Stephen McIntyre Profile picture
Oct 19, 2021 71 tweets 17 min read Read on X
late last night (and early this morning), I watched the ABC hagiography of Christopher Steele, followed by the BBC hagiography (The Trick) of Phil Jones. Russiagate and Climategate. Both fictional.
I'm mentioned by name at beginning of The Trick, accompanied by a fake picture.
2/ much to say about both, but first an ironic comment. The "heroes" of The Trick, to the extent that there are any, are the square-jawed "reputation managers" who coached Jones up to appear before a Parliamentary Committee a few weeks later.
3/ they are Neil Wallis and Sam Bowen of Outside Organization - similar guys to Fusion GPS. Wallis, a former exec editor of tabloid News of the World, was arrested two years later in phone hacking scandal…, noted at CA
4/ the phone hacking by News of the World was real enough, but Wallis was later found not guilty (which I was unaware of until now.) Like Fusion GPS, Wallis arranged for favorable articles from complicit journalists. He arranged the Poor Phil in Guardian…
5/ I will make more substantive comments. I'm presently about half-way through watching, just as Wallis and Bowen are beginning their rehabilitation strategy. 45 minutes.
6/ on a personal note, I'm introduced as a sort of villain at ~11:30. The police analyst says: "The first place a link is posted, along with this comment 'A miracle has happened' is at". See… Image
7/ in real time, no one noticed link, which consisted of a hyperlink to a zip file uploaded to realclimate. But the hyperlink was under "RC" and no one seems to have checked it. First person to draw it to our attention was Gavin Schmidt of realclimate a couple of days later Image
8/ the policeman continues: "It's a climate skeptic blog run by this man, Steve McIntyre", pointing to a picture of someone younger than me and much younger than portrayal of Jones in a setting that looks somewhat American to me.

I'm actually 5 years older than Jones. Image
9/ the BBC posits that these events were part of a fantastic and well-orchestrated conspiracy. But there wasn't. I, Mosher and others were reacting to events which surprised us as much as anyone else.
10/ My initial reaction (and still to this day) was profound disappointment at the antagonism and bitchiness of Mann, Jones and others.
11/ I had originally thought that, if climate scientists expect society to make dramatic changes based on their analyses, the data and methods would have been thoroughly audited and would be available for scrutiny. The animosity in emails to that expectation was discouraging
12/ back to narrative. The police narrator continues "He’s got a history with Jones, He’s a Canadian ex-mining consultant and self-appointed climate science fact checker."
13/ This description leaves out an important and relevant component of my deeper background: I studied mathematics at a fine university in Canada and my math skills, despite not being used for 35 years, were still much, much better than Jones'. I was also an alumnus of Oxford.
14/ nor would I describe myself as a "mining consultant". I was a businessman in the mineral exploration business. I was very familiar and experienced with disclosure and audit obligations of public companies offering securities to the public.
15/ public companies dealing with the public are required to make "full, true and plain disclosure", including disclosure of adverse results. I presumed that academics anxious for a better world would hold themselves and their associates to even higher standards. Silly me.
16/ as to being a "self-appointed climate science fact checker": 1) I was used to a business environment where people took initiative and view initiative as a good thing; 2) I took a specialized interest in proxy reconstructions, not the enormous field of "climate science"
17/ 3) my specific focus arose from a very strange experience when I asked Mann in 2003 for the FTP location of data used in his 1998 study. He responded that he had "forgotten" the location of the link and referred me to his research assistant. His assistant told me that data
18/ data wasnt in any one location, but that he would get it together for me. I thought that was nice of him - at the time, I was a 55-year old Canadian businessman with the most peripheral interest imaginable.
19/ but if he had to assemble the data for my request, it meant that no one had ever audited the calculations. At the time, I was thinking as someone used to dealing with financial auditors on financial statements, independent geological consultants on qualifying reports etc
20/ so I read Mann's description of his MBH98 methodology and it read to me like a wordy, verbose and overblown description of relatively simple linear algebra operations. What someone second-rate would write trying to impress (someone first-rate would have written elegantly).
21/ if someone else had audited/verified Mann's work, then there would have been a zipfile of data already buttoned up. Auditors check financial statements all the time. Since no one else seemed to have done so, I thought it would be an interesting exercise to audit MBH98
22/ as the policeman observed, no one had "appointed" me to fact check MBH98, but I thought it would be interesting since no one else had done so. Like doing a big crossword puzzle, nothing more. I wasn't even particularly "skeptic", more agnostic.
23/ The police narrator continues: "if you look at his blog posts, he had established relationship [with Jones] as far back as 2002. Asked Jones for data, which Jones gave him. Initially."
24/ My interest in climate in 2002 was even more casual than 2003. The Canadian govt was then promoting Kyoto treaty with statements that 1998 was warmest year in 1000 years. This was the first time in my life that I had ever heard of climate as a topic or issue.
25/ one of my business associates was an accomplished PhD geologists who told me that earth had been much warmer than at present throughout nearly all of geological time, that we were still recovering from Ice Age (which had covered Canada with ice sheet as recently as ~10,000 BP
26/ he sneered at the Hockey Stick as, from a geological point of view, a form of "creationism" in which past climate was viewed as unchanging (the shaft of the Stick). Rather than being a "climate change denier", he viewed Hockey Stickers as, in effect, climate evolution deniers
27/ at the time, there had obviously been an ongoing battle between "skeptics" and advocates, but, at the time, I was entirely unaware of this history. I've also, for the most part, kept my commentary and views separate from traditional "skeptics".
28/ whereas my eventual interest was proxy reconstructions, much energy in traditional "skeptic" circles was that development of urban heat islands resulted in an overstatement of actual temperature increase since 19th century (which IMO was probably coldest century since LGM)
29/ in 2002, I asked Jones for station data used in his most recent version of the CRU temperature index. As I recall, Jones sent me a version corresponding to the outgoing version, rather than the incoming version that he was then working on. (But I'd need to check to be sure)
30/ Jones had been then been collecting "station data" for almost 20 years. Originally under a contract with Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Centre (CDIAC), a unit of the Oak Ridges Nuclear Laboratory in Tennessee, a contract that continued well into 1990s.
31/ Jones collected station data from international meteorological agencies, sent it to CDIAC which at some point in the 1990s posted it online at their then FTP site.
32/ rather than station data being "confidential", the first few versions had been made available online, initially at CDIAC in the US and later at the CRU FTP site.
32/ The police narrator continued "But then McIntyre starting using the data to undermine his career, Jones backed off."


