What do you think of a contract that is like an Aave but just for gold and materials?
You can deposit the gold and materials at the "vault", then if you enable it as collateral, can earn a yield on it based on the amount borrowed.
Since the gold and materials have to be owned by a hero (summoner), I was thinking that in the contract, you could have multiple summoners as "receivers".
These receivers are basically the UI-specific accounts that any UI would select when their users make deposits.
This way, there's no ambiguity on which UI owns what, and we all have access to our own heroes. No multi-sig is required.
When interacting with the contract, the UI only interfaces with their summoner of course.
Finally, include the ability for anyone to add their own summoner so that anyone could generate a lending platform with it.
Is something like this possible? Please build it for us!
Curious on how The Cellar works in #rarity? At raritymmo.com, you can send your heroes into the dungeon to earn crafting materials, but some don't earn anything. Why?
Let's find out.👇
For this deep dive, we're going to use my faithful Paladin. He's level 3 with 16 strength, 8 dexterity, and 18 Constitution.
More on why this is important in a bit.
First things first, let's make sure we're looking at the right contract. 😅