1st hse:
"this house containeth the questions which may be propounded and made of the head, and of every things therein contained; as the braine, memorie, understanding, reason, intelligence, eyes, eye-browes, nose, teeth, mouth, ears, and visages;" books.google.com/books?id=Et7mS…
2nd house: "Which of the two gamblers have won or shall win the silver" [...] "Whether the friend put in trust, be secret or not"
(You can also see why the transcription was necessary )
3rd house:
"the questions which may be propounded of a Scholar studying in the University, or in any other place.
"If that the ill fortune shall turn to any good issue at any time."
"How the man of the Church does from whom you would hear news."
5th house:
"Whether it be good to take new cloths, and whether the person be well appareled."
"Whether the book which one would read contains things good or bad.
6th house:
"2; if it be good to visit a sick person"
"9: Also over all things [de]stroyed and broken, false witnesses, and bawdes, Sorcerers and Enchanters
"10: Also over fear and fright, shame, poverty and lack, smoke and darkness
"7: If the maid be a virgin or not, and whether she have any lover, and if she have, then how stands the ami[ty] between them.
"17: As touching the members of man, this house containeth the demands which may be made upon the buttocks and arse"
7th hse: cont'd
11: "If the companion appointed to you be a good man or a bawd."
(Judging by the entries, another 7th house query is,"If a man will lie with his leman", i.e. "will I get to have sex with this woman" books.google.com/books?id=Et7mS… -- which is occasionally useful )
(N.B. Greer, in his Geomancy, states that questions about sex are 5th house topics)
8th house:
"1[...] If [the querent] shall live long or die quickly. 2- Also to know whether he shall die within a day, month, or year. 3- If a person shall die a good death or else be slain. 5- If a man be slain, who killed him'
8th house cont'
"17. [...] questions which may be made upon the experience of Nigromancy, invocation of spirits, inchantments, and other devilish acts. 18. As touching the parts of man's body, [...] the privy and secret members of man and women"
"3: upon the garments and vestures of a priest, preacher, scholar and his study, the school, and the companions and books.
"4: Whether he that goeth to be made priest shall have orders or not.
"8: Whether a person be a fool or wise,[...]
"9: If he which desireth to be Pope shall be chosen thereunto [...] .
"10: Whether he that ye thinke for shall be driven out of the Kinges Court, or whether he shall be welcome and loved
"8: Whether the Pope shall be good."
" 7; Whether the prisoner shall part out of prison, and when.
"8: Whether he shall be racked [i.e. tortured], if he say truth."
"15: Whether a person shall be banished from his Country, or otherwise.
As to how these astonishingly specific questions could be answered, well, the process was surprisingly simple. The person performing the divination simply generated the chart, and looked up the figure in the relevant house...
in the entry, and they would have a more-or-less ready answer. So, for example, if I wanted to figure out the contents of a letter/book I have yet to read, Cattan tells us we must look at the 5th house
Suppose I cast the chart, and found the figure in the 5th house to be Puella. Cattan tells us that "The Books speak of kissing, colling, dancing, and singing", and broadly the same things if it was a letter
But suppose, if the 5th house was occupied with Carcer instead, then the books would be about
" woman with child, of imprisonment, or to sow the earth, or of things melancholy. "
The whole of Cattan's book 2 is actually structured like that: Each chapter is dedicated to one of the 12 houses. At the start of the chapter there is a list of the questions that can be answered by looking at the figure in the house...
The rest of the chapter is dedicated to interpretations of each of the 16 possible geomantic figures which could occupy that house. Each entry is structured such as to respond to each of the questions stated at the start in turn, as you can see below:
The advantage with this method, is certauntly that it becomes easy to use. However, the disadvantage is that such methods are highly inflexible, and indeed, contributed much to the impression that geomancy was a simplistic form of divination that could only answer...
yes or no questions-- for example, it would tell you whether you would get to meet your lover, but not tell you when or where would the meeting be, or indeed, how pleasurable the meeting would be for the two of you.
The thing is, geomancy could answer such questions, albeit using more advanced techniques, reading the chart holistically. Cattan himself treated of these techniques in his third book on geomancy-- but perhaps unsurprisingly, few until recently actually bothered with them...
