(Opinion) Thread 🧵

The more oppressed minorities/protected classes you create, the more you can regulate 'hate speech'.
The more regulations you create, the more you can regulate people.
The more you can regulate people, the more you can regulate their speech, behaviour & ultimately their thoughts.
The soon to be implemented Social Credit System will benefit all who participate in the way it is designed to be played.
This system will socially credit score each & every American based on what they say, do, 'like', follow/subscribe to (podcasts, SM accounts etc) but also who
they associate with & what they do, say etc.

Much like a Social Media platform might reduce a persons outreach with 'reply deboosting' 'shadow/ghost banning', 'search suggestion' banning etc, the Social Credit System will not only do likewise with regards to how much reach your
voice has, but also affect your day to day life with regards to everything from travel, banking, employment etc. You could effectively lock yourself out of many of the things we all take for granted on a daily basis.
We've already seen early stages of what the Social Credit System entails. 'Cancel Culture'/ 'Consequence Culture' is in essence very much part of the Social Credit System. This is because part of the Social Credit System is to boost ones own score via tattletaling in order to
create a more politically correct society. The act of doing so currently merely equates to not much more than a pat on the back (for the average person). In the future however, the more you get on board with this system the more beneficial it will be for you.
What could a few of these benefits look like?

Travel. We've already witnessed people being put on a no-fly list. Nick Fuentes for example.
This will continue but it will happen more frequently as peoples social credit score goes down.
I would imagine that the higher the score, the better the travel options, high score = travel by plane, mid score = train & low score = bus (with regards to public transport).
Of course it could be that you won’t be allowed to use public transport if your score starts to decline.
Job opportunities.

(If you're unable to work & therefore in receivership of any form of government benefits, having a low score could affect the amount due or could even result in a complete loss of those benefits.)
The higher your score the better your job opportunities. You could have all the qualifications/experience needed to justify getting a top paying job in fields such as
corporate management, medicine, law, acting etc. but if your score is low, or certainly lower than someone else's
you will be overlooked. Again this will promote correct speech/thought as there is a reward system in place for those that are on board with the approved current narratives. I dare say it wouldn't merely be a case of shutting up/not speaking out also. I would
expect you would be
called upon if/when required to reaffirm a rhetoric so as to strengthen a particular individuals stance or even the government on the whole.
This is also something we’ve see a lot of recently. How many A-list Hollywood actors have come out over recent years with regards to their
political stance? They have predominantly been for the Democrats. Living in a Democrat state in which your political affiliation can help you stay relevant & actively working or even completely shunned can certainly sway an actors political opinion.
Furthermore, how many actors have publicly came out as Republican & how many of them are still working?
What sort of things will increase/decrease your score?

Lets see, positive/negative comments about something the government is doing/will look to do for a start. Anything with regards to the government is a definite. They will implement the system in the first place, it makes
sense. Other things will include speaking out for/against a protected minority.
Racism, homophobia, transphobia, islamophobia etc would be solid examples of what not to partake in. Of course, speaking out against these & even tattletaling on those that do will boost your score.
Another thing will be vaccinations. When the government declares a new variant of Covid, you will be expected to get another vaccine booster. Get it & your score goes up. Don't & it will obviously go down.
On the 17th September 2021, president Biden signed EO 14047 decreeing the addition of measles as quarantinable, so this is something else on top of Covid 19 in which the country can not only be shut down for, but also further vaccinations/boosters will likely be required.
This isn't including all the other diseases which could outbreak causing lock-downs & vaccine shots for.
Especially if the government deem that there are/should be future variants.
Who will this system immediately affect once implemented?

Protected minorities will benefit from this system from the get-go. They will be certainly given a
leg-up with regards to this system. It will (possibly) be pointed out that years upon years of
(including but not limited to; ) oppression, loss of opportunity, systemic persecution, vilification,
Incarceration, should give them the boost they need in order to get ahead. Not being afforded the same opportunities with regards to education (for example) due to not always
coming from wealth & therefore having a lesser education will be rectified by affording those people better prospects/ chances in the future.
Those that won't benefit (certainly start at the bottom) will include people with opinions against
the current regime.
White people in general, although those that are in the protected minorities group, 'influencers' & those that own or even work for approved companies won't be affected as bad, if at all.
Others that won't benefit, I suspect, will be those with MAGA in their social media bio.
I'm expecting MAGA to be declared at best, undesirable # 1, domestic terrorists at worst. How you have voted in general will affect your Social Credit score & thus your initial starting point. My guess is that in order to best achieve a near accurate census from the start,
so as to accurately categorize each individual, block-chain systems will be used. Gun owners are another group of people who (most likely) will be affected due to the Democrats desire to severely limit (at least) or abolish (at most) the 2A.
Do we have anything like it currently implemented?

