Muhūrt (मुहूर्त) is a vedic unit of measurement for time. A 24 hour day+night consists of 30 muhurtas. Each Muhurta is about 48 minutes of duration.
Each Muhurta is further divided into 30 Kalā ≈ 48 minutes.
Brahmanas and Rig Veda define Muhurta as “muhu”
(moment/immediate) + “ṛta” (order).
So, it is the moment which occurs in an order every day.
In Ramayana, few muhurtas and their importance are described.
Yuddha Kanda, 4th Sarga describes a scene where Rama picks auspicious Muhurta to start towards Lanka with Vanara Sena
Shri Hanuman burns Lanka and returns, he describes Ravana’s palace in detail along with his army.
He confirms that Mata Seeta is alive and is in Lanka.
Bhagwan Ram decides to leave for Lanka and destroy it as soon as possible.
“अस्मिन् मुहूर्ते सुग्रीव प्रयाणम् अभिरोचये |
युक्तो मुहूर्तो विजयः प्राप्तो मध्यम् दिवा करः || ६-४-३”
Translation : Be pleased to approve our march at this moment, a suitable moment for success. The sun reached the mid-day.
Abhijit Muhurta occurs at mid-day, when Sun is exactly
on our heads and shadows are minimal or invisible.
This muhurta is also called as Vidhi (विधि), which spans around 12pm each day.
Rama also picks a suitable nakshatra for his travel
उत्तरा फल्गुनी हि अद्य श्वस् तु हस्तेन योक्ष्यते || ६-४-५
अभिप्रयाम सुग्रीव सर्व अनीक समावृताः |
Translation : This northern planet of Phalguni will be in conjunction with the Hasta star tomorrow. Hence, let us depart today itself with all the troops accompanying us, Oh, Sugreeva!
He picks initial part of Uttara-Phalguni nakshatra, which is 6th nakshatra when counted from
his Punarvasu (his birth nakshatra).
6th nakshatra is regarded as Sadhana-Taara, where a person will achieve great success with some effort.
As next day, Hasta nakshatra will start at mid-day, and hasta becomes his Naidhana-Taara (7th) and inauspicious day, he wanted to start
same day.
Upon saying so, Rama along with Vanara Sena marched towards Lanka.
Earlier in Aranya Kanda, Rama and Lakshmana meet the big vulture, Jatayu, who described about Ravana kidnapping Seetha and also tells details about inauspicious time (bad muhurta) in which the incident
येन याति मुहूर्तेन सीताम् आदाय रावणः |
विप्रनष्टम् धनम् क्षिप्रम् तत् स्वामि प्रतिपद्यते || ३-६८-१२
विन्दो नाम मुहूर्तो असौ स च काकुत्स्थ न अबुधत् |
Translation : In which spell of time (Muhurta) named Vinda, Ravana has gone taking away Seetha. If any riches are lost
during that spell, the original possessor of those riches will repossess them very quickly. Oh Kakutstha (Rama), Ravana is unmindful of that fact and stole Seetha only to loose her quickly.
Silver Fly Whisk of Kunwar Singh ,one of the most successful military commander of the uprising of 1857 .
Parmar Rajput Zamindar of Jagdishpur ,Bihar .
An engraved silver plaque affixed to the object declares:
“Spolia Opima” The Chowrie of Koer Sing, A Great Leader / in the
Indian Mutiny War of 1857-9 / Killed 20th April 1858 on the River Ganges / Lieut. Geo. G. Pearse Captor.
The ‘captor’ of the object, Lieutenant (later General) George Godfrey Pearse (1827-1905), Royal Artillery, was born in Madras, India. He fought in the Second Anglo-Sikh
War 1848-9; on the North-West Frontier, 1849-55; and importantly, the Indian Uprising, where he commanded the 3rd Regiment of the Sikh Irregular Cavalry.
The hallmarks beneath the inscription indicate that that plaque was added in 1901, and that the silversmith is most likely to
The word Veda originates from the root word 'Ved' which means “knowledge” in Sanskrit. This was the oldest syllabus for education in ancient Bharat.
