3/ Wayne Ivey has also made headlines for hiding his budget, protecting cops who kill, vilifying political opponents, advancing racist causes, facilitating political corruption, and last but not least, telling everyone to "arm themselves".
4/ In 2019, a black veteran named #GregoryEdwards was killed by deputies inside of Brevard County Jail after suffering from a PTSD episode. After deputies were cleared of wrongdoing, Wayne Ivey refused to release the jail's video of the incident.
5/ This follows a pattern of secrecy. He cited unspecified 'security concerns' when sued to release his line item budget pending his request for 'emergency' funding...even before the pandemic hit.
6/ On top of denying wrongdoing by deputies in #GregoryEdwards death, he went on to vilify Edwards saying he fought like a "caged animal". The video shows a somewhat different story, but we'll get to that...
7/ 2020 sparked a powerful new demand for accountability from police. Answering that demand, @floridatoday sued Wayne Ivey and BCSO for release of the #GregoryEdwardsVideo and won. It showed him being strapped in a chair and left to die inside the jail.
8/ The Edwards story gets even worse, when later, his widow who is also a veteran, files a wrongful death lawsuit and is wrongfully charged in the accidental drowning of their baby in the backyard pool.
9/ So, the Sheriff is bad, and there's much more further down, but it's the State Attorney for the 18th Judicial Circuit who ultimately makes these charging decisions. Has politics colored over the rule of law here?
10/ After going on what can only be described as an epic unchecked crime spree for years, the Seminole County Tax Collector was only investigated and charged after the Secret Service began to investigate his use of county servers for mining Bitcoin.
11/ The 18th Judicial Circuit has a long history of mishandling cases which involve politics or race, it was the same district where George Zimmerman stalked and killed #TrayvonMartin and ultimately walked free.
12/ There's more bizarre and frightening stories about corruption and villainy in Florida's 18th Judicial Circuit than can be told in a single Twitter thread.
13/ But back to Wayne Ivey. The Edwards case was a failure on his part to take responsibility for what happened on his watch, but his antics and influence go far beyond that, intentionally blurring the line between law enforcement and politics.
14/ Echoing back to the segregated south, his Sheriff's endorsement in Brevard's local Trumpublican dominated politics is considered to be a near-guarantee of winning election.
15/ Wayne Ivey likes to do publicly broadcast Facebook "perp walks", but there was no such perp walk for the husband of a County Commissioner he endorsed, when that husband was arrested for conspiracy, racketeering, extortion, and public corruption.
16/ Lawyer, and Brevard County Commissioner Bryan Lober represented David Isnardi initially despite also sitting on the Commission with Isnardi's wife. The conflict of interests between Atty./client privilege, spouse rights, and Sunshine Law were ignored.
18/ When confronted by community members at a commission meeting, Bryan Lober issued a non-apology and the entire commission(all republicans in a county with ~40% voters registered republican) refused to even censure him.
19/ Back to Wayne Ivey. In 2019, he supervised a sham criminal investigation into 'harassment' because of an online page made posed as Bryan Lober and depicted Lober and State Rep. Randy Fine as lovebugs. When questioned about his attendance at the sham press conference:
20/ Randy Fine is associated with all kinds things, primarily casinos. Him and others in Brevard have been a prominent part of the vicious attacks on public schools over mask ordinances, trans kids, and #CRT both locally and across the state.
21/ Randy Fine shares office space with County Commissioner John Tobia who recently proposed a gerrymandered map for redistricting the county commission districts. Randy Fine was recently named vice chair for Florida's redistricting committee.
22/ David Isnardi was formerly a top campaign person for Randy Fine, along many others who were implicated in the racketeering scandal which took place in Commissioners Tobia and Isnardi's districts.
23/ David Isnardi's Racketeering case was ultimately moved outside of Brevard county, where Isnardi had adjudication of guilt withheld, received probation, and some jail farm days for what can only be described as stunning public corruption and felonies.
24/ "There's more???" Yeah, lots. In 2020 a deputy who fired shots into a vehicle, killing two teenagers was found innocent of wrongdoing. Archer said his decision not to prosecute was based on reports from the FDLE and Brevard County Sheriff’s Office.
26/ Never missing an opportunity to vilify people when it suits him, Wayne Ivey takes to his favorite platform, Facebook, to publicize the third teenager and only surviving witness from inside the car that was shot, being arrested multiple times.
27/ Our Congressman, Bill Posey is a nutjob who peddles in racist conspiracy theories. After Trump lost, he began using tax payer resources to advance an unfounded election fraud conspiracy involving Venezuela. He was also a #Birther, pretending Obama wasn't born in U.S.
