The Formless Electric Living Zero Profile picture
Oct 24, 2021 80 tweets 23 min read Read on X
Alright, here's an updated thread on angels; it's accuracy, it's connection to everything else & information you wouldn't find so readily or at all in Christianity. Image
In fact, firstly, did you know Lucifer didn't originally decide to rebel against God? It was actually 2 different angels who gave him the idea & confidence. You know what their names were? Leviathan & Belial. Leviathan in particular yeah...
I've mentioned that name before..
It's one of the main fallen angels and the Prince of hell. It's also one of the 7 deadly sins. Do you know the form of this ex angel? A giant serpent. In Judaism it's said to be 300 miles long.
This is the same leviathan that's in revelation. & If that's the case, i think this is the same serpent that convinced Adam & Eve to do the first sin, not lucifer. This is literally the snake from genesis but it wasn't a garden snake lol. This thing was miles long.Original dragon
You have the trinity of the father, the son & the holy spirit. And in satanism they have their own trilogy. I've said before the devil, lucifer & satan are all separate entities. Lucifer is the fallen angel who rebelled. Satan is a title. Which means the devil is leviathan. Image
This snake/dragon... I don't think you're understanding... This is the thing that's been imprinted all over world history. Norse mythology talk of a snake that goes around the entire world in length. It's name is Jörmunganr. Translating to great beast.
This serpent is meant to be so long it keeps its tail in its mouth. Forming the ouroborous symbol more known as infinity. Eventually it evolves into the figure 8 symbol for infinity.
This serpent thing is the basis of dragons in eastern culture as well. Dragons/serpents are always attributed to Any creation story.
No but carrying on. They started the rebellion by telling lucifer he was smarter and wiser than God itself & that he shouldn't be taking orders from him. That was the beginning. And this was when all of these characters had their angelic forms.
This detailed description of a serpent seems to be the most detailed description of it in the Bible
Which makes this paragraph here make way more sense. Image
Has anyone played God of War 2018? There is literally the devil/leviathan in the game. ImageImage
Remember, Lucifer wasn't called satan until he was cast out. Satan means adversary. Lucifer became the sin of pride. 6 other fallen angels along with him became their own sins forming the 7 deadly sins. Leviathan is envy.
Anyways that's a whole other story in detail lol moving onnn
Last time i spoke about angels i classified them as Seraphim, cherubim & ophanin.But to be specific there's about 8-10 different types across 3 ranks. Each rank closer to God. Honestly, it's shocking so much of this information is omitted from Christianity in western culture. Image
Ok so there's Principality as an angel class. As in. That's the name of a class of angels. You know what the short term for Principality is? Prince. This is where the word is from. Have you ever heard the phrase "satan is the Prince of the power of the airs"? Makes sense now?
In saying that. Principal has origins of the word too. Though it's used in educational manner.
Principalities literally rule certain areas of earth. I'm talking land areas enough to be nations, continents, or even the individual that rules over those places. Their main aim is to assist humans in evolution to God.
As in, bestowing us with the necessary knowledge to progress
Because they're dispatched to rule over certain areas of earth they're usually shown with a crown and sceptre which explain where titles of royalty where you govern an area are shown with the same objects. Image
Again, whenever a human is bestowed with a blessing or an ability or a revelation it's the principality that bestowed the idea to them. Do you know how many scientists have said groundbreaking theories came to them out of nowhere?! Especially the story of the word "Eureka".
Apparently when David fought Goliath. It was a Principality that bestowed him with the strength to kill him.
The term prince is also used to categorise demons. It's in own class as well. Remember there are princes of hell. This military/political/royal hierarchy functions the exact same way just for the sake of evil or to be specific, against the spiritual evolution of mankind.
In saying that. If you have principality angels that can rule over as little as a person then you can definitely have a demonic principality that rules over someone or country in politics for the sake of chaos.
If you've ever heard of the devil in politics or having influence high up in world governments. It's because of these types of angels. Principalities. Also another class called powers but we'll get into that later.
Fallen angels in world politics makes too much sense. Especially for things such as Illuminati or new world order or satanism. Like what political leader comes to mind when you hear of demonic possession by principalities??
In fact, have you ever heard of the Prince of Persia? Persia being the original name for the middle Eastern country of Iran? I'm not talking about this prince of Persia lol.
Prince of Persia is the name of a class of angel who had dominion over Iran/Persia. It was the angel Michael who came to ward it off.
In mentioning Michael, the next rank of earthly messengers is Archangel. Which is funny because they're one of the most powerful so it's interesting seeing what they're doing on earth rather than in heaven closer to God. Before i go into archangels is debatable how many they are.
