There are many triggers for anger; such as feeling a loss of control, being made to wait too long or forgotten, feeling as if your voice or opinions are not being heard, having your goalposts moved for you - or being unable to keep up with rapidly changing events.
2/n The Covid Pandemic has forced sweeping & rapid changes to all our lives – probably no more so than within healthcare & the NHS
The ‘honeymoon’ period of sympathy for overstretched NHS staff with clapping on the doorsteps, free gifts and food has all but disappeared
In its wake, NHS staff are now experiencing unprecedented level of abuse on a daily basis including bomb threats, hate mail, graffiti, verbal and physical attacks
@de_shami@dclovesgp@TomDarton1@Ju_B81 It was a great read - thanks again
The point about clear communication is key to gaining trust & ⬆️ #CovidVaccine uptake
Dealing with questions about the new vaccines in an open and honest way is going to hopefully allay fears and increase uptake.