So president Lopez from #Mexico was in the #ONU and as he does everyday lied. Under his government insecurity and poverty has increased, just last week there was a shooting in Quintana Roo in the news if you remember, that's not a fluke that's common the only thing out of the
ordinary was that it caught the eye of international news, just Google Acapulco and narco or shooting and you can figure out yourselves. Poverty also has increased not only due to COVID but to his poor decisions that had made investors fled the country. So FYI don't believe
a word he says and @ONU_es please stop giving him money, he doesn't spent it on Mexicans like the vaccines USA gave us he gave them to latinoamerican dictadors even before ending to vaccine our population. Don't let him or anyone in his government to have any money they just
Steal it for themselves. In the 3 years of his government his kids became filthy rich as many of his collaborators. Corruption ending, lol not at all. Never before corruption was so visible in our country and still brainwashed sheep think he's good, he isn't he is evil, when
Asked out indigenous girls being sold in matrimony to be raped he said that's what they are used to doing there and it's not like there are too many. A child being raped is one child too many for anyone with morals or a soul. He's the worst president México has ever seen. #ONU 👁️
Ayer reflexionaba, 30 o 17 millones votaron por #LopezMienteAlMundo mientras que 100 o 123 millones sólo se quedaron mirando mientras ésto pasaba y les guste o no son tan culpables de que #LopezDestruyendoMexico haya llegado a la presidencia. El enemigo a vencer en #sosmexico2024
No es sólo #LopezCorruptoInepto y #MorenaCuevaDeDelincuentes , hay que vencer al abstencionismo y para eso necesitaremos un ciudadano en qué todos podamos confiar, #Mexico está harto de partidos y políticos con justa razón, no hay claridad, no hay contundencia no hay alguien a
Quien podamos considerar digno tu por lo mismo seguimos solo peleando entre nosotros mismos señalando con el dedo, sirve esto de algo si no se hacen acciones concretas? Si no se hace un frente común? Los españoles no nos vencieron por los caballos, armas o enfermedades, nos