After last week's focus on the science of mechanical and natural #ventilation, today's @IndependentSage briefing focused on its translation into a non-technical #communication#messaging 'proof of concept' scheme.
3. NB. Ventilation is complex - as is making decisions about the behavioural mitigations needed following the assessment of any given space - so any such scheme must be underpinned by ventilation and aerosol expertise ...
4. ... but it’s also the case that loads of assessments in loads of organizations have already been done - or are being done now - and the results are communicated to users clearly, badly, or not at all.
The proposed scheme would involve *something like* this:
5. Clear, concise, trustworthy, timely and ‘enact-able’ (i.e., translating into behaviours) has been a constant problem in the UK govt's messaging.
For example, in August 2021 a YouGov poll found that people thought handwashing was more important than face-coverings.
6. Lots of brilliant scientists have recommended and called for investment in ventilation since the start of the pandemic and earlier, of course, since it is an established public health tool. We link to several ventilation standards in the paper. e.g.,…
7. As the science about the airborne nature of Covid-19 emerged, non-technical messages began to get traction, including via ‘fresh air’ campaigns such as @hughes_eilir's #HandsFaceSpaceReplace
The UK government added ‘fresh air’ in March 2021.
8. Addressing the issue of poor ventilation is included in the UK government’s ‘Autumn and Winter Plan 2021.’
However, we don’t have a plan to provide standardized non-technical information about the ventilation (or lack) of indoor spaces and what (not) to do as a result.
9. There are several short and longer term advantages of working towards a transparent and standardized information or messaging and certification scheme:
10. Awareness is key.
The scheme will help people to understand what questions to ask and eventually the technical terminology (e.g., ‘air changes per hour’) will seep into everyday language - much like terms like ‘UV’ and ‘SPF 15’ are well established in our daily lexicon.
11. Formalizing any scheme could be important: research on the impact of displaying food hygiene certificates shows that “after mandating postings, hygiene levels improve” but “that if posting isn’t mandated the poorly rated establishments do not post.”
12. So, what would this kind of scheme look like out there in the real world?
Maybe a bit like this ...
13. ... or this
14. Such a scheme would be useful not just during the current coronavirus pandemic but into the future, since good ventilation is so important for public health.
Despite being "the magic word", @AndrewChalfoun @gio_rossi_5 @tanya_stivers show in their recent #EMCA conference paper that "please" appears in <10% of actual requests and does *other* things.
It's another #communication myth busted.
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It becomes very clear if/when you listen to and analyse recordings of actual "in the wild" social interaction (the data used in conversation analytic research) that people make their requests sound 'polite', 'pushy', 'tentative', etc., through a variety of words and phrases.
(...and, btw, despite the enduring nature of such claims in (pop) communication & some psych & linguistics, so-called 'tentative' or 'polite' requests are NOT gendered, as pretty much any #EMCA research on requesting shows - often as an artefact if not the focus...).
Great to see “signage and ratings”, “awareness”, and “visible assurance” prominent in @RAEngNews@CIBSE recommendations to ensure that the public understands the importance of “good indoor air quality.”
Between Oct 21-March 22 @IndependentSage and colleagues worked on a project to design, pilot, and evaluate a scheme to convey, in a non-technical way, #ventilation information ('scores / signs on the doors') for rooms, buildings, and venues. 3/8
I haven’t transcribed Johnson for a while (too😡) but for the records here are his responses to Susanna Reid's questions about #Elsie, which include placing a definitive-sounding "no" after Reid suggests "you can't say anything to help Elsie, can you."
Part 1: Opening question:
Part 2, in which Johnson produces incomplete responses, cut off and abandoned sentences, rushed-through turns, deviations, and stated intentions - but does not provide examples of what Elsie "should cut back on".
Part 3, in which Reid repeats her initial question (at line 47); Johnson repeats his earlier answer (line 49); resists addressing Reid's factual challenges, and ends up placing that "no" at line 65 - he can't say anything to help Elsie because "we" are focusing on supply.
What can we learn from the #language of “living with covid”?
We wrote about the origins of “living with it”; how it became associated with Covid-19, and how – like other idiomatic phrases – it closes down discussion (“just live with it!”)
2. We searched on @LexisNexisUK for the first use, first use in association with Covid-19, and frequency of use, of twelve variations of ‘living with it’ and ‘learning to live with it’, up to the start of 2022.
It’s clear that ‘live/living’ outpaced ‘learn/learning’ versions.
3. Here are some examples from Lexis Nexis.
For each iteration of the phrase, we looked at the date and quote of the first (non-covid) mention; number of hits/mentions (to end December 2021); first Covid-19 mention, and an exemplar recent Covid-19 mention.
What evidence is there that “using these 8 common phrases” will “ruin your credibility”?
Answer: Not much.
Why do we create and perpetuate #communication myths? Communication is important, and we don't see enough of how it works “in the wild.”
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The thread is informed by research in conversation analysis #EMCA
There are other research methods for investigating communication, but not all look at actual humans producing, for instance, those “8 common phrases” in social interaction.
That’s what this thread will do. 2/12
The thread gives examples of the “8 common phrases” being used.
As @DerekEdwards23 says, if data-free assertions (advice, theories, models) don’t account for actual interaction, there’s a problem.
Judge for yourself whether the phrases undermine speaker credibility. 3/12
Here’s a little case study of the ripple effect of UK government mixed messaging - universities and face coverings.
1. “Face coverings are no longer advised for students, staff and visitors either in teaching rooms or in communal areas” (DfE, 17.8.21)
“no longer advised” 🤨
2. Meanwhile, beyond campus, the government has
“removed the requirement to wear face coverings in law"
"expects and recommends that they are worn"
"in enclosed and crowded spaces where people may come into contact with people they don’t normally meet.”
3. Back to universities:
“There are no longer restrictions on the approach to teaching and learning in HE... There is no requirement for social distancing or other measures within in person teaching... [and there are no] restrictions to face-to-face provision.”