28/ Rep. Bill Posey has utter contempt for law enforcement and the truth, and just like Wayne Ivey, he thinks trump is the greatest!
29/ Sheriff Ivey's call for everyone to "arm yourselves" has been followed by an uptick in homicides in Brevard County. Where we once ranked very low, we are now about 50% above the national average.
30/ Brevard had the highest per-capita drug overdose death rate in Florida from 2015-2019. There's been speculation about the County's reporting previously mislabeling overdose deaths as 'natural causes'.
31/ With all this crime in Sheriff Wayne Ivey's county, his approach to getting tough on criminals was to potentially violate the Hatch Act last year, when he stood "shoulder to shoulder" with criminal Donald Trump on a tarmac in Tampa.
33 / Wayne Ivey has, among other things, a tattoo of "Molon Labe" on his arm. This is a popular trope and gang symbol among white supremacists and anti-government radicals which means "come and take them" referring to guns.
34/ So, small wonder that such debasement and harassment of a local school board member would go almost completely unaddressed so far by local law enforcement.
"Disqualification is based on insurrection against the Constitution and not the government. The evidence of Donald Trump’s engaging in such insurrection is overwhelming. The matter has been decided in three separate forums"
"Some will argue that the Supreme Court decision in the Colorado case, Trump v. Anderson, precludes Congress from rejecting electoral votes when they convene on Jan. 6, on the basis of 14th Amendment disqualification. This view lacks merit for three reasons..."
"Second, counting the Electoral College votes is a matter uniquely assigned to Congress Under well-settled law this fact deprives SCOTUS of a voice in the matter, because the rejection of the vote on constitutionally specified grounds is a 👉NON-REVIEWABLE POLITICAL QUESTION.👈"
Thread 🧵 1/ How Trump can still go to jail and not be president: 1) Merchan locks him up, and Hochul does not pardon him. 2) Democrats force a vote in congress to remove Trump's disqualification for office, and then vote against removing it.
2/ In November 2023:
"The court found that, “Petitioners have established that Trump engaged in an insurrection on January 6, 2021 through incitement, and that the First Amendment does not protect Trump’s speech.”
Thread 🧵1/
#HurricaneMilton did plenty of damage on land, but it's underreported how much TOXIC water pollution every hurricane creates in Florida and floods into the ocean. Sewage, toxic waste, farm runoff, yard chemicals...After 25 years of Republican "rule", our lakes, rivers, estuaries, and nearshore waters are in a state of unmitigated toxic death.
2/ These are 4 threads that cover a lot of it. Great reading for any environmentalist, journalist, candidate or elected official, or just if you like fishing and are wondering wtf is wrong with Florida.
3/ The problem with Florida's waters are myraid. Developments in wetlands where they flood are just the tip of the floating turd. When they flood, household and construction chemicals of every kind are mixed in with all the plastics and debris that get washed into the river.
Thread 🧵 1/
James Okeefe claims to have infiltrated the #DNCConvention wearing a disguise where he secretly filmed attendees, and says he is about to "expose" Democrats using the hash tag #DNCExposed. But who is he?
2/ Many people remember him as the Republican operative who "exposed" A.C.O.R.N. about 15 years ago, when he used a hidden camera and heavily edited video to smear a group of community organizers who were helping people register to vote. He was sued for that, and lost.
3/ But why did he target A.C.O.R.N.?
"Obama, in 1992 did some work for Project Vote, an arm of the group, and he frequently told voters during last year's presidential campaign that he understood their concerns because he had worked as a community organizer."
Thread 🧵 1/
Despite what the press is erroneously saying, Trump was NOT legally eligible to vote in Florida when he cast his ballot the other day, because our state constitution prohibits it. So what happened?
2/ Election denier Cord Byrd is Florida's Secretary of State who oversees our elections. He has claimed on Florida's Dept of State website, that because Trump is eligible to vote in NY, that he can vote in Florida. This is false:
3/ Florida's Constitution is very specific about who is disqualified from voting. It makes NO EXCEPTION or deference to other states' laws. Article 6, Section 4 👇
Thread🧵 1/ James O'Keefe is the creator of #ProjectVeritas, and he has been sued, charged with crimes, and been under a federal investigation for his "journalism". So, right now he's f-ing around with @mcuban
and he's about to find out. Again.
2/ "James Edward O'Keefe III (born June 28, 1984) is an American political activist who...uses deceptively edited videos and information gathering techniques to attack mainstream media organizations and progressive groups."
3/ "In 2020, The New York Times published an exposé detailing #ProjectVeritas's use of spies recruited by #ErikPrince to infiltrate "Democratic congressional campaigns, labor organizations and other groups considered hostile to the Trump agenda".