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If you are looking for answers or a better understanding of African Religion and Spirituality these 3 books are a great place to start.
Books one can use to learn Gìkūyū language each with a teachers guide.
If you are looking for answers or just want to understand African spirituality or Religion, these 3 books are a great place to start. Written by African scholars in the most objective manner.
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The name Mūgo is a professional name for medicine men, diviners and seers.
Among the Agìkūyū, women did not normally become Andû Ago. But there were cases where this great supernatural wisdom and power would seize a woman
( kūnyitwo nì Ūgo.) When this power seized a woman, she would become a prophet, healer, or seer. Women who became any of these, had the right to acquire Ūgo tools like medicinal powders from the Professional Andû Ago. The only difference between men and women andû Ago is that
Women were never initiated into the Profession and they also didn't have a divining gourd. These women however enjoyed high prestige and power largely because of two reasons: 1. Their ability to prophecy accurately 2. Their close contact with Ngai so much that they received
Definition of terms:
✓ Irigithathi - First born
✓ Itiema - Second born
✓ Mūruna / Aruna - Third, Fourth, Fifth borns
✓ Kìhinga nda- Last born
✓ Taata-sister to your mother
✓ Mama/Nyarūme -brother to your mother.
✓ Mama wa Kìahūinì- Mother's eldest male cousin
✓ Baaba mūkūrū- elder brother to your father.( Your father's elder or younger brother is not mama/uncle)
✓ Baaba mūnyinyi - younger brother to your father.
✓ Nyaciara - Mother of your husband
✓ Iciciara - Father of your husband
✓Your Full sister's sons - Mûihwa ( Nephew) in some places Mwanake/mwana wakwa
✓ Your Full sister's daughters - Mwana wa mwarì wa maitū, in some places Mūiritu/ mwana wakwa
1. Mūiti wa mbūgū (diviner)- ūyū nīwe mūndū mūgo na nīarī mbūthū ya mwano na nī aragūraga na mbūgū.
2. Kīoni - (seer) ūyū ndarī mwano na oonagio maūndū kumania na indo na andū. No arore mbakī, matu, njata, ona mara ma mbūri kana nyoni na ahote kūheywo
ndūmīrīri nī Ngai kana ngomi.
3. Mūgongoni (priest) - ūyū no akorwo e mūthuuri o woothe mūhe guoko gwa kūgongona...ona no akorwo e mūthuuri wa kīama kana kīgotho wa mūciī. Nī mekīraga ngotho ya mūgwongo guoko kwa motho. 4. Mūrathi (prophet) - ūyū nī mwamūre nī njaama ya arathi
The Agìkūyū indigenous concepts and treatment of Mìrimū na Ndwari among the Agìkūyū as a model of holistic healing and well being.
Among the Agìkūyū, ill health and diseases of many kinds were attributed to a variety of causes. Some medical and some were non-medical.
Thus, treatment depended not only on the physical diagnosis but on which power was thought to be the agent of the illness. The following are the 6 main principal causes of ill health.
1.Infectious epidemic diseases
2.Infectious non epidemic diseases
3.Natural causes
4.Influence of angry departed spirits
5.Witchcraft (Ūrogi)
6.Breaking of taboos
Even before the coming of Europeans, from time to time the Agìkūyū were ravaged by epidemics. These epidemics came in various forms. One such form was diseases.
In one of our threads, we celebrated and appreciated the role played by Mūgo wa Kìbirū popularly known as Cege wa Kìbirū. Among many of his fulfilled prophesies, was one he foretold of the coming to Kenya British
colonialists and the Missionaries.
We have yet another prophet among the Agìkūyū. Not known by many but was a great one too. His name was Wawerū wa Gathìgì
Prophet Wawerū wa Gathìgì
Wawerū lived in Kabete, Kiambu district now Kiambu County. He hailed from Mbarì ya Kìhara.
He belonged to the family of Mbarì ya Igi.
His prophesies were active between the years 1895 and 1910. He regularly woke up at 3am and made his public proclamation of his prophetic messages.
He would travel long distances stopping at different villages across the ridges of
Learn, re-learn, unlearn that Among the Agìkūyū, there lived a great medicine man called Waing'a. But his soon changed and in a song, he was labeled saitani