What conceivable interest would I have had in trying to "undermine [Jones'] career"? That is total fabrication by BBC.
33/ By 2005, I had published several academic articles that were critical of Mann's hockey stick. Technical criticism of his erroneous principal components methodology that in effect mined data for hockey stick shaped series, his failure to disclose adverse verification r2 stats
34/ and excessive reliance on stripbark bristlecone tree ring chronologies - all criticisms that were and remain valid. But had nothing to do with Jones. If anything, I viewed Jones as possibly a voice of reason as compared to the irascible and tricky Mann.
35/ the idea that I was trying to "undermine [Jones'] career" was preposterous. My interest was in the numbers and data and I had zero involvement with Jones' career.
36/ In late 2004, as our critique of MBH98 was about to be published in Geophysical Research Letters, Mann and his allies tried like crazy to block its publication. Concurrently, they were founding Real Climate (where Climategate emails first uploaded), which began by slagging us
37/ in January 2005, I responded by starting Climate Audit blog and discovered that I both liked the format and the audience that began to inhabit it. If one re-reads both articles and comment threads, they remain of interest. I marvel at the energy.
38/ after our criticism of MBH98 was published in GRL, refusal of data became increasingly prevalent. Given that climate community was becoming increasingly insistent on major social change, their refusal to archive or provide data to critics was very frustrating.
39/ as refusals piled up, rather than getting mad, I developed the tactic of exposing each and every such refusal at Climate Audit blog in real time and then going to play squash. This infuriated refusers as, increasingly, google of their names would go to a CA article on refusal
40/ over time, the refusals became increasingly ridiculous.

