist - or was it all made up?
"On January 9, 1943, two days after Nikola Tesla died destitute in a New York City hotel, the FBI called MIT professor and esteemed electrical engineer, John G. Trump, to determine if any of the belongings in the inventor’s estate—which included a purported weapon of mass
destruction Tesla called the death ray—would be dangerous if they fell into enemy hands.
After a three day investigation, Trump – in fact the late uncle of Donald J. Trump – determined there was no risk."