At Chhapar, a sleepy village 4 hours from Jaipur, life for the birds is high energy and high stress. A constant battle for survival. This black-winged kite flew from a distant perch to come close to me. He was carrying a skink. Sequence follows. #IndiAves#TwitterNatureCommunity
Interesting story related to @HerniaGirl and her recent #ehs2024prague.
On 28th May, en route Frankfurt from Chennai via Lufthansa, a passenger had a cardiac arrest. Dr. Kanagavel immediately resuscitated the individual and saved his life! And told exactly nobody about it. (1)
Lufthansa has offered him €100 for saving a life. This surgeon going to a hernia surgery conference obviously is nonplussed about this unexpected and unsolicited windfall. 😒
I am just sharing a story related to @awrsurgeons and @EHSprague2024. (2)
Just a pity that instead of keeping shut about it, Lufthansa offered a €100 price to a senior Indian surgeon for saving a man from certain death. Is that not insulting?
Interested in your opinions about this. (3)