Some say there's only one true Archangel being Michael as he's the only one exclusively mentioned in the Bible. Especially in revalations when it's foretold he'll be the one to kill The devil leviathan in its serpent form. Along with lucifer. Image
This is the same angel Michael that, when burying the body of Moses, had a confrontation with the devil. Considering lucifers importance to God before his rebellion. lucifer might have been the 1st original Archangel before Michael.
If that's true, imagine your replacement killing you smh.
On the other hand. Others debate weather or not there's either 7 or more archangels. Again in revalations there's 7 angels gathered around the throne of God. Between Islam, Judaism and Muslim there's mention of as little as 4 to 9 archangels including Michael. So I'll list the 7.
Archangel Gabriel is the messenger angel. Image
Archangel Azrael is the angel of death. This is the same angel that carried out the tenth plauge in Egypt regarding the first born son of every family. Image
Archangel Raphael is a healer who specifically mentions being an Archangel when fighting a demon on behalf of Enoch. Image
Archangel Jofiel bestows beauty Image
Archangel Chamuel is the angel of relations. Image
Archangel Uriel is the master of knowledge and wisdom. Image
Ok, the next type of earthly messengers is guardian angels. 1stly. You don't just have one Guardian angel. There's as many as 4 for each person. 2 watching over the day and the other 2 watching over the night. Guardian angels have 2 main aims. The 1st being to literally guard you
The 2nd being to guide you towards your lifes purpose in the form of direct contact or a set of events that happen containing synchronicity like angel numbers or fateful encounters. In terms of the appearance of guardian angels. A decent amount of them look just like us.
It's not a surprise that angels can shapeshift into humans. Some gaurdian angels are in your life as a person or people you know. Certain humans in history have definitely been angels and Jesus Christ is the first that comes to mind. He knew too well of spirituality & afterlife.
He had healing powers, he spoke of God as his father. The miracles he performed. Spoke with lucifer directly in the desert etc. The list goes on.
One more thing about guardian angels. They're assigned to you before you are born. Which means they knew your soul in the spirit world & lifes purpose before you came down here. Remember how I said you lose your memory of the spirit world when you're being born?
One more thing about angels again that i can't get out of my head. The amount of them is said to be innumerable. Ophanin aren't in this class of angels but their resemblance to atoms & the solar system is too much of a coincidence. ImageImageImageImage
Next class up is heavenly rulers. These angels operate directly in the lower levels of heaven and perform deeds that affect us directly in this physical reality. These angels are Dominions aka Lordships. Dominions have authority over the other angels in this class. Later on them. ImageImage
Dominions legit watch humans from the lower ranks of heaven (which translate to different sections of the stars in space) (astrology comes into play here but I'll get into that later). They only intervene whenever humans have reached a major point in our history. Usually war.
When summoned because of major catastrophes like war, they can also pass judgement and mercy over those humans involved. Even if it's over a large amount of them. It was a dominion who stopped Abraham from killing his son at the last minute when God tested him.
Isn't it funny the marvel universe character called The Living Tribunal who has exactly the same functions. He's even got 4 different faces! ImageImage
If you wanna know more about Dominions, they're mentioned mostly in Ephesians and Collosians by St Paul.
Next up is Virtues. Given the name, they're called that because they impart virtues like wisdom and hope to humans. They're also called the fiery ones (different to the shining ones). And also govern aspects of nature or manifest as nature itself.
Which makes sense as elemental magick involves invoking angels. Especially with tarot. Remember the phrase of lucifer being the prince of the east of the airs? The swords card in tarot represent angels involved in the element air. Wands is fire, cups is water & pentacles is earth
Virtues are also the ones that strengthen your faith when you pray for it. They're usually depicted with roses in one hand and lillies In the other. Archangel Raphael leads the virtues. Image
After Virtues is The Powers. "The Powers physically guard the border between heaven and earth. Implying it's a physical location. Secondly, they are always in constant physical combat with demons. So if you ever see an angel and it's not currently in a fight it's not a "Powers".
They fight demons in such a literal sense that when a human is being influenced by a demon or demonic thought, "The Powers" are what fights back on your behalf. You recognise it as you fighting the thought visually as this gif.
Lastly, "The Powers". They escort every soul that progresses to heaven. This class of angels is the warrior class. They're associated with combat so much that they are always drawn with weapons and amour. I feel like the angels that taught humans about weapons were this class. Image
These angels, being called "The Powers" supposedly got their name from giving humans, especially certain people in history, the power to fight back against the devil in any sense. The phrase "The Powers that be" comes directly from these angels.
