2/ We talked about the wildly successful mint last week - we sold out in roughly 8 minutes during the Public Whitelist sale. Now let's talk about our sales volume! Number of trades, Total LUNA trading hands, big sales, and more!
5/ Almost 500k LUNA in ~4,500 trades, how about the timing? When was the peak-hype for Galactic Punks sales? Find that info in hourly increments here: velocity-app.flipsidecrypto.com/velocity/visua…
6/ We can clearly see that the first 8 hours are the heaviest volume, while sales more recently have calmed down a bit. We hit almost 35k LUNA in one hour after first going live on the marketplace!
7/ How about the most expensive sales? What are the breakdowns on cheap sales and expensive sales? I decided to break those down into the following groups:
9/ Very interesting breakdown of sales. The majority of sales have taken place in the 50-99.99 LUNA range with 2,486 sales (54.8%) - A few folk paper-handed (or likely fat-fingered the numbers) when selling for < 10 LUNA. There have also been 23 sales over 1,000 LUNA - amazing!
10/ This tells me some real whales may be scooping up some Galactic Punks. But let's take a look at the top 5 highest sales!
11/ Interesting. The fifth highest sale was for 2,999 LUNA and it was Galactic Punk #9455 (rank 63 on notfoundterra.com/galpunk)
12/ The 4th highest sale was for 3,000 LUNA and it was Galactic Punk #584 (rank 14 on notfoundterra.com/galpunk)
13/ The 3rd highest sale was for 4,069 LUNA and it was Galactic Punk #6500 (rank 64 on notfoundterra.com/galpunk)
14/ The 2nd highest sale was for 5,000 LUNA and it was Galactic Punk #4911 (rank 3 on notfoundterra.com/galpunk)
15/ The highest sale for a Galactic Punk was for 15,300 LUNA and it was Galactic Punk #7692 (rank 45 on notfoundterra.com/galpunk)
16/ Amazing. A wide range of rankings/rarity for the top 5 sales, with the lowest rank of 64 and highest rank of 3. The total top 5 sales add up to 30,368 LUNA. A current USD value of ~$1.2 Million.
1/ @LunaBulls@flipsidecrypto Similar to my dashboard and tweet storm for Galactic Punks - let's look at the minting data for Luna Bulls. The link to the dashboard containing this information can be found here, but let's break it down in this thread now. kiwi-paradox-650.notion.site/Luna-Bulls-NFT…
2/ For the minting of all 10,069 NFTs, there were 4 sections to the Luna Bulls mint.
Let's break down the numbers for all 4 sections.
3/ - Airdrop || 120 Bulls (~1.2% of total minted)
- Community Whitelist || 1,904 Bulls (~18.9% of total minted)
- Public Whitelist || 8,045 Bulls (~79.9% of total minted)
- All Luna Bulls || 10,069