NEW: Dozens of immigration advocates walked out (virtually) on top Biden officials Saturday in protest of the administration’s decision to continue border policies enacted during the Trump admin
“They give us accolades on the outside, but on the inside, we're having to take out the metaphoric knives from our back," said Ariana Saludares of Colores United.
“We have sadly reached a turning point,” the activists told the Biden team this morning
The meeting and the subsequent walk out was prompted by the administration’s plans to reinstate “Remain in Mexico”
But that was just the catalyst. Tensions have been increasing for months. this was just a turning point, per ppl in the meeting.
Luis Guerra, the strategic capacity officer at the Catholic Legal Immigration Network who walked out of the meeting today: “I think they're afraid of the backlash of anti-immigrant groups and we'll continue to remind them that that backlash will exist regardless of what they do"
Activist anger at the admin is especially acute b/c they now feel like both Dems and Repubs are embracing a nativist approach to immigration & they have nowhere to turn.
“It's almost like we were bamboozled into thinking that this was going to be the best option, and it isn't."
Scoop: Harold Koh, a sr. adviser & sole political appointee on State’s legal team, is leaving current post & sent a memo calling Biden's use of Title 42 “illegal,” “inhumane,” & “not worthy of this Administration that I so strongly support.”
w/ @alexbward…
Koh’s letter has been circulating across the administration over the past 48 hours.
It concludes with a section: "Is this who we are?"
"we all came into this Administration to give the
American people a government as good as our national values."
Koh on why he wrote this: "I believe this Administration’s current implementation of the Title 42 authority continues to violate our legal obligation not to expel or return (“refouler”) individuals who fear persecution, death, or torture, especially migrants fleeing from Haiti"
McConnell cites Biden's votes against the debt ceiling increases during the W. Bush admin.
More McConnell: "Republicans’ position is simple. We have no list of demands. For two and a half months, we have simply warned that since your party wishes to
govern alone, it must handle the debt limit alone as well."
Biden set to give remarks at 11:15
NEWS: Kamala Harris' office is doing damage control today w/ pro-Israel Democrats after not pushing back on a student who, in asking her a question, accused Israel of “ethnic genocide.”
Mark Mellman, president of Democratic Majority for Israel, said Harris' senior staff reached out today "to confirm what we already knew: Her ‘commitment to Israel’s security is unwavering,' and she 'strongly disagrees with the George Mason student’s characterization of Israel.'”
A senior adviser to Harris also reached out to Rep. Ted Deutch, the co-chair of the Bipartisan Anti‐Semitism Taskforce, along w/ Jonathan Greenblatt, the CEO of the Anti-Defamation League.
I’m 2010, Rubin wrote of Obama during the so-called “ground zero mosque” fight: “His sympathies for the Muslim World take precedence over those, such as they are, for his fellow citizens.”
When Obama said that police had “acted stupidly” when they arrested a Black professor outside his home in 09, Rubin wrote that “Obama indisputably fanned the flames of racism and rekindled animosity on both sides by assuming or making this all about race”…
New: West Wing PB is meant to be consumed by politicos/WH ppl.
Today, we wanted to give others a chance to reach that audience,
We asked active duty/veterans who served in Afghanistan: What would you tell the White House today?
Here r some of their answers…
Democratic congressional staffer and U.S. Army veteran:
Current active duty Air Force officer who spent time on a Provincial Reconstruction Team in Regional Command-South in Afghanistan:
NEW: The WH is in crisis comms mode. We analyzed who and where they put their ppl on TV
No Blinken since Sunday
No Austin despite asks
Jake Sullivan, Jon Finer, and John Kirby did the most
No primetime cable
w/ @NickNiedz (his WWPB debut) & @TinaSfon…
well it's not Nick's debut. he's helped a bunch before. But it's his first time leading the topper.