I always regret clicking Holocaust when it's trending. And I regret it again.
It almost always means opening a wave of ignorance either questioning it or abusing its lessons to protect violence today.
And those two things aren't unrelated. Because so many institutions we trust abuse the Holocaust to justify violence, colonialism and attacks on speech and protest -- we are no longer filling the gap in actual Holocaust education. Feeding and enabling hate and antisemitism.
Imagine if a US Congress member rose up to admit that he thinks a Native American Congress member is only in there by mistake because American genocide didn’t finish the job.
Does it have anything to do with @SenGillibrand being the person who nominated a partner from the very law firm representing Chevron, who lost a $9.5B judgement in Ecuador thanks to the work of indigenous people and Steven Donziger?
Do you really think we aren't paying attn?
@SenGillibrand Does it have anything to do with the $30,000 from Jennifer H. Rearden to @SenGillibrand? And all those pricey fundraisers organized by JHR?
South Park did a great example of Amazon monopoly power here. And against small business in the past. While one clip can't do everything, the reality is much darker when you reveal how the business model preys on climate and on health and freedom of Black and brown communities.
And even outside of racial capitalism, the clip doesn't depict that no one stays at the job for long. That the warehouses are injury factories. That the workers and their communities are spied on. And that Amazon itself is ushering in carbon and pollution levels we cannot reverse
Longer one would depict Amazon's role criminalizing Black neighbors with ICE and police, car pool driving through smog, truck and airplane poison, injuries and COVID deaths at work, coworkers disappearing, wages being lowered across the community and rents skyrocketing...