Folks wondering what relevance history has to current discussion of crypto need to go back to 1896 and William Jennings Bryan’s “Cross of Gold” speech, wherein he argued against the gold standard and in favor of “bi-metallism.”…
Property rights fundamentalists felt gold should be the only valid backing of currency, even as the US had only settled on it as a de-facto standard. Gold was eventually abandoned because it was too unruly and led to boom/bust cycles, abuse, etc.
Now we are going through this conversation again where crypto=gold and the same dumb arguments are being trotted out.
Bryan was on the right track; bi-metallism opened up the path to more flexible currency and banking.
Don’t make the mistake thinking this moment is new.
We’re basically rehashing property rights, slavery, secession, 1896 (bimetallism), 1933 (New Deal), 1971 (Nixon/gold), 1980 (Hunts/silver) all over again and all at once.
Only this time nearly no one knows or cares about this history and so we have to live it all over again.
Bryan lost in 1896 and McKinley instead passed the Gold Standard Act in 1900, which ultimately had to be abandoned multiple times. It just doesn’t work, and by 1933 it was done excerpt for inter-country settlements; Nixon ended that in 1971.
Cryptocurrency comes from a long line of fascist and far-right thinking: Kochs, Mercers, Ayn Rand, John C. Calhoun, et al.
The current crypto-cult is not compatible with democracy, and people who think of themselves as progressive should distance themselves. #DivestBTC
Anyone who knows history can assert I’m not making anything up here. Dark Money by @JaneMayerNYer, Democracy in Chains by @NancyMacLean5, and Shadow Network by @alnelsona all confirm the assertions I make here.
Some progressives are just in denial about crypto. Time to wake up.
For those that don’t yet understand and are not infected with cult-think, crypto and the gold standard are equivalent and aim to take away power from central banks because they don’t believe they are trustworthy.
1/So-called "progressives" engaged in web3 crypto-land need to come to grips with the libertarian traditions from which 'sound money' flows.
It's rooted in "Austrian Economics," which is based on property rights. In the US, this strain of economics was used to defend slavery.
2/It also promotes an extremely hierarchical theory of society and of value, conflating monetary possessions with societal value. This "hierarchical" mode is also prominent in the history of the alt-right and indeed in Naziism, eugenics, and other rather unsavory traditions.
3/There have been various attempts to draw "new age" lefty progressive types into "sound money" Austrian Economics. This insane film, Thrive, was released in 2011 and aimed at left-leaning audiences. It was screened at @OccupyLA by Lisa Clapier, in fact.
1/A common feature of cults is that participants in the rank and file low-end of the cult may not be aware of the true purpose or nature of the cult, or the full goals of its topmost participants.
2/Fort this reason, it may be surprising, dispiriting, and even unpleasant for participants in Jan6, QAnon, and the crypto-cult that they are cogs in a libertarian machine bound in common purpose: to avenge the gold standard and the 1933-34 Business Plot.
3/The proposed army of “500,000 veteran super-soldiers” had little economics background or common cause with the National Association of Manufacturers or the American Liberty League industrialists behind the “Wall Street Putsch,” as Jules Archer explains.
I can't stress this enough: the crypto attack on the dollar is not strictly a "pump and dump" or a "grift." It's an ideologically-driven attack on the legitimacy of fiat currency, the @federalreserve, and the incumbent financial system. It is the sequel to the January 6th attack.
Just as January 6th was not successful, this faces serious headwinds. But as an ideological attack, they are convinced their cause is just. Just because it's insane doesn't mean that's not what they are doing. They're going for it.
Expect them to heavily flirt with not raising the debt ceiling on December 3; that flirtation may lead to volatile conditions that may in fact lead to a failure to raise the debt ceiling. If that happens... well... chaos. Secondary effects will be overwhelming.