.@OpenAI ImageGPT is one of the first transformer architectures applied to computer vision scenarios.👇
In language, unsupervised learning algorithms that rely on word prediction (like GPT-2 and BERT) are extremely successful.
One possible reason for this success is that instances of downstream language tasks appear naturally in the text.
In contrast, sequences of pixels do not clearly contain labels for the images they belong to.
However, OpenAI believes that sufficiently large transformer models:
- could be applied to 2D image analysis
- learn strong representations of a dataset
AllenNLP provides a simple & modular programming model for:
1. Applying advanced deep learning techniques to NLP research 2. Streamlining the creation of NLP experiments 3. Abstracting the core building blocks of NLP models
Portfolio of NLP tasks under AllenNLP:
- Text Generation
- Language Modeling
- Multiple Choice
- Pair Classification
- Structured Prediction
- Sequence Tagging
- Text + vision