The Formless Electric Living Zero Profile picture
Physical energy gestalt of controlled entropy; Zero. Hz? If you're not mindful you shouldn't be here. Never trust the hypercube♒️☀️♉️🌑(Ne+Ti),(Si),(Fe)
The Duke of Eccleston 🇿🇦🇱🇸 Profile picture Tymathee Profile picture 小东 Profile picture Victor Rufus Profile picture Kuuku Profile picture 6 subscribed
Apr 2 17 tweets 5 min read
A thread on how Simpsons end up making so many predictions on their show these past few decades!🚨🚨 Firstly! They use magick! Rather than you thinking they happen to accurately predict sooo many things all the time because isn't that weird?
HOW can you predict so many things or even one thing before it's going to happen?
Apr 1 30 tweets 13 min read
Random but the pronouns for God isn't he or she but it's There & where & does.
This is because what god is, is actually location & spaced & function based more than people thinking it's an entity with a certain gender.
No, true point source consciousness is a space.
A hypersphere What's a hypersphere? Do you remember what i told you about higher dimensional shapes? Particularly the cube? And it's called a hypercube or tesseract?
well what would a sphere look like in a higher dimension? The fourth spacial dimension. Let's look at cubes again.
Feb 21 23 tweets 5 min read
You can ABSOLUTELY travel back in time but you CANNOT take your physical body with you.
Only your Consciousness
Because what does Consciousness in physical immaterial form look like?
& you all know about light, it's speed & what happens to time at light speed right? What happens once you've gone back in time? Well you could only send your Consciousness back so how will you experience this?
As being Conscious of the information of the nature of the event you sent yourself.
Otherwise known as...
That's exactly what deja vu is!
Dec 11, 2023 25 tweets 6 min read
I had an experience the other day that i can only either explain as EXACTLY what it's like to get high & also exactly what it's like in the more advanced stages of enlightenment. So a thread. I hope anyone can relate. Alright, i didn't smoke for a couple of weeks and when i did. There was a light/brightness out of nowhere. Like a light growing into a slow flash.
The light kept on getting brighter and brighter, eventually i had to put my controller down. And when i did, the light got brighter!
Dec 10, 2023 25 tweets 9 min read
Let me explain why the word UNIVERSE is used to describe all reality. A thread!
Firstly you have this world. And there are soo many different size categories. For example zooming outward you have the world, planets, a solar system, stars, galaxies & then eventually the universe Image But you can also go down, you're made of organs that are made of cells and those are made of molecules, which are made by atoms which are made by particles which are made by quarks (and then strings if you believe it).
Here's the thing, you can draw a line vertically...
Dec 6, 2023 25 tweets 9 min read
A thread!🧵
Random but do you wanna know how I got into spirituality the way I'm in it now? It started some 5 years ago on an LSD trip while i was high too. I thought something, then i said oh, that's cool. If only i could take the thought and bring it here to this world. But you can't, so I let it go. Then thought to myself again isn't there some kind of barrier between this world and the world of imagination? And that to answer that question I'd have to go and look into physics. So as an engineering graduate i did!
Sep 5, 2023 34 tweets 12 min read
Alright let's talk about this cos i understand why it's a reach. A thread; Image Firstly when i say these certain animals are fallen angels. We need to clear up the term fallen angels. They didn't fall as if they tripped.
The fall in question being stated is actually rather the descent from the angels original location in heaven to this physical reality.
May 12, 2023 30 tweets 12 min read
Alright so if you really wanna know, A THREAD of the hidden symbolism in this Michael Jacksons "Dangerous".
Firstly, MJ was heavily into spirit work. Either by association or unintentional know how. But when he was involved in it, here's how he subtly showed the world this
Image Firstly look at the picture. How many details can you pick out?
See how you can only see Michael Jacksons eyes as the only part of his face visible? And his face is hidden by the mask which is the album cover which represents the music industry. Like he's hiding something from us Image
Jan 26, 2023 75 tweets 43 min read
Alright let's do this, behold, a THREAD! PART 1; A grand analysis of spirituality;
A month ago I got particularly high & noticed something that usually occurs but this time it was too much. Everything in the room was bright, like really bright. Does anyone remember these tweets?
Anywho, as everything kept on getting brighter I remembered a scene in Naruto where Itachi said something along the lines of (& his eye lost its light forever);indicating that some1 went blind. I started thinking why did he say it like that? How many times does he mention light?
Oct 12, 2022 45 tweets 10 min read
The reason manifestation works is 2 reasons;
1- the universe we live in is relative to us from our own perspective.
2-the universe is holographic & it’s just as fractal. Which means they’re just as many of these type of universes. This is true in physics and spirituality. Do you actually understand the first point? I’ll get into that it’s a thread in itself. But the second point being holographic & fractal means it’s all made of light that vibrates at different speeds incompressible to us. And that at the lowest speed of vibration is solid earth
Oct 24, 2021 80 tweets 23 min read
Alright, here's an updated thread on angels; it's accuracy, it's connection to everything else & information you wouldn't find so readily or at all in Christianity. Image In fact, firstly, did you know Lucifer didn't originally decide to rebel against God? It was actually 2 different angels who gave him the idea & confidence. You know what their names were? Leviathan & Belial. Leviathan in particular yeah...
Feb 7, 2021 39 tweets 8 min read
THREAD; Here's why weed, for me (especially sativas) are so benefitial to me mentally. Firstly. Your mind is like a room. & Any thought you think is a file or "piece of paper with writing on it. The act of thinking then is analogous to words being written on each piece of paper. Now, here's the fun part. Getting high makes my "room" bigger, much bigger. So there's more space to think or generate thoughts. The important part is this. The act of being high isn't your room with more space. It's the actual process of the stretching of the space.
Dec 16, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
You see the human soul yeah. I always thought it was one, indivisible intangible thing but it seems it's made of constituents. No more than 9 in fact. Some say 7 or 5 parts. But let's look at the 9. Here's the thing. I get why it might be less than 9 because the body, the name & the heart are also classified as per part of the human soul. Apparently the heart is formed from literally one drop of blood from conception.
Dec 15, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
I'm convinced weed helps open your 3rd eye & lemme tell you why. Firstly, you have to accept your 3rd is closely related to synaesthesia. You can even go as far as saying it's directly related. Which means zero form of synaesthesia means 0% of 3rd eye open. When you have weed on you what do they say? What's that loud?! Why are they calling it loud? It doesn't make any noise lol it's dead silent. They're calling it loud because it's so huge in the faculty of smell that it's almost crossed over to another sense. In this case hearing.
Nov 16, 2020 276 tweets >60 min read
These angels had to literally tell mandem yo boss don't be afraid of me...& That's exactly what happened. The higher ranked angles just end up looking more & more abstract but one thing remains. Eyes. This is the next class of angels. Seraphim. Note they don't even have a body. Just wings & eyes. Image
Nov 16, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
You think angels are supposed to be some holy cute creatures lol nah this is what your average cherubim angel looks like according to the most accurate texts of the Bible. Can you imagine this appearing to you with a message? No wonder these man in the Bible were yelling Cherubim angels do NOT look like this. Another example of white washing history