2/ This study is interesting in many other ways. The CDC only counts 13 days+ second day as vaccinated. That means, looking at this, they would say ~5% of all CoV+ patients are vaxed. But if we count all people w/any vax, it's actually 19%, and vaxed are tested at lower rates.
3/ The question is, why are all of these people w/COVID-like symptoms @ the hospital? (I have no idea).
The way this study is done, it assesses efficacy by looking at the relative % positive in the hospitalized patients.
4/ This methodology doesn't tell us how many people in each group (vaxed vs. unvaxed) were exposed. By May, vaccination rates in 50+ were roughly 65%, so this 53/47 split among vaxed/unvaxed, may suggest a lower CLI-like hospitalization rate, even w/12% lower testing of vaxed.
5/ @USMortality has a very long interesting thread on this--but to me, there are still a lot of questions here. But what IS clear, is that in terms of absolute numbers of hospitalizations, CoV+ unvaccinated is shockingly small (at least in this study).
2/ Kids represents 31% of the cases, but 38% of the tests--and only 23% of the population--34% vaxed.
Every other age group <70 is tested proportionally less than pop. Most are STILL over represented for cases--despite testing 2-3x less than kids.
3/ Over 70's are a different case. They are tested similarly to kids (likely in hospital), but have lower proportional cases. But this group is 99%+ vaccinated!
There are appx 7000 people TOTAL unvaxed (i.e. no doses) in this group. Yet still ~1400 cases every two weeks...
Reminder of the scale of the "emergency" here in MA that requires the wholesale exclusion of the unvaccinated from society. Orange are COVID patients. Note that hospitals have chosen not to add back the 30% reduction in staffed ICU beds from last winter
2/ These people, the establishment (R or D) have felt NOTHING over the past year. They don't care that your kids haven't been in school. They don't have them, or theirs were. Their net worth's have doubled. They like the masks--it makes them feel safe, secure, superior.
3/ I asked a man today if he had any concerns. He had none (he was a large R donor). Asked if it concerned him that MA kids had access to 1/4 the # of in-person schooling as FL or other red-state kids, he said "it's a shame for the low-income kids, but it was necessary."
2/ Now, let me tell you why it’s going to be incredible. 1) Fireworks 2) Mulled wine 3) 500 Members of #TeamReality+kids 4) Ice skating performance (!) 5) I'm doing it. You thought I was good at data analysis? Wait till you attend my parties
3/ Part of reclaiming normal is BEING normal. Think about it, your patriotic duty as a liberty-loving American is to party. We rebel from this BS by having fun. Gato was right. The Karenocracy is coming down. boriquagato.substack.com/p/why-covid-is…
2/ But it gets worse. Both of these groups STARTED w/= unemployment rates.
The EXCESS unemployment is literally 4x higher in the 10 most vaxed states, than the least vaxed. This translates to nearly 850,000 people who are unemployed in these states.
3/ My state, currently the MOST-VAXED state in the country for 1st dose, was the ONLY state whose unemployment rate INCREASED last month. wbjournal.com/article/mass-i….