Half of #PamirInstitute audience, is from Pakistan more exactly from northern Gilgit Baltistan. A large majority of them is part of 3,290 people (!) who read the debunking by Bernard Grua of the insane pornographic conspiravy theory shared by Ramla Akhtar agst #Wakhi#Chapursan.
Most of this audience also read the 66 comments below the article ascertaining Ramla Akhtar's maltreatment agst her biological daughter, the unwanted result of an adultery. These important and incredible testimonies are archived in a dedicated article. stopcyberstalkers.wordpress.com/2019/07/15/ram…
Most of them are aware of Ms Ramla Akhtar speeches against children education, especially against the Central Asia Institute which does so much for literacy in Hunza, with fantastic results.
"Targetting locals"... Everybody knows that Ms Ramla Akhtar PHYSICAL violences against elderlies of Gulmit had to flee #Gojal in March 2020.
Ms Ramla Akhtar became a tramp moving from a junk Gilgit guesthouse to another one according on how fast she upsets everybody in the place.
Ramla Akhtar this 🇵🇰Pakistani brown venimous whore who lives for conflicts, the only endeavour she is able to "achieve", tries now to instrument #PamirInstitute with her stinky accounts @BarefootRaRa & @BestInventoryPR.
#PamirSerai is a too serious organization to deal with a shit bag as Ramla Akhtar stalking Bernard Grua and @BestInventory. The answer was absolutely clear.
Instead of taking into account what she received (Pamir Institute should never have answered this radicalized rabid whore) Ramla Akhtar continued to spread her venom, her defamation and her calumnious denunciations with six "new" tweets. She was slammed again.
Pamir Institute answered Bernard Grua to say they perfectly know who is Ramla Akhtar, what are her records, what are her methods. Remember half of Pamir Institute activists are from northern Pakistan.
The whore still did not want to understand she was playing with matches while sitting on the powder keg. She started to stalk Pamir Institute. She still did not understand she was playing with matching while sitting on a powder keg.
Powder keg, indeed. Half of the readers of Pamir Institute website are Afghan people. It is not a secret they became extremly hostile to Punjabis, or sort of Punjabis like Ramla Akhtar, because of their Taliban sponsoring. Pamir Institute will be silent, not the Afghan readers.
Afghan readers are not the Nantes ones, who don't care about an exotic brown piece of crap, the colonialist Punjabi "Ramla Akhtar". An Afghan opinion campaign against Akhtar, the ennemy, could become very serious. #FreeAfghanistan#SanctionPakistan
Me Bernard Grua, I predicted Ms Ramla Akhtar will have to leave Gojal. She ran like a rat. I predict that she coud face tens of people from Gilgit Baltistan who will make sure she will not come more north than Chilas. Remember 50% of Pamir Institute followers are from Gilgit.
I am 100% sure that if Ramla Akhtar continues stalking Pamir Institute with her @BarefootRara or @BestInventoryPR accounts, she will finish, at best like a crawling beggar on a dusty Rawalpindi bazaar floor.
I will not disclose the other likely options...
It looks like someone at @postgrowth's was shocked by these revelations. While this an anonymous paper, it could be a fake feed back. Nevertheless, this is what Ms Ramla Akhtar pretends she received from AustralianS.
Rabid & radicalized Pakistani 🇵🇰cyber-stalker, Ramla Akhtar, received an unexpectable fair & generous proposition which could have secured her serenity & impunity, despite her two years & a half disgusting harassment against the Frenchman 🇫🇷, @BernardGrua stopcyberstalkers.wordpress.com/2021/10/11/ram…
Rabid & radicalized Pakistani 🇵🇰cyber-stalker, Ramla Akhtar, rejected the fair & generous appeasement proposition. Instead she claimed that wanted to go ahead with her confrontation against #BernardGrua
Indeed, even during the observation & "cease-fire" period, she asked for consulting her lawyer (!) the rabid radicalized Pakistani 🇵🇰cyberstalker Ramla Akhtar was sending an insane flood of tweets against 🇫🇷 Bernard Grua which were not countered by him as a proof of good faith.
The brown Pakistani shit bag which uses defamation, doxxing, calumnious denunciation agst me Bernard Grua & my family since 2 years & a half received an incredibly fair & generous offer no western cybercriminal would never enjoy in any civilized country. stopcyberstalkers.wordpress.com/2021/10/11/ram…
Akhtar, the shit bag, refused the appeasement offer and claimed she wanted confrontation.
The brown hope she could continue to play her cybercriminal game invoking the single mother status. What a complete freak!
It is, now, obvious that radical Pakistani extremists have a huge problem with caricatures, or at least that they use it for hate speech. Ramla Akhtar doxa is deeply rooted in this kind of show off. Here is an example.
Ramla Akhtar does not believe in her interpretation of this image & in the serious dimension of her ridiculous allegation. As a matter of fact she did not complain to justice. She just uses it as cyberstalking material against free speech & against her malevolence denuniciation.
I proposed an agreement to Ms Ramla Akhtar (@GruaAbusedArkive, @BetterInventory) so that she could come back to the real world and handle a normal life. It clearly states it does not deprive her for her right to deal with justice.
To make sure Ms Ramla Akhtar (@GruaAbuseArkive & @BetterInventory) is aware of the proposed agreement, a link to the text, in her Messenger box, was posted on one her Facebook pages, "Rmala's Project".
Ms Ramla Akhtar did not read the proposed agreement. Instead she presented it as a way to escape the course of justice. This is a false interpretation.
🇵🇰Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam French Embassy in Islamabad, @FranceinPak, already told three times to CONTACT YOUR LOCAL POLICE AUTHORITIES. First time was June 2019. Why did you not do it?!
@FranceinPak compte-tenu du fait que la nuisance de la 🇵🇰Pakistanaise Ramla Akhtar, alias Rmala Aalam, contre un citoyen français dure depuis plus de deux ans, je vous demande exceptionnellement d'interviewer cette personne. Voici sa photo.