In short, YES. It is an expansion & amalgamation of so many things we currently take for granted as part of our day to day lives. Credit Checks, Criminal Records, Voting Records, Employment History, Passport travel history,
Medical History/Records, Drivers License, (details such as criminal charges directly pertaining to your ability to lawfully drive. E.g. points). Additionally when we add our digital footprint, our browser history/sites we visit, the things we say, (like, subscribe to/follow),
the items we buy, the things we download, (legal music/movie downloads could add an additional factor of scrutiny, what movie/song, is an approved actor/artist, director, subject matter present?) it’s fair to say that years & years of data collection, whether that’s official
government data or digital data will ultimately be used against us & our beliefs/opinions.

Are there signs of the Social Credit Score in place now?

YES. Don’t want the government approved vaccination? It will cost you your job & will even affect your ‘government approved
freedom’ of movement. The government say it’s fine to take (despite affecting over one million people, with 18,000+ deaths & more than 600 women who have had their pregnancy directly affected in the U.S. alone) & that should be enough (according to them).
Don’t believe [your] children should take beta-blockers or even change their pronouns to that of the opposite sex? The government says you can & will go to jail. It isn’t your place (as a child's parent) to advise your flesh & blood on how to best prepare them for life & talk
to them openly & honestly about sexuality & what awaits them as they get older. It’s the schools, outside influencers, woke children’s cartoons & books & the government (according to themselves) will police it all, and some people have really taken to it.
Now lets look at a few articles about the Social Credit System

‘A typical credit score is decided by five different factors: payment history, utilization, length of credit history, recent activity, and overall capacity. However, China’s social credit score expands the typical credit score system into all ways of life.’
‘Having more points means that users are more likely to receive a promotion at work, get priority status for their children’s school admissions, tax breaks, and better access to loans and other financial services. Doesn’t sound too bad, right?’
‘Users can lose points by not visiting their elderly parents, traffic violations, cheating in online games, failing to sincerely apologize for crimes committed, and spreading rumours on the internet.’
‘...some of the “crimes” are incredibly ambiguous (how do you know if someone’s apology is insincere?), and the punishments are extreme and take away basic human rights from Chinese citizens.’
‘Brits are well accustomed to credit checks: data brokers such as Experian trace the timely manner in which we pay our debts, giving us a score that's used by lenders and mortgage providers. We also have social-style scores, and anyone who has shopped online with eBay has a
rating on shipping times and communication, while Uber drivers and passengers both rate each other; if your score falls too far, you're out of luck.’
‘China's social credit system expands that idea to all aspects of life, judging citizens' behaviour and trustworthiness. Caught jaywalking, don't pay a court bill, play your music too loud on the train — you could lose certain rights, such as booking a flight or train ticket.’
‘Some reports talk about a blacklist; that's part of the official government social credit system, which means if you owe the government money, for example, you could lose certain rights. There's a difference between getting a low social credit score and being blacklisted by the
government, such as for refusing to pay a fine.’
(W/regards to blacklisting)
"There was no file, no police warrant, no official advance notification. They just cut me off from the things I was once entitled to," he told The Globe and Mail. "What's really scary is there's nothing you can do about it. You can report to no one..."
In 2018, former US Vice-President, Mike Pence, sounded the alarm bells about China’s social credit system, stating “China’s rulers aim to implement an Orwellian system premised on controlling virtually every facet of human life – the so-called “social credit score.”
Social Credit Score/System timeline w/regards to businesses Image
‘CreditChina is a search tool (only available from a Chinese IP Address), providing a range of information on companies and individuals…’ Image
‘The record that you see, will show:

Any administrative permits held by the company;
Any administrative penalties applied to the company;
The presence of the company on redlists;
The presence of the company on blacklists;
The presence of the company on any irregularity list.’
After seeing this on Twitter, I had a look at the website Image
Check for yourself. Pay attention to the wording.

‘The pilot project aims to establish acceptance of the mDL by Utahns through use in real-world scenarios such as banking, travel, traffic stops, and restaurant and liquor store transactions that require age verification.’
It all sounds positive. One place to have so many things that directly pertain to our day to day life.
Of course, that goes both ways. You have access to your data which covers so many aspects of your life. But so does the government/approved companies to monitor your data.
Check out the video below. So beneficial. So positive. So convenient.
‘While we’ve heard warnings that vaccine passports are a gateway to digital IDs, there’s another tool knocking on our doorstep that does the same thing.

