THREAD: Georgians showed up and showed out across the state to elect an impressive slate of Fair Fight-endorsed candidates. These leaders are ready to get to work, serving their communities and improving their constituents’ lives.
Today on @FaceTheNation, @GaSecofState Brad Raffensperger pushed back on some of Donald Trump’s election lies.
But Raffensperger also said disingenuous & misleading things.
Let’s set the record straight. ⬇️
When asked about the intent of the Trump-endorsed Georgia Election Board, which changed election rules that a court blocked because they're unconstitutional, Raffensperger attacked @ReverendWarnock & @StaceyAbrams instead of calling out election deniers behind the illegal rules.
Raffensperger lied, attacking Stacey as an election denier.
But Stacey never filed a legal challenge to the 2018 election.
It was Trump who challenged the 2020 election and took actions, including illegal ones, to try and overturn the will of Americans.…
As seen in @NYTimes, our new ad will begin airing tomorrow across Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC in the Atlanta area, exposing how the Georgia Election Board has passed new election rules which could help Trump sow chaos in November.…
The new ad follows growing concern over the Election Board’s actions.
An ethics complaint was filed with Gov. Brian Kemp against the MAGA board members. State lawmakers sent letters urging him to investigate and remove them.
Georgians, we’re at a critical juncture for American democracy.
The Georgia State Election Board is proposing last-minute changes to election rules that could threaten our democracy & be used to undermine the results of Georgia’s 2024 election.
It's time to speak up! 📢⬇️
These proposed changes (the Heekin proposal is just one being considered) are being advanced with the support of GOP operatives.
They could delay or obstruct the certification of Georgia’s election results.
We can't stand by – we have to take action & make our voices heard.
🚨ACTION ALERT🚨Submit a public comment against the Heekin proposal that seeks to change our election rules.
The deadline is today at 12:00 PM EST. Email:
Let the GA Election Board know you’re against changing our election rules.
Ohio Senator JD Vance represents the evolution of MAGA. He's the perfect pick for Trump for 2 key reasons:
1️⃣ JD is all in on MAGA's anti-voter efforts & false 2020 election conspiracy theories
2️⃣ As Trump's VP, JD could make Project 2025 reality
JD Vance pushes false conspiracy theories about immigrants illegally voting.
This Trump and MAGA conspiracy is seeing a resurgence nationally — in Georgia, we heard it at last week's State Election Board meeting from an "election integrity" activist.…
JD Vance has consistently repeated Trump's lies about fraud in the 2020 election — and still, in 2024, he continues to spout disproven 2020 election conspiracy theories.…
NEW: Yesterday, the MAGA-dictated anti-voting SB 189 became law in Georgia.
Building on the 2021 voter suppression law (passed because President Biden won in 2020), SB 189 was likely designed to support Trump's campaign by making it harder for Georgians to vote.
SB 189 makes it easier for MAGA-conspiracy supporting vigilantes to challenge Georgians’ freedom to vote & potentially purge them from the voter rolls.
It makes it harder for unhoused Georgians to vote, allows hand-marked ballots & removes ballot QR codes.
The new law is likely designed to dissuade enough Georgians from voting to help Trump win — @GWLauren, Fair Fight CEO:
“Even if SB 189 has a marginal effect on voter turnout, it’s a win for MAGA – Trump knows just 11,780 votes can swing an election, especially in Georgia."
#SB221 is conspiracy as policy. Last year, GA conspiracy theorists challenged 92K voters. SB221 would lower the amount of proof required of challengers, force counties to consider challenges based on unreliable data, and undermine the NVRA.…
#SB221 risks mass voter intimidation, suborned by groups attacking mail voters. It includes wide latitude for staff to confront voters they believe are "improperly" dropping off ballots — based on disproven allegations that led to threats against voters and dismissed cases.