So @cenkuygur just toasted half the respect I have for him by asserting that @POTUS has "done nothing but a Covid relief bill."
"What has Joe Biden accomplished?" A thread. ->
Raised minimum wage for fed workers & contractors to $15/hour. Reversed Trump's "muslim ban." Sanctioned and expelled Russian diplomats. Reversed authorization of sanctions against ICC officials. XO to review discrimination issues in education. XO to promote & expand voter ->
access. Revoked multiple Trump XO deregulations plus Trump attempts to cut funding to cities that allow BLM protests and increase means testing for welfare programs. Revoked Trump limitations on legal immigration. XO for 100-day review of critical supply chains, + 1yr ->
review for 6 major economic sectors. Nuked a Trump attempt to re-establish feudalism under cover of "apprenticeship programs." Established WH Ofc of Faith-based & Neighborhood Partnerships. Sanctioned Myanmar's military leaders. Expanded USRAP. Memo ordering equal ->
protection for LGBTQI+ refugees & asylum-seekers. National security recruiting. Made NSC subject to more input from cabinet. Revoked Trump's family separation rationalization order + task force to reunite separated families. Immigration policy review XO. ->
Revoked social welfare clawback scheme aimed at immigrants. XO to reimburse states for NG costs related to Covid. Feb15-May15 open enrollment at Lifted ban on funding foreign NPOs that perform or promote abortions. Re-established Presidential ->
Council of Advisors on Science & Tech. OST tasked with ensuring cross-agency scientific integrity. Realigned HUD with the Fair Housing Act. XO ending federal private prison contracts. Ordered agencies to engage with Tribal governments. Acked rising anti-Asian ->
discrimination and directed HHS to issue guidance related to AAPI-Covid policy issues, directed DOJ to step up harassment and hate crime prevented related thereto. Nuked a bunch of loopholes in the "Buy American" rules. Ended Trump ban of transgender military personnel. ->
XO to speed mfg/distro of Covid vax. Second order for NG reimbursement, this time directed at FEMA. Established Pandemic Testing Board. Established preclinical development plan for future pandemic responses. Covid Data collection improvement XO. Orders OSHA to issue ->
official guidance. Order requiring masks in airports and interstate/international mass transit. Created Covid19 Equity TF. Rejoined WHO and appointed Fauci head of delegation. Created C-19 Response Coordinator position, reporting to @POTUS directly. XO extending ->
eviction moratorium. Extend student loan payback pause. Rejoined Paris climate accord. Canceled Keystone XL + order to review/reverse scores of Trump anti-env policies. XO forbidding discrimination based on sexual orientation/gender ID. XO requiring non-citizens to be ->
included in the census. Restored DACA. Stopped building the wall. Required exec branch employees to sign an ethics pledge. Directed OMB to write recs to modernize regulatory review.
And that's just the highlights from ONE news article.
that Biden "hasn't done anything" leaves me genuinely wondering if he, Cenk, is in a good place. It also leaves me wondering if TYT hasn't peaked. These aren't things I like to think about. Please get it together. Thanks. END THREAD.
And naturally within an hour of cashing out my crypto, every coin I owned has jumped up between 1 and 12 % after days of consistent losses.
I'm sure sick of living in a reality where the universe consistently fucks me in the most personal yet utterly random ways possible
And also I'm sorry I'm so negative. This shit's been building up for a long time - a lifetime in some ways. I'm sorry and I really don't mean to DISRESPECT anyone, but frankly for the very slim percentage of us with some wit and observational ability, it's really enraging
that the muggles have, for DECADES, refused to listen to every reasonable warning, refused to take necessary steps to curtail disaster, refused to even pay attention to the ongoing coup under their nose, and now that it's coming down on their asses, it'll be up to us to fix it.
Listen to me now, because I'm getting out of this business and won't be doing a lot of followup.
Capitalism will ALWAYS, given its way, lead to fascism. ALWAYS. The only thing stopping any capitalist system from fascism is regulations restraining capitalism. 1/x
Profit motive is, inherently, an conflict of interest. Always. Every decision you make factoring profit is a compromise you've made on the quality of whatever you're doing. Low-bid contracting, "that one's what I want but this one's cheaper," these are all compromises. 2/x
Everything you think you know about money is wrong. Learn MMT and for the love of god follow @wbmosler, @StephanieKelton, and @elliswinningham. Those three people combined understand money better than any other thousand people on the planet. The entire future of 3/x
Wow. Got blocked for that - a joke, made ironically.
Sure doesn't take much to find out your heroes are assholes.
Another "activist" that paid and spammed their way to popularity. "Heroes" is way overdone, honestly, but I got an occasional giggle out of her content. WTFever, just another example of why I'm out of the activism business after 4 decades.