Digital Drivers Licenses (DDL).’
‘Eventually, every aspect of life will require a DDL.






And this is the Orwellian society of government control we receive:’

Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs w/regards to being blacklisted.
Worldwide Social Credit Industry - Infrastructure to Support Social Credit Systems Represents a $16.1 Billion Opportunity by 2026
' ..only report of its type to assess market opportunities for infrastructure support of the social credit market. ..evaluates market drivers, use cases, and consequential impacts/implications (anticipated..&..unanticipated) for social credit market implementation and operation'.
Companies Mentioned:

ACTi, Alibaba, Amazon, Analog Devices, Apple, Aratek,
Bosch Security Systems, Deep Vision AI, Facebook, Google, Honeywell, IBM, Neurotechnology, NEXT Biometrics, NVidia Corporation, Samsung, Sony, Tencent.

Amongst others.
Select Report Findings:

The COVID-19 pandemic has facilitated substantial interest in citizen monitoring solutions. Image
Infrastructure to support social credit systems represents a $16.1B global opportunity by 2026. Image
Cameras and other optical equipment for social credit systems will reach $723M globally by 2026. Image
Advanced computing will be used in conjunction with AI to provide nearly flawless identification and tracking. Image
Various forms of biometrics will be used for identity verification as well as verifying the presence/location of people. Image
Starting as tangential to public safety and homeland security, the social credit market becomes mainstream by 2026. Image
Social credit systems... the ability to identify (mostly people but also some "things") and track activities for purposes of grading behaviors and applying "social credit" scoring. A given grading/scoring methodology depends largely on social credit system objectives and metrics.
However, most systems will have socially acceptable behaviour at their core. This presents both a challenge and an opportunity as a combination of government, companies, and society as a whole must determine "good", "bad", and "marginal" behavior within the social credit market.
..infrastructure includes analogue and digital surveillance, Internet-enabled devices like smartphones, wearable devices, security systems, sensor-enabled physical objects, & surveillance devices that use biometrics and computer vision. Tech. include broadband (WiFi, LTE, & 5G)
While each of these systems has market value individually, and are deployed separately for various purposes, it is the convergence of these otherwise disparate technologies that will facilitate value within the social credit market.
In terms of physical infrastructure, social credit systems will rely upon various forms of equipment and platforms including sensors, biometrics, cameras, and other optical devices, computer vision systems, and other advanced computing platforms.
Cyberinfrastructure incl. platforms, devices, and software to support data processing and correlation with identity information, which shall leverage AI, IoT, and advanced data analytics. ... main purpose ... is to capture data, which must be stored and acted upon as appropriate.
Key Topics Covered:

* Executive Summary

* Introduction

* Social Credit System Technologies and Applications

* Company Analysis

* Social Credit Systems Market Analysis and Forecasts

* Conclusions and Recommendations

* Appendix: Social Credit Market Supporting Technologies
China's 'social credit' system ranks citizens and punishes them with throttled internet speeds and flight bans if the Communist Party deems them untrustworthy.
'Global Social Credit System: Financial Expert Criticizes Vaxxine Passports, Explaining Why They’re Targeting Children!'
Are COVID passports a Trojan horse for introducing a worldwide social credit system?
Important thing to note; this isn't merely a new form of ID

This won't just work one way, as a means to verify your identity. They will be interconnected. Image
All of the current difference of opinions between political sides could well evaporate in the online space & you will be a good citizen. Image
Online services can change at the drop of a hat when new laws are past. What can give you access, protecting your data, can deny you access if a company which now has access to your data, deems you 'untrustworthy'. Image
There's one important question which I haven't addressed.

Once this rolls out, if you can't criticise your government because your score will go down, how will that work in a 'Democracy'?

How can you complain about the other side?

The online space can get heated.
IMO it won't work. It can't work.
The only way that I can see atm is that each nation has just one party. China is surely one of if not the best at exporting their products. Why invest in a 'Made In China' product then only use it to half of its potential

China's Social Credit System is also referred to as 'Gamification'. This is the @ExtraCreditz video they did back in 2015.

