Today is National Truth and Reconciliation Day in Canada.
I hope everyone will use this day as an opportunity to reflect and consider how they can contribute to meaningful and lasting reconciliation. We can all have a hand in this effort. #TruthAndReconciliation
I woke up early this morning. I’ve been thinking about what I’ve learned in recent years about Canada’s colonial history. It’s a horrific one. It’s not some distant thing. The last residential school closed during my lifetime. The impacts are still felt. #TruthAndReconciliation
The individual and collective trauma inflicted upon indigenous people is horrifying, terrifying, shameful. It is multi-generational. Every indigenous person we know is a survivor, the child of a survivor, or the grand-child of a survivor. #TruthAndReconciliation
Go read that last tweet again.
I’ve many indigenous friends and colleagues. This is not some “six degrees of separation”—every one I know has shared painful stories of their family and friends, and the traumatic impact of Canada’s colonial history. #TruthAndReconciliation
It hurts my heart every time I hear their stories. These are my friends. Nobody should have to carry that weight, that pain, those memories, that trauma with them. #TruthAndReconciliation
I’m fortunate to know and to work with some incredible people, people who have educated and informed me, and welcomed me to join them as an ally. We can all walk the path of reconciliation together. We can all be part of the solution. #TruthAndReconciliation
Working for a post-secondary institution has allowed me to contribute in a number of ways. I’ve always been a strong believer in education and the opportunities it provides. Having benefited from education I am privileged to be able to work to create opportunities for others.
I’ve been collaborating with organizations and people who want to support indigenous students pursuing post-secondary education. I’ve worked with my colleagues to establish fundraisers which are now annual events. We are opening doors, together. #TruthAndReconciliation
I’ve sought to dispel myths and false narratives when it comes to post-secondary education and access and funding. There’s many of them, and they’re harmful. Even well-meaning individuals can carry these myths with them. It’s important to overcome them. #TruthAndReconciliation
There are still large gaps between opportunities for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students. Per the Calls to Action, these must be addressed. Closing those gaps will mean more participation in health (another Call to Action), increased representation in government, and more.
There are barriers to entry, as post-secondary costs continue to rise. Having entrance bursaries for students gets them in the door. That means so much. And that’s where I can do my part to make a difference for the current and future generations. So I do. #TruthAndReconciliation
Collaborating with community partners is a privilege. Many awards we create are in honour and/or memory of a community leader. There’s one we just finished that will support ten students over the next five years pursuing environmental studies. #TruthAndReconciliation
I’m proud of what I’ve been able to do. I’ll advocate for more wherever I can and with whomever I can that wants to support Aboriginal students. It’s almost a cliche but education transforms lives and communities. Let’s all strive to do that, together. #TruthAndReconciliation
If you’ve made it this far, thank you for listening. Thank you to all my friends who have welcomed me as an ally. I hope I can continue to do this and more. #TruthAndReconciliation
A few thoughts on a Friday afternoon about that Trudeau-Scheer “meeting” in Dieppe. I imagine it’s fairly uncommon for political party leaders to “bump into” one another like we saw yesterday with Trudeau and Scheer.
You see it at larger events such as Vancouver’s Pride and the occasional (rare) showing of unity on major issues that goes beyond partisanship. But, outside the House, it’s not routine for them to be in the same place at the same time.
Every party has their own summer BBQ circuit for the leadership, and there’s always other events for them to be at. It’s a big country.