The middle and high schools in Livingston just shut down for about ten days because COVID is spreading so rapidly. At least five people died here last week. The National Guard is helping staff our hospital. No, we're not okay. Society here is crashing for lack of masks/vaccines.
I should clarify the recommendation will be made to the School Board tomorrow to shut the schools down. Note how other schools in the district can stay open safely since they have consistent masking? The 30% of kids/staff w/o masks/vacc are the problem here AND in our community.
My kid got in my truck today after school with his mask on, told me to put on my mask, that the day at school had been wild with over a dozen sick kids sent home midday; he told me his absent friends were traced. We rolled down the windows on the way home. He's in quarantine TFN.
I went in w/my kid today to gather their things. It was like the last day of school before summer w/lockers cleaned out. Of the kids, staff and parents there, less than half were masked. We won’t get through this crisis by flexing arrogant ignorance; we need science instead.
Since my kid was not contact traced, is showing no symptoms, etc. and is vaccinated, we went wearing masks to the school to collect their things since school won't potentially start again until Oct. 25. To be safe, he'll spend a few more days mostly sequestered in the basement.
No school until 10/25, sports cancelled, all because entitled children (emboldened by ignorant GOP leaders inspiring the anti-science idiocy of their parents) refuse masks. In this public health crisis, where is the maturity of solid State leadership?
Candid Camera host Allen Funt was on an airplane hijacked by Cubans but, because of his presence, the passengers didn't believe the hijacking was real. We now have 74 million people in America who either don't know or don't care that the hijacking of America is real.
I've spent years researching reality tv and cult behavior and it's like Trump and his crew have an absolutely BRUTAL crew of producers. They've created maximum chaos and drama that's kept us on the edge of our seats in real-life for four+ years - and built a super-fan cult base.
Trump's show was expensive to produce and the ratings never justified the expense yet we continued to invest attention and our deficit skyrocketed. The show built momentum until the "Heaven's Gate" moment where the aliens -QAnon- were to drop from the sky and unravel the plot.