1) It helps to understand why some governments are being so aggressive in their promotion of coerced injections for *everyone*: they are a step toward digital id @elleprovocateur@_whitneywebb@BareReality@danjgregory
2) In turn, digital ID will enable a nightmarish scenario whereby a central bank digital currency/social credit system (see China) becomes a reality, see here for @wolff_ernst 's essential talk on these critical matters:- odysee.com/@LongXXvids:c/…
4) It is notable that in this drive toward mandated injections we are witnessing an unprecedented crack down on health professionals challenging medical aspects of the Covid19 response. @RWMaloneMD made this clear in a chilling tweet
5) Some of these medical professionals are trying to alert the public to the dangers presented by the drive to mass vaccination:- rumble.com/vnbv86-winning…
6) The SPR article also identifies the importance of what are effectively @wef trained/indoctrinated *influencers* many of whom now hold powerful positions. @citizenjournos_@MaxBlumenthal
8) We have, in short, what appears to be a massive propaganda operation surrounding COVID-19 and one that has involved *manufacturing consent* for a massive centralisation/concentration of power. rumble.com/vkppo0-covid-i…
9) The aggressive promotion of lockdown/injection coupled with the suppression of scientific debate has led to many people becoming indoctrinated, as Prof Desmet discusses here:-
11) further useful introductions/reading (not exhaustive nor should it discourage you from wider research and reading ;) see for example @IMIXWHATILIKE
Summing up, the dangers facing us are clear and present - violent suppression of dissent, suppression of free speech, segregation and firing of *non-compliant* citizens - It is time for *all* people to sit up and pay attention! @DanielFooksArt@DerbyChrisW
And important insight here as to why so many people have become indoctrinated by the propaganda with @MaxBlumenthal and Prof. Mattias Desmet:- rokfin.com/stream/9705/Fo…
During a Senate hearing re Tulsi Gabbard, @SenMarkKelly evades the issue of the @opcw whistleblowers who reported on the corruption of the Douma Fact Finding Mission re an alleged chlorine gas attack in 2018. They are both highly credible sources and with expertise. @ggreenwald @Judgenap @DougAMacgregor
1) For example, Inspector Brendan Whelan, who blew the whistle internally regarding the corruption of the investigation was one of the OPCW's most experienced inspectors. He was closely involved with the Douma investigation: berlingroup21.org/front-matter-a…
2) Whelan first alerted senior management when he discovered an attempt to secretly modify and publish a falsified report. This act of subterfuge was reported on by @ClarkeMicah dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7…
Attempts to smear Tulsi Gabbard because of her questioning of the Syria chemical weapons narrative continue unabated. Here @gregkoblentz has issued a 19 page memorandum to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, washingtonpost.com/documents/c361…. The memo contains serious flaws: x.com/washingtonpost…
1) Linked to the @washingtonpost hit piece, by @isaacstanbecker, the memo is liberally sprinkled with the deeply problematic terms 'conspiracy theory' (14x) and 'disinformation' (19x). f.y.i. @Tim_Hayward_ @thackerpd
2) These terms are employed by @gregkoblentz in order to discredit Gabbard's questioning of US intelligence claims, before he then directs readers to supposedly authoritative sources.
As claims about chemical weapons stockpiles in Syria circulate, and calls are made for witnesses to be heard, here is a reminder of key scientific issues regarding the @opcw's investigation of the alleged Douma attack. @CL4Syr @MichaKobs @aaronjmate piersrobinson.substack.com/p/the-censored…
1) This alleged attack became controversial when OPCW whistleblowers revealed information had been manipulated and censored in order to blame the Syrian government @ukcolumn @UKCExtracts @Tracking_Power ukcolumn.org/article/the-ce…
2) For example, analysis showing the incompatibility between the chlorine gas cylinders and the supposed damage they had caused when hitting ceilings was suppressed. @citizenjournos_ berlingroup21.org/front-matter-a…
Dr. Gilbert Doctorow, in this interview with @Judgenap, implicates MI6 in the assassination of General Igor Kirillov due to his investigation of MI6 chemical weapons false flags, involving White Helmets, in Syria ( at 11:00 onwards)
1) He notes that @thetimes endorsed this assassination. The same newspaper which has itself been involved in MI6 sample gathering operations in Syria<<. berlingroup21.org/front-matter-a…
2) At the time of the controversial alleged attack in Douma 2018, General Kirillov, was interviewed regarding the event:
As heavily propagandised elites in the West celebrate the overthrow of the Syrian government, a reminder. As Wesley Clark revealed, the US planned to 'regime-change' 7 countries in 5 years. @ic911justice
1) The overthrow of the Afghan government in 2001 led to 20 years of war and no less than 176 000 direct deaths, as documented by the Watson Institute. watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/fig…
2) The overthrow of the Iraqi government in 2003 was underpinned by now documented deceptions regarding fictitious weapons of mass destruction. 315 000 dead, probably many more. Ensuing civil war was beset with extremist groups. academic.oup.com/psq/article/12…
This is indeed where we are now at. Current geopolitical realities can be traced directly to the 9/11 manufactured war trigger, or false flag attack on the US. @ic911justice. This was when Bush and Blair conspired as to when to hit Iran, Syria and Iraq
1) Prior to 9/11, Philip Zelikow - who, a little coincidentally ;) - ended up directing the 9/11 Commission, penned a Foreign Affairs paper warning of a catastrophic terror event in 1998. ic911.org/journal/articl…
2) The psychological shock of 9/11 was immediately exploited in order to initiate multiple 'regime'-change wars, as Wesley Clark explained several years later