"LAOS PI or Co-Investigators to conduct field
trip to assess markets, identify wildlife in them & arrange for shipment of bats and other high-risk host species to WIV Laboratory in China"
"Experimental work using humanized mice will be
conducted at the Center for Animal Experiment Biosafety 3 lab of Wuhan University"
Lab Mice also at WIV ABSL3! (P. 234)
Laboratory mice will be housed in the BSL-3 small animal facility Center for Animal Experiment
at Wuhan Institute of Virology . Two senior Wuhan Institute of Virology veterinarians (Drs. An XueFang and Zhang Fan) will oversee the experiments"
Why we need to see Dr. Daszak's Emails (P. 234)
"The Veterinarian in charge will notify the on-site Co-P l (Dr. Zheng li Shi) and the Principal Investigator (Dr. Daszak) by telephone and email if there are any issues regarding animal health and welfare"
Pathogenicity studies of 2 novel bat SARSr-CoVs on transgenic mice expressing human ACE2""
Source of Support: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Award Amount: $44,776
01/01/2019 -12/31/2021
Interferon responses in SARS - Like Coronavirus infected Bat cells
National Basic Research program of China
Total Award Amount: $100,298
01/0 1/2018-12/31 /2022
Location of Project: Wuhan Institute of Virology, CAS
Why a bad idea, you may ask?
Explained here (Pages 53 and 54):
"unknown or undetected highly pathogenic bat viruses would have been able to replicate clandestinely in WIV bat cell lines as they would not have been constrained by a bat immune system"
"SPIKED tells the inside story of one of humanity’s biggest & most pressing mysteries: the debate over the origins of COVID-19"
Clip 👇
2. The Making of the Documentary (20 minutes)
"Unfolding like true crime, this detective story takes us deep into clashing conspiracy theories & partisanship while exposing the dangers posed by experiments regularly taking place in the world’s biolabs"
"It’s about the future of biotech and the next pandemic. We wanted to make a contentious story really exciting, with twists and turns, that covers the science but with a strong dramatic structure"