'Propaganda Games: Sesame Credit - The True Danger of Gamification '
Whilst researching the Social Credit System, I came across an interesting academic paper which I will link at the end. The following is one part of that paper:
‘Panoptism is illustrated by (Michel) Focault at the beginning (of his book; Discipline & Punishment) with two historical events. These events are the quarantine, due to the plague at the end of the 17th century, and the banishment of lepers.
The government dealt with these two events differently. On the one hand, people were disciplined and tightly controlled during the plague, and on the other, lepers were banished from the city and stigmatized.
These two methods of exercising power over people, controlling their relationships and unravelling their dangerous mixtures. The methods for dealing with leprosy patients are politically aimed at a pure society,
whereas in the case of the plague, the political goal is the creation of a disciplined society.
According to Focault, these two methods, as different as they are in their objectives and practice, became increasingly similar in the course of the 19th century.
An example of this are psychiatric institutions and reformatories. These aim both at bifurcation and stigmatization, as well as compulsive classification and discipling division.
Thus, these institutions form a symbiosis of the methods of dealing with the plague and leprosy patients.
Architecturally, this symbiosis was implemented by the prison model, the Panopticon of Bentham. A circular building with a watchtower in the middle. The prisoners’ cells are arranged in a circle around a watchtower.
From the watchtower, an individual can look into each cell and through a window on the outside of the cell,
movements of the prisoners can be followed by their shadows. No prisoner can look into the watchtower itself, nor can they tell from lights or sounds whether there is anyone inside the tower.
The prisoners are in solitary confinement in their cells, so communication of any kind with the other prisoners is not possible. This aims to prevent cooperation against the prisoners’ disciplinary apparatus.
It should be noted that the Panopticon model may not necessarily be a prison, but also a hospital or a psychiatric ward. For all these institutions, the distribution of people and the permanent monitoring of these is indispensable.
The architecture is “the creation of a conscious and permanent state of visibility in the prisoner, which ensures the automatic functioning of power”.
This effect renders a direct exercise of power superfluous, since the prisoner is constantly confronted with the possibility of exercising it and is thus deterred.
The architectural structure itself represents an independent machine that creates and maintains a balance of power. This machine or plant is so important because it automates and de-individualizes power.
Automated, because the machine continuously maintains power and de-individualizing, because the functionality is not bound to a human, I.e. a supervisor.
A further peculiarity is that, unlike old prison fortresses, the Panopticon, due to the permanent presence of power and orderly conditions, can do without.. walls, chains and heavy locks, since the permanent presence of power prevents the prisoners from even attempting to escape.
Power becomes immaterial through the permanent visibility, since no physical punishment is necessary for the demonstration of power, because
“he who is subject to visibility and knows this, takes over the coercive means of power and plays them off against himself; he internalizes the power relationship in which he plays both roles at the same time; he becomes the principle of his own subjection”.
The difference between the quarantine and the Panopticon is now also clear. While quarantine is a state of emergency, the Panopticon can be understood as “ a functional model capable of generalization
that defines the relations of power to the everyday life of people in a group need to be disciplined and/or controlled.
It also increases the productivity and profitability of any area in which it is used, without direct coercion or pressure, and increases the influence of power itself as its effectiveness increases.
The Panopticon draws its power from its architecture and the geometry of the complex alone. .. the problem of the Social Credit System mentioned.. (throughout this thread), however one is no longer in a physically existing space,. as far as the direct centre of power is concerned
Therefore, the system of the Panopticon is slightly modified in the context of this investigation, but this does not alter the actual functioning of this construct
Moreover, Foucault does not combine the disciplinary measures already described with the model of the Panopticon. However, the fact that both models form a symbiosis and can thus significantly increase their efficiency...
Klaus Schwab explaining where they have their influences in order to push the #GreatReset which will ultimately see the #SocialCreditSystem implemented. He refers to these influences as "stakeholders".
Article dated Nov 12, 2021. #SocialCreditSystem