The last 3 types of angels belong in the 3rd & highest category closest to God & directly in heaven in the utmost layer. This rule of angels is known as Godly servants & are stereotypically the scariest type of angels you see with the eyes.
Seraphim, Cherubim & Ophanin/Thrones. ImageImageImage
Let's start with Cherubim.
Their appearance is 4 faces. One of a man. The other 3 of different animals representing different domains on earth (Lion, Ox & Eagle). The also have the body of a lion & the feet of an ox. Typically speaking depictions of them come across as: ImageImageImageImage
Mind you, with these types of angels being so close to God and by proxy, powerful. They have 6 wings. 2 covering their feet. Another 2 covering their body. They range in size and can be as big as: Image
Not to mention the wings they have and the eyes that ordain them.
So 4 faces, 6 wings, eyes dotted throughout the wings and the body of a lion. ImageImage
They're sometimes drawn with the body of a man like this & stated that there's a cherubim directly underneath Gods throne carrying it at all times. ImageImage
In saying that. Hebrew tradition states that there is an actual device used to communicate directly with God. And that regarding manifestation, magick & energy; God would speak back directly in some form almost immediately. The object is known as the Ark of the covenant. Image
In both pictures the 2 winged creatures on top are both angels & both cherubim. Both facing each other. It appears you need to have 2 cherubim on top of the ark of the covenant for God to appear in/or around the box for communication. Separately, I'll go into that in detail later Image
Israelites appears to have known the physics back then that allowed you to communicate with God or the universe directly & a physicist called Nassim Haramein seems to have derived how it worked in detail. It's in a documentary called "Black Whole".
Anyways, here's more information about Cherubim as they're so prevalent in the Bible. Cherubim is the same type of angel appointed to look & guard over the garden of Eden. One with a " fiery rotating sword" Image
It's heavily speculated that Lucifer was a Cherubim. So whatever form he had at the time as "the most beautiful angel/creature to have ever existed" we now know its in the form of 4 faces, 6 wings, several eyes on the wings & having the following attributes: master of music & Air
The multiple faces aspect seems to have stuck throughout different traditions because in Dantes Inferno, when travelling to the deepest layer of hell. lucifer is said to be frozen in ice in the direct center of hell and is described as having 3 faces frozen in ice.
The verse that gives light to lucifer being a Cherubim. Btw is Ezekiel 28.
The next type of Godly servant is Ophanin or "Thrones" of God. Let me make this clear. This is the object the entity we call God is situated on. ImageImageImageImage
The shape of these angels seems to be engraved in the design of reality itself on every scale of size. You have Ophanin on the tiniest scales & some that stretch beyond the known reality itself. Some stretch as far as something known as "the firmanent". ImageImageImage
They're described as having about 4 wheels that all consistently move with eyes dotted around the surface area of each wheel. The center of these thrones are said to contain an entity of the colour of "a terrible crystal". They're also said to have 4 wings,2 to move & 2 to shield ImageImage
To clear up any confusion between Ophanin being called thrones of God & Cherubim being said to be seated directly underneath God itself. The Cherubim are essentially bodyguards of God while the Ophanin are more the object them & God is situated on. God sits above them both. ImageImage
Finally, the last and most closest angels to God, the Seraphim. Which exist directly to God. Their appearance is similar to Cherubim but have one human face. The leader of the Seraphim is known as Serapheal. They have 6 wings & eyes dotted throughout their body, especially wings. ImageImageImage
Supposedly Micheal is Seraphim, which means him as an arch angels allows him to change into different types of angels.
The Angel Metatron, whom metatrons cube is named after is also a Seraphim. Transformed into 1 by God after recording all his actions. He's described as having an innumerable number of eyes & has a tongue for every person who ever lived. Or stretching in all directions infinitely Image
Lastly, the Seraphim are also described as "The Burning ones". Sometimes they don't even have a body, just wings & eyes. ImageImageImage
The angel Leviathan, before becoming the serpent that is also satan/the devil, was also a Seraphim.
Whenever angels sightings are recorded. Especially on drugs or under influence, whatever their appearance it's said they flash "in & out of reality" as if they're phasing in & out of our existence.
This should sum up the classes on angels I've done so far. Now, let's talk about the other occurrences & their significance to today's present time. Image
Thread is definitely not done & will continue to update it for as long as i can

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Apr 2
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Firstly! They use magick! Rather than you thinking they happen to accurately predict sooo many things all the time because isn't that weird?
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That's exactly what deja vu is!
Even the See Eye Ay knows this!!! Image
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Firstly you have this world. And there are soo many different size categories. For example zooming outward you have the world, planets, a solar system, stars, galaxies & then eventually the universe Image
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But this is the thing, it doesn't exist HERE!

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