IF ... and only if ... you were to be arrested, mug shot across the front page of the paper, who's the first person you'd worry about seeing your photo?
Join me tomorrow at 1pm, cst, as we discuss #SocialControl theory
Hi friends, we are going to get started today looking a question that some criminologists say is the MOST challenging question in the entire field, "Why do people obey the law?"
There are both macro-sociological and micro-sociological perspectives of social control, as well as theories regarding movement between conventional and delinquent behavior
The influences of family and school, religious beliefs, moral values, friends, and even beliefs about government are the centerpiece of social control theory
Macrosociological studies explore formal systems for the control of groups:
•The legal system, laws, and particularly law enforcement
•Powerful groups in society
•Social and economic directives of governmental or private groups
Plenty of good things are done in the name of religion, and plenty of bad things too. But what is religion, exactly — is it good or bad, in and of itself?
Commitment looks at our relationships with our membership in formal and informal social groups, the more involved we are in our communities, the more we have to lose by unconventional behavior
According to Matza, juveniles sense a moral obligation to be bound by the law. A “bind” between a person and the law, something that creates responsibility and control, remains in place most of the time
When it is not in place, youths enter into a state of drift, when he or she exists in limbo between conventional and crime, responding in turn to the demands of each, flirting now with one, postponing commitment, evading decisions
Jackson Toby proposed a different personal and social control model. Toby discussed the complimentary role of neighborhood social disorganization and an individual’s own stake in conformity.
Containment theory assumes that for every individual, there exists a containing external structure and a protective internal structure, both of which provide defense, insulation against delinquency.
Reckless suggests that the probability of deviance is directly related to the extent to which internal pushes, external pressures, and external pulls are controlled by one’s inner and outer containment.
Francis Ivan Nye developed that multiple control factors determine human behavior. Social control involves “needs satisfaction,” how well a family can prepare the child for success at school, with peers, and in the workplace.
And if you made it THIS far, your extra credit opportunity includes sharing with me your nickname or any name other than your formal name that family & friends call you ... it will all make sense next week!
Before we get started with Unit 02, I wanted to check in how the course is progressing for you so far. Now that we've got one unit under our belt, how is online learning treating you?
Good MORNING Criminology fans, I'm here in the home office, excited to get started talking about the #MeasurementOfCrime, who else is feeling the return to work after the long weekend?