2. In 2013, Foreign Affairs Council EU drew up the LGBTI Guidelines which were adopted by 27 member states. They refer to international operations of EU member states however they also put pressure on those states to adopt same LGBTI policies nationally.
3. In the UK the Foreign Secretary belongs to the four Great Offices of State and wields much influence. How much do regional agreements like this affect national policy? Gender identity features prominently and of course the YP are cited.
4. In 2014 the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) charter, which 'recognised explicitly the equal right of LGBT trade unionists to full inclusion' was adopted. Gender identity is explicitly mentioned.
5. 'In the UK, the TUC has adopted resolutions committing it to campaign in solidarity with those facing repression abroad alongside its commitment to achieving equality domestically, explicitly including LGBT people'.
6. Trade unions are encouraged to show solidarity by lobbying the UK Foreign Secretary to take action against states. We see this as a form of Queer Colonisation. We also wonder how these international policies in turn affect domestic policy.
7. It was also in 2015 that the Trans Inquiry took place led by Maria Miller and the absence of women's voices was notable.
@helensaxby11 comprehensive article giving background on this, always worth a re-read.
8. In 2016, former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein attended the World Economic Forum annual meeting where he & others developed an idea to create 'Standards of Conduct for Business Tackling Discrimination Against LGBTI people'. weforum.org/projects/accel…
9. In 2019 the Partnership for Global LGBTI Inclusion (PGLE) 'a coalition of organizations committed to leveraging their individual & collective advocacy to accelerate LGBTI equality & inclusion globally and drive positive change' was launched at the WEF.
Stonewall are members.
10. The list of supporters of the PGLE includes a vast number of companies who operate in the UK and globally. Is this another reason why so many companies around the world have been captured?
1. Boycott them for sure. However brands like Coca Cola (who own #CostaCoffee) & Nike have far too much global reach and power for boycotts against them to be truly effective. The answer is to look at the root & challenge the #PGLE & ESG policies created by #BlackRock & the #WEF
1. Borloz is in the UK. While he seems to hold a 'respectable' position within the UN, his views on "sex" can only be described as those of extreme biology denialism.
He & others who signed the Yogyakarta Principles often discuss their desire to implement sex self-ID into law.
2. However, it is worth noting that they never openly discuss their aim to abolish the recording of "sex" on all official documents including birth certificates.
This is what Principle 31 of YP+10 calls for & as a signatory it is what Borloz endorses.
3. It is clear that Borloz does not wish to draw attention to the fact that he seeks to establish international policy, which would disconnect human beings from their registered birth sex, with profound human rights implications.
Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, USA, Uruguay.
2. Lead by Argentina, these 28 states have just made a joint statement at the UN claiming that sex self-ID is an 'international human rights standard'. @RoisinMichaux
3. This is false and there is no obligation for member states to introduce sex self-ID, under any UN Treaty or human rights mechanism. The references they have cited in their statement confirm this fact.
3. If you are not based in the UK please see this thread for info about the UPR and why it is important to get involved. The UN OHCHR website contains information and deadlines for all UN member states.
1.We welcome the review/investigation into #Mermaids by the @TNLComFund & @ChtyCommission. There is evidence suggesting funding was previously awarded to them based partly on falsehoods relating to the Yogyakarta Principles (YP). #MermaidsInvestigation
2. In 2019 a report was produced by TNLCF's Director for Scotland to assist in a review of the decision to award £500K over five years to #Mermaids after concerns were raised. The report claims that YP are legally binding & that all states must comply. tnlcommunityfund.org.uk/media/document…
3. The YP are non-binding as confirmed by the UK Supreme Court. They do not represent 'international best practice'. They promote highly contested ideas such as making sex self ID the law & abolishing references to sex on a newborn child's birth certificate.
1. National consultations & the UN Universal Periodic Review.
States are not required to hold national consultations for the UPR but many do. Make sure your voices are heard & tell them what you think about the human rights situation in your country.