The knowledge of the healthcare system and medicines stems from Rig Veda which gave birth to a sub-system called Ayurveda.
knowledge of archery and warfare which shaped the skills of many great kings of Bharat, stems from Yajur Veda and gave birth to a sub-system called Dhanur veda
The knowledge of aesthetics, music and dance which brought great artistic history to Bharat stems from Sama Veda and
gave birth to a sub-system called Gandharva veda
The knowledge of business, wealth and prosperity stem from Atharva Veda which gave birth to a sub-system called Artha-shastra.
Even though Ayurveda is rooted in Rig Veda, it is also considered a part of Atharva Veda which came
सिर्फ 25 बातें पढ़कर आपका सीना गर्व से चौड़ा हो उठेगा...इसको पढ़े बिना स्वतंत्रता संग्राम का ज्ञान अधूरा है।
आइए जानते हैं एक ऐसे महान क्रांतिकारी के बारे में जिनका
नाम इतिहास के पन्नों से मिटा दिया गया। जिन्होंने ब्रिटिश हुकूमत के द्वारा इतनी यातनाएं झेलीं कि वीर सावरकर के बारे में कल्पना करके ही कायरों में सिहरन पैदा हो जायेगी......
जिनका नाम लेने मात्र से आज भी हमारे देश के राजनेता भयभीत होते हैं क्योंकि उन्होंने माँ भारती की
निस्वार्थ सेवा की थी।
वो थे हमारे परमवीर सावरकर....
1. वीर सावरकर पहले क्रांतिकारी देशभक्त थे जिन्होंने 1901 में ब्रिटेन की रानी विक्टोरिया की मृत्यु पर नासिक में शोकसभा का विरोध किया और कहा कि वो हमारे शत्रु देश की रानी थी, हम शोक क्यूँ करें?
क्या किसी भारतीय महापुरुष के निधन
Divine is never born and has many forms- Wondered how?
In Sanata Dharma Scriptures Divine is expressed as never born and at the same time has many forms.
What is this Universal Form of Bhagwan expressed in Sanatana Dharma?
“Ajayamano bahudha vijayathe”
Verse from Purusha Sukta
“That which is not born, does not die (a-jayamano) is born (vi-jayathe) as many different beings (bahudha).”
The above shloka is from the famous Purusha-Sukta which comes from the Rig-Veda times. Temple priests in India, even to date, sing this sukta during abhishekam to deities
It’s important to understand the correct meaning of this shloka. When we read it first, we can encounter a paradox – How can something not born be born as different beings?
Are the Vedic scholars being poetic in their expression?No -Always the Vedic verses are precise in their
What Was the Importance of Ashwamegh Yagya
Looking at the ancient Hindu tradition, we find several rituals that have a deep meaning and spiritual context. Ashwamedha Yajna or horse sacrifice is one of the most popular observances in the Hindu society. Since this
ritual is predominantly a procedure observed by the elites and princely classes, it is known as an elite ritual. There is a great deal of interesting information on Ashwamedha Yajna.
Ashwamedha Yajna has a timeless tradition-
We find a large number of mentions about Ashwamedha sacrifices in the Hindu literature right from prehistoric times. The 7th Kanda of the Tattiriya Samhita talks of it. The epics like Ramayan and Mahabharat have detailed discussions on
O Mahadev!
Your dance for protecting the world, but strangely, your glorious act appears to produce the opposite result in that the earth suddenly struck by your dancing feet doubts that it is coming to an end; even Devas' domain is shaken in fear when your mace like arms bruise
the planets; the godly region feels miserable when its banks are struck by your agitated matted locks of hair!
The divine river Ganga flows extensively through the sky and its charm is enhanced by the illumination of the foam by the groups of stars. it creates many islands
and whirlpools on the earth. The same turbulent river appears like a mere droplet of water on your head. This itself shows how lofty and divine your body form is!
O Mahadeva! Who is the Bhagwan of the mountains, the Bhagwan of men, and the Supreme bhagwan who wears serpents as