'The titans of global capitalism, including Bill Gates, are exploiting the COVID crisis to institute social credit-style digital ID systems across the West.'
'With over one billion Indians in its database, Aadhaar is the largest biometric digital ID program ever constructed ...it tracks users’ movements between cities, their employment status and purchasing records. It is a de facto social credit system..' Image
Having branded Aadhaar’s creator, fellow billionaire Nandan Nilekani, as a “hero,” initiatives backed by tech oligarch Bill Gates have long sought to bring the “Aadhaar approach to other countries.” Image
'For those yearning for an end to pandemic-related restrictions, credential programs certifying their vaccination against COVID-19 have been marketed as the key to reopening the economy and restoring their personal freedom.' Image
'But the implementation of immunity passports is also accelerating the establishment of a global digital identity infrastructure.' Image
As the military surveillance firm and NATO contractor Thales recently put it, vaccine passports “are a precursor to digital ID wallets.” Image
For the national security state, digital immunity passports promise unprecedented control over populations wherever such systems are implemented. Image
Ann Cavoukian, the former privacy commissioner of Ontario, Canada has described the vaccine passport system already active in her province as “a new, inescapable web of surveillance with geolocation data being tracked everywhere.” Image
'Now, with grassroots protest building against an exclusionary regime of vaccine passports, the captains of global capitalism are campaigning with more urgency than ever to bring digital ID to the West.' Image
'In Indonesia, COVID-19 vaccines are mandatory, and those who refuse may face fines or be refused access to public services. In Greece, residents must present immunity to work in or enter bars, theaters and other indoor public spaces.' Image
Other leaders such as Biden, Trudeau & macron are currently working on fully implementing the Passport System. Image
'As early as May 2020, only seven weeks after the pandemic was declared, U.S. tech billionaire Bill Gates predicted that “eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it.” Image
'Mega-corporations, international finance institutions, and billionaire-backed private foundations have played a vital role in lobbying for and implementing digital immunity passports.' Image
'The burgeoning global health passport system has been coordinated under the umbrella of the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO). However, this institution is so intertwined with wealthy private interests it can hardly be characterized as a “public” health body.' Image
'..former (WHO) director Margaret Chan told filmmaker Lilian Franck, “only 30% of my budget is predictable funds. The other 70%, ..take a hat and go around the world to beg for money. And when they give us the money, [it] is highly linked to their preferences, what they like.” Image
'Chief among those private funders is the second wealthiest man in the world, Bill Gates, and his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which happens to be the second largest donor to the WHO.' Image
'The Gates Foundation recently helped fund a WHO paper providing “implementation guidance” for proof of vaccination certifications across the world..crafted the paper alongside the Rockefeller Foundation and with guidance from several high-level representatives of the World Bank. Image
'According to Foreign Affairs, “few policy initiatives or normative standards set by the WHO are announced before they have been casually, unofficially vetted by Gates Foundation staff.” Or, as other sources told Politico in 2017, “Gates’ priorities have become the WHO’s.” Image
'Also at the forefront of the shift to digital credentials is the WEF. “The Forum is involved in the WHO task force to reflect on those [vaccine credential requirements] standards and think about how they would be used,” reads a May WEF article.' weforum.org/agenda/2021/05… Image
On paper, the WEF is an NGO and think tank “committed to improving the state of the world.” In reality, ..an international network of some of the wealthiest and most influential people on the planet. The Forum positions itself as the thought leader of global capitalism. Image
'The organization is best known for its annual gathering of the global ruling class.'

'As Foreign Affairs put it, “the WEF has no formal authority, but it has become the major forum for elites to discuss policy ideas and priorities.” Image
'#UKGovernment to launch #SocialCreditSystem in 2022'

'There is a coordinated effort worldwide to introduce a Digital Identity and Social Credit System, and the latter is coming to the United Kingdom from January 2022 according to a UK Gov.'
'In January 2022 the the Department of Health and Social Care, currently led by #SajidJavid, plan to launch a new app that will allegedly help people to make positive changes to their diet and physical activity.' Image
'Users will allegedly collect points for behaviours deemed healthy by the Government, which will unlock “rewards”. The Government says these rewards could include “gym passes, clothes or food vouchers, discounts for shops, and cinema or theme park tickets”. Image
'A company known as HeadUp has been chosen to deliver the pilot social credit system scheme, with the Government claiming another £3M also coming from the Department of Health and Social Care to provide incentives, but in reality the £3M is coming from the British taxpayer.' Image
'The company was founded by Glenn Riseley, an Australian who spent 14 years in the corporate wellness sector..' Image
'Glenn Riseley doesn’t believe the customer is always right, and claims it his company’s job to know what customers really need. How do they do this? By collecting as much data on you as possible of course.' Image
'But Glenn says that in order to collect your data his company needs to build trust and intimacy with you. He says that every data point they collect and every insight they deliver has to move the company a step closer to you so that you share even more data with them.' Image
'Glenn also believes that the thinking should be left to the professionals and states that HeadUp strives to do the thinking for people.' Image
'#SajidJavid states reason for the pilot social credit system is..“we’re doing as much as we can to tackle health disparities across the country, this new pilot will pave the way for developing innovative ways to improve the lives of individuals,help to reduce strain on the NHS.' Image
“The Office of Health Improvement and Disparities is driving forward our levelling up agenda for health.."

