I made a list of street names of hard drugs after a female patient who didn't know what Roofies were at a party took it. Had seizures, fell down, hit her head and bled
Please check this list of Street names of Hard drugs so you never fall for tricks at gathering. Please Retweet
How the Brain works. For the brain to carry out its functions just as you're reading this tweet 😅 there are chemicals called NEUROTRANSMITTERS which are like Brain currency.
Your wants to calm down. They inhibit or slow it. Your brain wants to work. They excite or fire it upo
One of those chemicals that slows it down is GABA. GABA has specific place it acts on.
ALCOHOL can also bind to the place GABA can bind to.😲
Which means Alcohol will start to act like GABA while making GABA overdo what it should do
Lot of times , people ask how they can reduce their risks and not have CANCER
This thread contains the Top Cancers & How to reduce your risk.
Share, save, Bookmark. It's a lifesaver
-Self breast examination
Exclusive breastfeeding
-Reducing use of Oral contraceptives
- As you turn 40, try & get a Mammogram
-Reduce your Alcohol
-If you're Obese try and lose weight
-Stop smoking
-Healthy diet
-Know if Breast Cancer runs in your family
- stop smoking
- Try and avoid staying around people smoking (Passive smoking is almost like being a smoker)
-Try and avoid unnecessary exposure to radiation