Concurrent with my interest in proxy reconstructions, many readers of my blog (and especially of Watts Up, a later and ultimately bigger blog) maintained interest in station data (which I delved into occasionally)
41/ one day, @WEschenbach, by now an old friend tho we've met in person only once or twice, had the bright idea of sending an FOI request to CRU for their station data, which by 2007, they were refusing to make available to "known skeptics". He got blown off with invalid reasons
42/ I followed his example by sending several FOI requests for datasets that should have been publicly archived and (by memory) got favorable response on a couple.
43/ we connect back to our narrative in May 2009 see…. By then Jones had repeatedly refused the current version of station data (tho earlier versions were online.) The Met Office webpage said they had a version. I sent FOI to Met Office for what they had Image
44/ John Kennedy of Met Office immediately refused.… I sent a follow up request and a couple of weeks later was told that Met Office did not have "raw" data, only the "value-added" data. Image
45/ we continued fencing with Met Office for next two weeks…. I began to wonder about the legal basis for their refusal. I didn't expect any big revelations in the station data - as I cautioned readers over and over - but I objected to the obstruction: Image
46/ in a CA comment thread, Peter Webster, a accomplished climate scientist at Georgia Tech, wrote that one of his students had got Jones' station data. (Price seems to have been including Jones as co-author, not mere acknowledgement, in any publication) I FOI'd CRU for that dset Image
47/ a month passed. Many lively posts at CA on other topics. On Jul 23,… Met Office said Jones had agreements not to publicly release station data but "it cannot be determined which countries or station data given in confidence as records were not kept" Image
48/ In reply, I pointed out to Met Office that earlier versions of so-called confidential data had been online at CDIAC and CRU itself (which had taken it down during this FOI process.) Image
49/ The Met Office refusal cited a supposed agreement with CRU. I asked for a copy of this agreement under EIR (FOI equivalent): Image
50/ the next day, Jul 24, CRU refused my FOI request to them.… They claimed that they received data "on terms that prevent further transmission to non-academics". Image
51/ we're going to re-connect with The Trick narrative soon, I promise, but all of this is part of the full story.
52/ UEA's claim that they had entered into confidentiality agreements "on terms that prevent further transmission to non-academics" was not only false, but absurd. From my mineral exploration days, I had plenty of experience with real confidentiality agreements.
53/ the biggest legal case in Canadian mining history (in early 1980s) turned on a confidential agreement (Lac-Corona). To be in the business, you had to understand how each confidentiality term worked. It was a serious business issue for serious people.
54/ it was impossible that CRU had included clauses in a confidentiality agreement that somehow specifically precluded the unusual situation where a "non-academic" was asking for station data. Fabricating this excuse also made them look recklessly dishonest, not just annoying.
55/ it was also simply stupid tactically on two counts. First, there were plenty of highly qualified "academics" who were going to immediately submit follow-on FOIs (and did.) Second, it was predictable that I would FOI the supposed (and non-existent) agreements (which I did.)
56/ because the UEA refusal didn't seem to make even the slightest attempt at plausibility, I was concerned that they were viewing my quest as a quixotic enterprise by a single person, rather than representing a larger interested community.
57/ so I submitted a FOI request for any confidentiality agreements for five named countries (Canada, US, Australia, UK, Brazil) and invited readers to submit similar requests for five other countries until all countries were covered.… ImageImage
58/ complying with this request turned out to be trivial: they didn't have ANY agreements which contained the purported language about "non-academics". A few weeks later (see later), they put up a webpage with 3 or 4 agreements , none of which supported their refusal.
59/ in the climate science community, this request for non-existent confidentiality agreements, falsely used as excuse to avoid FOI disclosure, was widely portrayed as huge and unconscionable harassment, designed to prevent scientists from doing their job.
60/ in The Trick, the police narrator says "McIntyre got frustrated, earlier this year he got his entire database to send FOI requests to CRU asking for their raw data. Which they did. Jones was flooded and I mean flooded with requests. 60 in a week. Look, a bloody tsunami."
61/ uh, the requests were NOT for their raw data, but for the falsely claimed and non-existent confidentiality agreements. Nor is 60 requests a "tsunami". UEA spent more time making false excuses, than it would have taken to provide the data.
62/ One thing I should have mentioned earlier. Jones already said to one potential critic: "We have 25 or so years invested in the work. Why should I make the data available to you, when your aim is to try and find something wrong with it"… Image
63/ this phrase was known to pretty much every Climate Audit reader. So as the University of East Anglia trotted out increasingly fanciful and untruthful reasons to not provide station data, it bred suspicion among many readers that there was some dark secret in the data.
64/ I myself didn't think so and repeatedly urged readers to keep in mind that it was entirely possible that Jones was just being a jerk and was concealing the triviality of his calculations, nothing more. But I also was determined not to be blown off either.
65/ an exchange in the comment thread nicely illustrates where we were. One reader observed that UEA replies sounded like Yes Minister scripts, while (now stubbornly) replied "Two can play that game." And, as it turned out, the game was still in its early stages. Image
66/ on July 25, I wrote an article noting… CDIAC had placed station data online in 1994. If a confidentiality agreement was before 1994, CRU already violated it and now long moot; if after 1994, would have been in IPCC period and antithetical to policy.
67/ an editorial comment in this post gave summary that a) concerned scientists should tell CRU to stop obstruction; b) US DOE should have ensured funding of Jones ensured open data; c) and told Jones to immediately make data open if he wanted further funding Image
68/ later on July 25, I wrote a second post entitled "A Mole"… which, IMO, inadvertently set Climategate "hack" in motion. I announced that I was in possession of a CRU data version matching their current station list.
69/ there was a game afoot in this post. Readers familiar with Climategate will know how this chapter ends, but it might be fun for new readers to see if you can guess. (I'll return to this later, taking a break.)

