The entire system of science-based policy making in Britain is broken.
And to everyone who’s ever knocked @IndependentSage, allow me to point out that they’ve met twice weekly throughout the pandemic & put their advice directly into the public domain
The entire UK science establishment has failed. And they need to own that in order to have any chance of moving beyond it
FYI: No £ from the crowdfunder goes to the scientists. It supports the shoestring operation behind them: @allthecitizens who are doing old-skool public-service broadcasting via this new-fangled social media.
Nobody in Britain has paid a blind bit of attention to who Deripaska is, the power he wields & the effect he’s had. But read this from US Senate. And understand how deep this rot runs. He ran the Kremlin’s influence ops, it said. And now pays @George_Osborne’s wages
I’m so incredibly DELIGHTED for @mariaressa but I also want to explain why this decision by @NobelPrize is so important at this moment (& why it’s more very bad news for Facebook)
Maria is facing prison in the Philippines for the outrageous charge of ‘cyberlibel’ & she has shown such courage in standing up to Duterte. If you’re new to her work, this is an interview I did with her for @observer in April:
Totally normal for a leading human rights lawyer & ex-Labour PM’s wife to be advising a spyware firm accused of facilitating horrific abuses of human rights.…