"A disabled former soldier who said he is so poor that he lost 16kg (2st 7lb) due to a lack of food is among the contributors to the first United Nations investigation into extreme poverty into the UK" theguardian.com/society/2018/a…
Thread: 1/10 Who is to blame for the loss of safe Labour seats in the North? Tony Blair & New Labour. Through all the social and economic devastation of the 80s & 90s those seats kept faith with Labour, hoping that the eventual election of a Labour govt
2/10 would rectify matters. What we got instead was more of the same Thatcherite policies with the North left to rot while Blair, Campbell & Co courted their new friends in the South. Labour become associated exclusively with minority causes & identity politics.
3/10 It's not that those things aren't important, it's that Labour allowed itself to be painted as sympathetic to every cause on the planet but that of the white working class. If you think that sounds like a racist assessment, congratulations, you're part of the problem,