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Aug 7
as readers are aware, @walkafyre has a long-term project of decoding the Mueller investigation through the laborious project of identifying the interviewees underneath the redactions. Some of the identifications are so ingenious that it's fun. Yesterday was an interesting example, which I'll narrate since it's interesting. (There are many other equally interesting examples.) It is the identification of the interviewee of Bates number B2997, interviewed on Aug 15, 2018 (302 filed on Dec 17, 2018). The 302 was published in volume 11 (page 92) - online at walkafyre's website here:

The 302 has 6 pages. The last 4 pages are totally redacted of information. All identifying information has been redacted from the first two pages except for the presence of Mueller attorney Aaron Zelinsky. Take a look.

And yet from this meagre information, walkafyre has made a firm identification of the interviewee.

It doesn't seem possible, does it. But I've reviewed the backup and it works. I'll…Image
first step. The 302s are in non-proportional font (Courier) and characters can be counted. Last name has 8 characters and praenomen has 9-10 characters.

second step. B2995 previously identified as Ali, Hesham and B3005 previously identified as Bartholomew, Vanessa. 302s are //locally// in alpha order, thus pinning surname to alpha range Ali to Bar.

third step. the interviewee (LN8) interacts with a LN9 frequently.

fourth. the interview was in summer 2018 with Zelinsky in attendance. This indicates that interview was connected to Roger Stone.

fifth, LN9 has given money to "the ___". Probably "the PAC". Public data on Roger Stone's PAC shows that the largest contributor (by far) was John Powers Middleton (9-character last name.)

So the interviewee is a LN8 in alpha range Ali-Bar with some sort of regular connection to Middleton. Walkafyre had this figured out a long time ago, but was…Image
a few days ago, @walkafyre took a look at documents related to a sordid lawsuit between Middleton and Roy Lee, an estranged associate. Case number shown below. One of the motions demanded deposition of "Alex Anderson", a Middleton employee. Alexander Anderson had previously made a deposition in support of Middleton.
As a coup de grace, one of the production requests in the pleadings was for "all communications related to Middleton's relationship with Roger Stone".
The redacted interviewee the August 15, 2018 grand jury notice was convincingly Middleton's employee Alexander Anderson.Image
Read 15 tweets
Jun 8
in 2019 and 2020, there was a huge amount of interest in the Strzok-Page texts, but almost no attention was paid to the fact that the texts had been heavily "curated" before reaching the public and that some key topics were missing.

One of the key topics that was missing from the Strzok-Page texts (as curated) was any mention of the interview of Steele's Primary Sub-Source in late January 2017. Given that the FBI had insisted on inclusion of Steele dossier allegations in the Intelligence Community Assessment dated January 6, 2017, this was a central FBI issue at the time and the lack of any reference in the Strzok-Page texts as originally presented is noteworthy.

