DO NOT Comply or submit to satans army, the little that are left here are powerless & only use FEAR to gain leverage over your lives or turn everyone against one another doing exactly what [THRY] need you to do because [THEY] have little to no one left who fights for [THEM] .
The "stars", [THEY] thought you would follow.
The Fake News/Propaganda media is failing/folding every single day ..
MANY who are on T.V. are not real, they are projections to make it seem like ones who have been gone for A long time are still around..
Little to nothing on T.V.
Is real ..
Everything that was staged, its being used as Propaganda to try & get A rise outa people for 1 purpose, DIVISION ..
Fighting amongst your fellow man for things that are not real is what [THEY] need to happen, WHY? HOW? Propaganda is legal & movie sets can be used
To make the Country think MANY staged events are real .. All to Purposely get ones emotionally attached, emotions cloud judgment.
The RIGHT WAY to go about all of this, even all the fake is FORGIVE & PUT IT ALL IN GODS HANDS ! Open your hearts even though things just may be
Fake or not what they seem to be ..
Once forgiven, move on KNOWING yiu did NOT give [THEM] the reaction [THEY] needed from all of you, THAT makes [THEM] absolutely powerless when you don't give true evil what [THEY] ALL NEED from you ..
Real or not, do things the right way
& bypass all the things that are Purposely placed in front of everyone to cloud their judgments by playing with the peoples emotions ..
There is A reason why all of this is happening to you. You may not understand it now but you will in the near future, it will all make sense to you that if this didn't happen, the outcome of your life would have been much worse..
Paths are placed
in front of you & everyone else in the World, those paths are what is BEST for you, your family, your health & others around you.. Many in this world ignore the smallest of details & signs that are given to them, they think/act upon negative emotions most of the time or
ones act upon to much positive emotions, which can be just as bad as acting on negative emotions ..
These emotions cloud one own perspective upon ones own life.
Think of it like this..
A man lives his entire life struggling to make ends meet, one day he's driving home from
No one is above another, what/who ones chose to believe in, in the past, was their choice & in the end all is forgiven ...
72 & 17 UNITED AS 1 .
All the SNL, Movies, sports & entertainment is the 72 "side", all the
Government issues & other garbage that has been happening in the world is the 17 "Side" ...
Light & Dark UNITED as 1.
Both "sides" knew exactly how to make EVERYTHING right in the world but didn't have the 1 Key that was hidden on the outside, A key that brings EVERYONE
TOGETHER no matter who they are or where they're from ..
Both "Sides" did all they did in life "ALL FOR A BUCK" knowing that 1 man could make all of this work .. All the keys = 1 person, that 1 person chooses who opens the door of all doors. Everyone knows by now who opens the