“This pilot is an excellent opportunity to find how best to inspire people to make small changes to their daily lives that have a lasting positive impact on their health.” Image
But is this really all it’s about?

'In June the Gov. plans to impose a UK wide ban on TV ads for food high in sugar, salt and fat airing before 9pm. Products incl. chocolate, burgers, soft drinks, cakes, sweets, ice cream, biscuits, sweetened juices, crisps, chips and pizzas.' Image
'This Gov. now wants to control what you eat, monitor your supermarket spending, and your daily exercise activities. If the Gov. can reward you for doing what it wants you to do, it can certainly punish you if you refuse to do so, especially if they bring in a digital currency.' Image
'Just look at China’s Social Credit System. It is a broad regulatory framework, intended to report on the ‘trustworthiness’ of individuals, corporations, and governmental entities across China.' Image
'The exact methodology is a secret — but examples of infractions include bad driving, smoking in non-smoking zones, buying too many video games, and posting fake news online, specifically about terrorist attacks or airport security.' Image
'Other potential punishable offences include spending too long playing video games, wasting money on frivolous purchases, and posting on social media' Image
'China has already started punishing people by restricting their travel, including banning them from flights. Authorities banned people from purchasing flights 17.5 million times by the end of 2018, according to the National Public Credit Information Centre.' Image
'..many are barred from getting business-class train tickets, and some are kept out of the best hotels. The list of punishments is endless and also includes preventing kids from attending the best schools, now they are attempting to bring it in right under your nose in the UK.' Image
'How long before employers start demanding to see their diet and exercise history before offering someone a job? Pubs and restaurants will check everyone’s vax status before entry, will they need to change their diet and exercise history before being able to sell them a burger?' Image
'What about treatment through the NHS? Will they be expected to use the app for rationing healthcare, only treating those who have performed well on the app by eating healthily and exercising?' Image
The Boiling Frog Syndrome

'You could be forgiven for believing the Gov. has the nations best interests at heart by introducing an app that rewards you for behaviour deemed to be healthy, Image
if you are also not aware that they are planning to bring in a digital identity system and digital currency under which they are debating whether to impose limits on how it can be spent.

But the problem is that plans for all three of these things have been advancing for months.' Image
'The UK Gov. is planning to boost the legal status of digital identities to make them as widely recognised as drivers licenses and bank statements,..will come in the form of a mobile phone app. The ticket to imposing them for good will come in the form of the Vaccine Passport.' Image
'Meanwhile the Bank of England and HM Treasury have established the Central Bank Digital Currency Taskforce to coordinate the exploration of a potential UK Digital Currency.' Image
'Make no mistake that this system would ultimately replace cash and would allow the Government to know what you are spending, when you are spending it, where you are spending it, and what you are spending it on.' Image
“There is no medical or epidemiological logic in the Green Pass.."

That's because it isn't its true intent.
#Digital_ID --> #SocialCreditSystem

This is & has always been the point of the Covid Passport.

Introduce the Passport, build on it with the Digital ID & include the Social Credit System.

Gov's will spin the benefits of it, but ultimately they can 'punish' you if they deem it necessary.
A blatant invasion of privacy, which will be used against the user in order to condition them. This in very small part will ultimately lead to what this entire thread barely scratches the surface of.
I genuinely think I know how this one is going to turn out.
Which would make sense considering [he] has promoted a digital currency several times already.

Hint: I've added it to this particular thread for a reason.
Far too many people are still asleep. Preoccupied with their little social justice reform. A business man turned philanthropist & a Bond villain wannabe will have power over everyone. Cue endless jabs or else in the gulag you go. Next week people ⏳
They want to control the online space to ensure that they decide what are acceptable topics of conversation. They already have their 1984 Ministry of Truth, now they want to further condition you to speak appropriately. Open discourse will be dead.

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May 17
There's actually another option. One that IMO is more likely.
IMO Digital IDs are coming. These Digital IDs will tie together so many things we currently hold/apply for separately. Musk wants assurances that BOT accounts are removed & integrating Digital IDs will help solve that.
The unfortunate thing is the whole point of these Digital IDs is it will become the core framework for the Social Credit System (which is also coming IMO - 📌Tweet)

By 2026, the Social Credit System will become big business, with company's such as Apple & Amazon already on board.
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