I posted this article on my Facebook page a few days ago. A couple of 'friends' didn't like it. Here is my response.
Hello Alice and Emily,
Yes- it’s me, a person you met and spent time with- not a robot or a stranger-
2. although that would be unacceptable too. If you want to have a conversation or a debate, you’re free to message me but don’t fling your anger like shit at my Facebook ‘window.’
It’s sad how this crisis that has affected people in so many different ways has divided people and
3. in many cases, brought out the very worst in people. I have been shocked by previously caring, compassionate and empathic people behaving with judgment, hatred and spite. But eighteen months of terror will do that people.
4. I don’t care if Dennis Rancourt or any of his co-signees have been discredited (in his case, it’s suggested that his fall from grace came from his political views- supporting the plight of the Palestinians- and philosophical views on academia/bureaucracy).
5. I don’t care if they are scientists of the fluff that gathers under the sofa. I agree with the points he made in the article. I have my own mind, views, intuition and intelligence. Letters after somebody’s name make no difference whatsoever if they make a valid point.
6. I also don’t care how many scientists in New Zealand are in support of this medical treatment. Now, more than ever people need to make up their own minds and not blindly trust scientists,
7. when so many have ties to pharmaceutical companies and there are clear conflicts of interest. The same goes for governments. Many people are suspicious of this medical protocol because they don’t trust their governments- and rightly so.
8. There have been many doctors, virologists, immunologists, epidemiologists etc.. trying to make their voices heard from the beginning of this crisis (just one of the groups involved is hartgroup.org/bios/).
9. Those who have had legitimate questions and concerns (on the collateral damage of lockdowns, the availability and effectiveness of a range of treatments and the blanket use of injections that might be dangerous and even fatal to some people)
10. - any contrary views to the government and corporate media narrative have been systematically censored or shut down. This censorship is deeply concerning in itself.
11. Surely with a virus as serious as this there should have been open debate- and a variety of voices included. Not just state-sponsored ones.
12. If this were simply a public health issue, perhaps those debates would have been permitted. However, there is a much wider agenda at play. Have neither of you been concerned about the growing authoritarianism of governments around the world?
13. Or do you truly believe this has all been about keeping people safe? Have you read the Coronavirus Act (UK) and what it allows? Do you think those powers will be dissolved once this crisis is over?
14. Does the growing power of tech companies and their role in this not concern you? The implementation of a global bio-technocracy should worry anybody who values civil liberties and human rights.
15. You might like to read about the Fourth Industrial Revolution on the UK Government Website to see what delights are being introduced to our world, and our bodies without our vote, without informing us, without our consent.
16. Our future is increasingly decided years in advance by a small group of super wealthy elites. This is not a theory, or even conspiracy- they have a website and they advertise.
17. It’s time we stopped being distracted by crises, by the theatre of politics or by in-fighting of any kind. It’s time we all faced the reality of how this world is run, and has been for a long time.
18. When we pull up the floorboards, we can finally see that the whole house needs rebuilding.
19. In terms comparing the potential enforcement of this new medical protocol to the pro-choice argument- yes, Emily, we are all part of a whole, we are one organism. A woman’s choice to have an abortion must be her own choice and she must be allowed that choice.
20. A woman’s mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing affect her AND they ALSO affect us all. Her suffering is our suffering. Her thriving is our thriving.
21. Equally, when we bully, shame, coerce, threaten, or force people into having a medical treatment they do not wish to have, they have not been given fully informed consent about;
22. where their personal, religious, or philosophical views have been overridden as well as a potential history of abuse (sexual, physical, psychological), history of racial experimentation and abuse; or even their own natural immunity following infection-
23. we create a subclass in society, we divide society, we discriminate without knowing what an individual’s needs are. This. Does. Not. Benefit. The. Whole.
24. There is also growing evidence that natural immunity is better and longer lasting than the injections. And we know that the injections do not stop infection or transmission. They seem to protect the vulnerable from serious infection and hospitalization for a time.
25. When people insist that other people are given this medical protocol and cite the good of the whole, I wonder whether there is actually self-interest and fear running amok under the guise of altruism.
26. When we allow the state to dictate what happens to our bodies and mandate medical procedures of any kind, we are setting a precedent for violence and tyranny. We know the horrors that were enacted during facist regimes in nineteen thirties Europe.
27. You only need to listen to holocaust survivor Vera Sharev talking about this to know the dangers this could engender. I don’t make this comparison lightly. I have personal historical experience through relatives of those events.
28. When I look at the new technologies (medicalised surveillance in the form of v.passports/digital ID), growing global authoritarianism, widespread censorship, the whipping up of terror by the media: I’m presented with many red flags.
29. I know how abhorrent and vile and tragic that period of history was, and it happened very slowly, incrementally, with the gradual eroding of civil liberties and human rights. I would much rather risk offending peoples sensibilities than those horrors EVER be repeated.
30. In future, if you disagree with something on my Facebook page, write me a DM, give me a call or un-friend me.
31. Anger and conflict on social media don’t create understanding, friendship or support the unity we need in order to manifest a safe, new and just world; They merely channel yet more power and profit towards big corporations and the elite.
1. My grandmother left Austria in the 1930’s just before the Anschluss - when Germany took over. She felt the political climate was darkening and didn’t want to be a part of it. As a young, unmarried woman in her twenties she acted on her principles, beliefs and instincts.
2. She settled in the U.K. and never wanted to go back. My grandmother wasn’t even Jewish - which makes me even more proud of her because she would have been one of the safer people.
3. She refused to live in a country run by a dictator, in a totalitarian state that valued some people’s lives over others. Where you were forced to be complicit in the domination and destruction of others. Where your every move was monitored, your thoughts and speech controlled.