1. You must have heard about the 'Giving Pledge' movement started and collaborated by Bill Gates, in which super reach donate their money for charitable activities. But the truth is very different from this.
2. Let me show you the reality.
They don't give away all money for charitable activities. This is just a tax-saving trick where they invest 95% of the total amount and give away just 5% of the total amount.
3. They donate 5% money in a smart way to get a huge return on their 95% investment. Let me show you, how they do it.
4. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) is the biggest donor to World Health Organization after the USA government. Not only that, Bill gates funded GAVI alliance is on 4th number in the donor list.
5. It means WHO is under the huge influence of BMGF in decision and policymaking. In the past, many people have pointed out that BMGF is influencing WHO as per their convenience.
6. In India, Bill Gate's NGO has a partnership with government departments like 'the department of biotechnology' and the 'Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)'
7. These departments are the decision-making bodies of India regarding health including Covid-19. They guide the government on health-related issues.
8. Bill gates have donated about 250 crores to Christian Medical College Vellore. Just imagine how much influence he has in medical research with these types of big donations.
9. From WHO to government bodies, to private medical colleges. He has captured the whole medical ecosystem and put it under his influence. This influence helps him to make a profit on his 95% investments.
10. Now let me show you his investments.
He has created an estimated $200 billion by investing $10 billion.
11. His investment in Covid vaccine companies.
12. In India, his donations
13. Now let me tell you something more serious. He is very well connected with Soros and recently they have bought a covid test kit manufacturing company.
14. As you know Soros has announced a fund to fight against Modi and nationalism. And he is a supporter of the Indian leftist cartel.
15. Soros and Bill Gates funds fact-checkers and left digital media. if anyone tries to expose them, this propaganda machinery helps to silence them.
Pointer institute issues IFCN certificate to fact-checking industry.
16. This fact-checking industry debunks health regarding claims with help of WHO guidelines and rules! isn't it amazing that both are funded by the same people? Social Media giants suspend accounts on reports of these fact-checkers.
17. In India, IT and Pharma companies which are very well connected with Bill Gates have established IPSMF to fund Left propaganda news websites including The Wire, The Caravan, Barkha Dutt, and our Desi fact-checker Alt news!
18. Please Note: I have written this thread to highlight the 'conflict of interest' and how few people have captured the whole health ecosystem for their financial benefits. I am not writing anything against the quality of vaccines or medicines.
Unmasking foreign agents who are working as journalists!
In December 2023, Hannah Ellis Petersen, a reporter from the British newspaper The Guardian, met Pakistan's high commissioner and discussed 'mutual interest.'
2. Just after a few months, she came up with the story to target India.
3. Yesterday, again, Hannah Ellis Petersen came with a hit job article.
This time, her co-author is a deep state-funded communist agent, Ravi Nair.
1. Here is the list of so-called Independent journalists funded by USAID-funded Earth Journalism.
This list has the names of 86 Indians who write articles on their pay roles.
Do you know where their articles are published?
To know read this thread now👇
2. See how USAID funds millions and works closely with Interviews Network, the parent outfit of Earth Journalism Network.
USAID funds it to create its assets worldwide.
3. When I checked the biodata of so-called Independent journalists, I was shocked to see that most of them write propaganda articles for websites like The Wire, Aljazeera, and other IPSMF-funded websites.
1. Here is the extremely important investigative thread
No one should miss it👇
2. A propaganda podcast, 'Khakiland,' is created by Islamist sympathizer Maktoob media in support of rioters like Tahir Hussain, Umar Khalid, Khalid Saifi, and many others who attacked Hindus with preplanned riots.
They are repeatedly publishing such propaganda stories.
3. Creator of this propaganda podacast are Shaheen Abdulla and Aslah Kayyalakkath.
Both of them are founders of the radical propaganda website Maktoob Media.
People associated with the terrorist outfit HAMAS are whitewashing the terrorists who are in jails in India.
Shockingly, Apple and Spotify also gave their platforms to radicals to whitewash the crime of rioters.
Here is the extremely important investigative thread
2. A propaganda podcast, 'Khakiland,' is created by Maktoob media in support of rioters like Tahir Hussain, Umar Khalid, Khalid Saifi, and many others who attacked Hindus with preplanned riots.
3. Creator of this propaganda podacast are Shaheen Abdulla and Aslah Kayyalakkath.
Both of them are founders of the radical propaganda website Maktoob Media.