The main argument against fraud was not the result of the investigations, which have not been done, but a question of plausibility.
The fraud seemed to require malicious coordination in the institutions of different states. Something that was too conspiracy.
Now this could explain that coordination.
So the case is still open. Now with a clue to investigate potential crimes.
Because it would not be fraud then to influence the electoral offices with money. But if the influence is to commit a crime, then it is.…
financing the infiltration of election offices at the city and county level by left-wing activists, and using those offices as a platform to implement preferred administrative practices, voting methods, and data-sharing agreements, as well as to launch...…
It is important to keep on requiring investigation.
Hasta que consiguió que Sánchez, un líder a medida, sin escrúpulos, se hiciese con el control del PSOE. Para arrastrarlo a las tinieblas... para llevarlo a una conjunción con Podemos y los secesionistas.
Si lo importante hoy es conseguir que la UE apoye a España frente a los nacionalismos antidemocráticos (terrorismo, golpe de estado, imposición lingüística adoctrinadora, falta de neutralidad institucional y en los lugares públicos...)
Europa siempre ha vivido de la competición entre sus naciones. Y quienes mandan estarán encantados de ver cómo un rival se disgrega en pequeñas naciones políticamente irrelevantes a las que mandar a su antojo.