Councilmember Kathy Lambert sent the mailer below to thousands in her district. Given that every police-related policy I’ve supported has had majority Council approval, I wonder why she singled out and used her only Black colleague’s face for fear mongering on the East Side.
Some might say it’s because I endorsed her Democratic opponent. Actually, 6 of CM Lambert’s colleagues endorsed her opponent. And yet, of those 6, it’s only my face in a big red bow tie and my name in red boogie man letters that she chose to distribute to thousands of voters.
I’ve rarely talked about this, but in my 2 years on the Council the number of racist and xenophobic messages, and even threats, I get weekly has been alarming. It’s sad that my own colleague would fuel these attacks for cheap political points in a race that I’m not even in.
Painting the Black elected official with a foreign-sounding name as an enemy to suburban and rural values is nothing new. But we have to push back against this because it diminishes our ability to work together to deliver real results for people struggling all over King County.
To my East Side neighbors: vote for people who inspire you with their ideas, not those who have to rely on cheap scare tactics to win. Vote for Sarah Perry. Join me for a virtual House Party in support of @PerryElect on Thurs, Oct. 21.
My deepest apologies to the Skyway residents who joined the Local Services town hall last night. What felt like dozens of Zoom hackers “bombed” the virtual meeting with offensive, anti-Black, anti-Semitic, and sexually explicit images and words.
Sending lots of love especially to our Black and Jewish neighbors who were on the zoom call and were repeatedly subjected to the N word and swastikas. Our hard-working local services team acted quickly to shut this down, but the hackers were persistent.
This behavior is unacceptable and reflects a toxic racism that has been growing louder locally and nationally. For those who can, let’s not allow this disgusting and targeted behavior to deflate us, divide us, or make us cynical. That’s exactly what they want.