@DineshDSouza Okay, just taking notes. So you agree abt the straw donations abt the mistress and her then-husband, correct? My understanding is that you made donations in yr wife's name and she accused you in a letter to the court of forging her name but that you weren't separately charged ...
@DineshDSouza 2/ with that crime? There were also the charged straw donations through an assistant? Is this an accurate summary?
@DineshDSouza If I'm understanding your meaning you mean that you made straw donations through yr wife, yr then-mistress, her then-husband and also an assistant. But you only pleaded guilty to the latter three crimes?
@DineshDSouza Here's the FBI's version of what happened.
@DineshDSouza honestly i have to add i'm kind of impressed but i think this stuff is still against the law
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What I always come back to is that these things are close to inevitable when you combine machine learning, reactivity, depression and anxiety these kinds of things become almost inevitable. That's not a defense. It's inherent to the product.
2/ Looking at the responses here I’m struck again that people don’t really grasp what Facebook is, what the product is. It’s designed to find charged emotional topics and serve them specifically for you to maximize engagement.
3/ That’s more jarring when it’s serving weight loss tips and fat shaming content to teenage girls with body image insecurities. But it’s that same model for everybody. I think I know this more intuitively because it was literally my business for a long time to …
The Times reporting really is “am I taking crazy pills” inducing experience. Let’s review, this entire thing is the package Biden proposed in the Spring. When it became clear that the package would be broken into two separate bills he backed linking them together, one wouldn’t …
2/ pass without the other. Pelosi explicitly said this. The President endorsed it to clearly he actually got in a nick of trouble by putting it a bit too directly in the press conference announcing, saying he’d veto the BIF if it came to his deck without the recon bill.
3/ Linkage has been the explicit policy and goal of all the leaders. The came under threat with the mix of the deadline extorted by Josh Gottheimer and the refusal of the senate holdouts to negotiate. And it seemed like they might have to pass the BIF and take good faith …
Having crapped on the turbulent weasel Josh Gottheimer let me add that I actually think he's right in pushing for the return of the SALT deduction. Self-interest is obvious. He reps a very affluent district in North Jersey. That hit those folks pretty hard.
2/ For clarity Trump's tax cut actually raised taxes for a lot of people in Blue states. It ramped back the ability of people to deduct state taxes from their federal liability. I think a lot of progs have had this very wrong. Yes, the biggest benefits go to rich folks.
3/ But there's more here than just that and more here than just punishing blue states. By getting rid of the SALT deduction you undermine politic support for high tax/high benefit state government in Blue States. That's very shortsighted to say the least.
Gottheimer clearly feels cut off at the knees. Which makes sense because that’s what it feels like when you get cut off at the knees. He pulled this power play forcing a firm deadline for the BIF to delink the two bills. It was a ballsy move. He reasoned or probably …
2/ more like Mark Penn reasoned that having locked in that date he could then rely on Pelosi to jam the Progressive Caucus and the substantial number of Dems outside the Prog Caucus to force them to pass it. She wasn’t really in a position to do that. But what clearly has JG …
3/ on fire is that she didn’t try that hard. She tried really hard to get a new linkage deal. But she made no effort to force them to vote for the BIF absent some concrete agreement or framework. And why wouldn’t she? Well maybe because linkage was her position in …
also I saw someone point out yesterday that the boat is homeported in Charleston. But to go from the Potomac to Charleston you need to go down to the Gulf of Mexico, up the Mississippi and then I don’t know a 20,000 mile river trip to get to home. I mean …
2/ I kid abt 20k but pretty fucking long, from the Mississippi to the Ohio to the Kanawha. I mean that’s seriously hardcore. Has the Almost Heaven ever been to its home port? I looked up the coast guard records last night and that is the home port, not just what’s painted …
3/ on the hull there. The boat was built in 2002 and had home port in Maryland until Manchin boat it in 2013. So seriously has this slick yacht ever been to West Virginia? Of course you can haul a boat overland. You don’t actually have to go the kabillion mile …
I've been saying this for days. But this morning I wanted to gut check it but checking in with a range of stakeholders in this cross-party discussion. This is definitely true: not only have the WH & House leaders not been whipping the Progs on the BIF. If anything they've ...
2/ been consistently offering at least tacit encouragement to hold tight. It continues to amaze me that places like the Times got confused and saw last night as a prog rebellion they couldn't fight back. Frankly, I find it kind of embarrassing to be presenting any of this ...
3/ as news since it's really pretty clear if you just open your eyes. Yes, I've reported it out now. But again, you can believe either me or your eyes. Either will do. If anything Biden has their back more than Pelosi. Though that's not a dig at Pelosi. She's got a whole ...