Readers may recall that the very first tranche of Strzok-Page texts, released in Feb 2018, contained a long gap from mid-December 2017 to mid-May 2018 - from the ICA to appointment of Mueller. This is the very period in which the Crossfire investigation metastasized into the lawfare that undermined the incoming administration. The fact that this period was separately missing from both Strzok and Lisa Page has never been adequately explained. As an aside, it seems odd that the FBI can retrieve emails and texts from targets, but not from their own employees.

Subsequently, a tranche of texts from the missing period was released, but these were also heavily curated and contained no texts that relate to the Primary Subsource.

However, from an an exhibit in the Flynn case , we //KNOW// that, in the late evening of January 13, 2017, Strzok and Page texted about the Primary Subsource, less than two weeks prior to the interview (which began on January 24, 2017). The message wasn't interpretable in real time, but we (Hans Mahncke) were subsequently able to connect it to the Danchenko interview via the reference to the "Womble" law firm, with which Danchenko's lawyer, Mark Schamel, was then associated. We also learned that Schamel was friends with and namedropped Lisa Monaco.

But other than this single excerpt from the Flynn exhibits, I haven't located anything in any of the other Strzok texts than can be plausibly connected to the critical interviews of the Primary Subsource.

I think that there are some Strzok emails from Jan 19 and Jan 22, 2017 that may refer to the pending Primary Subsource interview, that I'll discuss next.

One useful thing that the Weaponization Committee could do would be to publish a complete and unexpurgated set of Strzok-Page texts. Given the interest created by the highly expurgated version, one wonders what an expurgated and unbowdlerized version might…Image
In the volume of Strzok emails released on October 31, 2019, there was an almost entirely redacted thread dated January 19 and January 22, 2017, a couple of days before the Primary Subsource interview on January 24, 2017, which look to me like they have a good chance of relating to the PSS interview.

The thread began with an email from FBI Office of General Council (OGC) - Sally Anne Moyer or Kevin Clinesmith - to Strzok and a CD subordinate, with a very short subject line.

We know that the PSS interview was lawyered up and carried out under a sweetheart queen-for-a-day deal that was usually only available to highly placed Democrats (Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills etc.) So involvement of OGC in negotiation of the PSS interview is expected.Image
at 6:47 pm on Thursday, Jan 19, 2017, Strzok's CD subordinate wrote back that "here's what we have to decide ASAP". The issue is totally redacted, naturally. (This is one day before inauguration.) Image
Read 12 tweets
May 12
in April 2022, Mark Steyn, on his GB News show
commented on recently released UK COVID data, claiming "the third booster shots so zealously promoted by the British state, and its groupthink media has failed, and in fact exposed you to significantly greater risk of infection, hospitalization and death."
Steyn showed images of five tables from official statistical publications to support his claims.
In April 2023, Ofcom, which, in addition to its ordinary regulatory role, had taken a special interest in vaccine advocacy, ruled that Steyn's "presentation of UK Health Security Agency data
and their use to draw conclusions materially misled the audience. In breach of Rule 2.2 of the Broadcasting Code" - a very damaging finding that Steyn has appealed.

I haven't followed this case. However, as it happens, I had taken an interest in UK COVID data about 3 months earlier, as it was one of the few jurisdictions that published case and hospitalization rates by vaccination status.

Also, to refresh readers on the contemporary context, early 2022 was the period in which COVID lockdowns and overall alarm began to decline.

At the time, I observed that the UK data showed that the case rate for triple vax was //higher// than among unvax. Three months later, Steyn (as discussed below) made a similar claim, for which he was censured.

Although the UK authorities conspicuously refrained from including this result in their summary or conclusions, they were obviously aware of the conundrum, since their publication included a curious disclaimer by UK authorities that actual case data "should not be used" to estimate vaccine effectiveness. I pointed this odd disclaimer out in this earlier thread, also noting that health authorities in Ontario and elsewhere had previously used such data to promote vaccine uptake and that the reasoning behind this disclaimer needed to be closely examined and parsed.

All of these issues turned up later in the Ofcom decision re Steyn.