Cattan's book of geomancy also gives a set of "judgment tables"-- Short answers to questions a set of 10 topics by looking at the last 3 figures of a geomantic chart:
The list of questions in this set is an elegant illustration of what weighed most heavily on the minds of Cattan's readers:
A wife
Woman with child
Thing Lost
Near the end of the third book we find a section on the "properties of all the figures" eg with figures attained in the geomantic chart portend life, which portend death etc.
In any case, Cattan himself admits this rather thorough listing was to make the book accessible"
" to the end that whosoever would (by way of recreation) learn this science, that he be ignorant of nothing which concerneth the perfect knowledge hereof...
In any case, it is interesting to notice how frank Cattan (and those who copied him) are about sex work; in another digested table of figure interpretations, sevreral entries say that a figure in a certain position is "Good for whores"
someone pointed out that considering Surya and Helios to be two separate deities is tantamount to saying that there are two different suns: one for Indians and one for Greeks.
Buddhism itself is pretty happy to absorb polytheist gods, albeit holding them to be inferior to buddhas. in Chinese Buddhism, the Jade Emperor is considered to be the same as Brahma.
Daoist Scriptures in turn suggest that the Jade Emperor is himself a buddha.
(as @Punished_Jom pointed out, I made an error above. the Jade Emperor is seen as an analog of Indra. From Bony Schachter's Beyond the Kingly Metaphor:
A Sociological Reading of the Scripture of the Jade Sovereign*)
8月8日刊登在《星洲日报》《言路》版,题目作《这些迷信的父母都病得不轻》的黄翠娴女 士的专栏文章,内容主要是控诉“父母束缚着年幼的孩子‘成全’乩童往自己孩子嘴里投含血唾液”的作法不仅不合卫生,而且有迷信之嫌。
On august 8th, in sin chiew Jit Poh, there was published an article entitled
"some parents cannot be cured of these superstitions” by ms. Huang Cuixian. It indicts "parents who bring children to tang-ki for the "completion" rite, which involves the medium spitting blood into the child's mouth, an unhygienic...sinchew.com.my/news/20240808/…
I was just reading _the orgone accumulator handbook_ . A thought struck me. Had Reich and his followers lived in China about 500 years ago or more, his works would be revered and studied by astrologers and fengshui masters today. archive.org/details/james-…
although unlike the chinese experience, there is no elaborate theory of how different kinds of qi mate and merge to form the five phases and so on. There is however DOR- destructive Orgone,which produces drought and illness... archive.org/details/james-…
this video gives a very good piece of advice regarding Classical Chinese: You should not start with the big classics like the Analects or Laozi, but rather tackle simpler , less ambiguous literature, like stories and narratives- even 19thc chinese tr. of western books...
for, As much as the analects may be culturally important, they are written in a very hard, archaic form of chinese (which even I struggle with!) that is also ambiguous to boot: there have been millennia long disputes on what passages even mean.
I myself can attest to the effectiveness of this method: I learned a lot of Classical Chinese by reading the 萬寶全書 - complete book of a myriad treasures- which is basically an early modern encyclopaedia books.google.com/books?id=fO4pA…
I have my doubts about this interpretation; we are probably missing something; the ancients may not have physically eaten semen and mucus. it might very well have been a kind of visualisation exercise.
daoist visualisation exxercises can get really trippy- things like visualising the gods that dwell in various parts of the body, nurturing numinous embryos etc- thus imagining you are purifying your own cum would probably be not out of place
again there is this running joke on my part of sinology twitter where daoist neidan is basically considered to be one massive exercise of not ejaculating/ 'semen retention'-- this strikes me as a massive oversimplification;
if you want to stop thinking of whatever you are currently thinking please listen to this incredibly eldritch and spiritually numinous recitation of the heart sutra by soto zen monks 般若心経
IF that is not enough then listen to their recitation of the great compassion mantra which would cause all manner of evil ghosts (and humans I should add) to flee
one aspect of religious experience that is underrated is being in contact with the weird and unusual