Ofcom ruled that Steyn's presentation was "materially misleading" because
(1) he failed to take account of "fundamental biases" in age structure of vax and unvax groups i.e. unvax group was skewed younger, vax group skewed older; and
(2) he failed to include the disclaimer that "This raw data should not be used to estimate vaccine effectiveness as the data does not take into account inherent biases present such as differences in risk, behaviour and testing in the vaccinated and unvaccinated populations”……
in this thread, I'll re-examine Steyn's analysis. I've transcribed all the numbers in the tables and done further calculations to check his claims.

First, case rates. Steyn first showed an important table showing the population by 5-year age group and vax status, observing that the total population of triply vax (boosted) was approximately equal to the population of unboosted, observing that this facilitated comparison. Steyn: "Let's take a look at this, as you can see from a pool of 63 million down at the bottom there, 63 million, there are 32 million who are triple vaccinated. That leaves just under 31 million, who are either double single or unvaccinated. So we have two groups of similar size, 31, 32 million. So it's relatively easy to weigh the merits of the third shot upon Group A versus group B."

He then showed a table of cases by age group and vax status, pointing out that the total number of boosted cases was approximately double the number of unboosted cases: "So the triple vaccinated in March were responsible for just over a million COVID cases and everybody else 475,000 COVID cases. So the triple vaccinated are contracting COVID at approximately twice the rate of the double, single and unvaccinated. Got that? If you get the booster shot, you've got twice as high a chance of getting the COVID. In the United Kingdom, there's twice as many people with the third booster shot who got the COVID, as the people who never had the booster shot."Image
Ofcom purported to rebut Steyn's analysis as shown in excerpt below. They observed that proportion of unvax in younger age groups was much higher than in older age groups and that the "simple comparison between the two groups made by Mark Steyn failed to take into account these inherent biases".

However, Ofcom failed to show that there would be a different outcome in the more complex analysis in which age groups were allowed for.

As it turns out, in regard to case rates, Steyn's conclusions, if anything, under-stated the phenomenon, as shown next.Image
Read 11 tweets
Apr 19
here is a thread from 2023 in which Eric Ciaramella's "yikes" is placed in a more detailed context.

In this thread, I suggested that the linkage was connected to Jan 21, 2016 meeting of Ukrainian prosecutors with State Dept officials, noting that Jamie Gusack (reporting to Bridget Brink) had distributing the first demand for Shokin's head (Nov 22 TPs)Image
as pointed out in that thread, Gusack (State Dept) had been coordinating with Ciaramella (NSC) prior to arrival of Ukr prosecutors in Jan 2016, referring to Shokin replacement.

State Dept cited "diamond prosecutors case" as big deal. But what happened to it next? A long story. Image
Bridget Brink, Jamie Gusack's boss, reported to Victoria Nuland. Brink was appointed Ambassador to Ukraine in April 2022. Unanimous approval by Senate in early days of war at the exact time that US and UK were sabotaging the peace deal negotiated in Istanbul Image
Read 4 tweets
Mar 17
as observed yesterday, , after 2014 US coup, the tsunami of billion dollar US/IMF loans was associated with unprecedented embezzlement by Ukr oligarchs thru corrupt Ukr banking system. Rescues of failed banks (mostly unnoticed in west) were markers
in today's thread, I'll provide a short bibliography of articles (mostly Ukrainian language via google translate) on the Ukr banking corruption crisis that began and exploded after the 2014 US coup, while Biden, Blinken, Nuland et al were running Ukraine
once one searches specifically for the topic, there are interesting references, but the topic has received essentially next to zero coverage in the west. I'll take myself as an example. Despite following Ukr affairs quite closely, my prior knowledge was three vignettes.
Read 15 tweets
Mar 16
May 25, 2021: US DOJ announced indictment & arrest of Austrian banker Peter Weinzierl

Mar 13, 2024: we learn that Alexander Smirnov was an FBI informant against Weinzierl and had lured Weinzierl to UK on behalf of FBI for arrest…

the DOJ charges against Austrian banker Weinzierl, filed during first six months of Biden admin, pertained to allegations that payments made via Meinl Bank in Austria by Brazilian construction company Odebrecht were connected to evasion of taxes in Brazil. Image
if the concern of US DOJ and FBI with administration of Brazilian tax collection seems somewhat quirky, there may be an ulterior motive: Meinl Bank had a central role in the looting of Ukrainian banks during the 2014-2016 Biden administration of Ukraine. Image
Read 11 tweets

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