Full disclosure; I eat crayons. Here's a fun recap theory read. A certain mayo-loving he-who-must-not-be-named was utilizing his little high-frequency trading (HFT) operation to duplicate shares for the last several years for a basket we know and love called the meme stocks. 1/
This share duplication technique was creating actual phantom shares in the virtual trading environment nerve centers. It was driving price action down, he was making money, no one but him was happy, and it was very, very naked. It might not have even been illegal, because 2/
regulations might not have outlined the technique as being illegal. What our mayo-boy didn't know was that he was creating a de-facto share obligation ETF that would have a weighted movement causing magnetic price action for the foreseeable future across the memestonks. 3/
Que the entrance of our heroes, @michaeljburry, @TheRoaringKitty and @ryancohen, who, with no ill will, created a perfect layup Deep Fucking Value play to rock the masses, with help of the #ApeNation#RedditArmy and #WSB, and no small amount of vision from Cohen, reinvented 4/
the aging brick and mortal that we know and love as @GameStop into what might become the first viable platform for a gaming-centric MetaVerse. That's right, kiddos, the @loopringorg NFT platform rumors have very big gaming centric MetaVerse implications. It's not just not over 5/
but the fun has barely begun. Y'all thought tech companies had high valuations? Just wait. To the abject horror of mayo-boy, all of this newfound attention made the regulating bodies take a very long, very hard look at what he had created. While they might not be admitting it 6/
out loud to the masses, we can almost guarantee at this point that they not only know what he's done, but they have models of it in their predictive market AI's at this point. When they start yelling at retail before we do anything, the alarm bells for this meme-monstrosity 7/
are keeping them up, giving them nightmares of MOASS. In the effort to prevent this from happening again, the technique mayo-boy used has been identified and specifically outlawed, earlier this year. Here's a vid on regs for what was likely the method. 8/
What's interesting is that this means that mayo-boy is no longer allowed to be naked, at least not in the same way. As the lovely @InZaneViews pointed out for me, someone cracked @RyanCohen's tweet last night. It was from a Canadian Comedy TV series called Kenny vs. Spenny. 9/
Here's a screenshot from Dejv of u/cmori3 discussing it. Points if someone can provide the original genius that ID'd the quote. 10/
So, here's how I'm reading this. The Fed was yelling at us a week ago because another of the most heavily shorted stocks in the meme-basket, $SNDL, has also entered a perfect Deep Value Play position. They run the real risk of reaching new highs, meaning the risk of the OTHER 11/
meme-basket stocks being dragged up with magnetic price action, JUST LIKE WHAT HAPPENED IN JANUARY. Weed is on the brink of being legalized, and the press conference today was triggering their nightmares of MOASS. So before most of us even knew wtf we were being yelled at for 12/
Cohen was mocking mayo-boy for no longer being able to maintain his monstrosity naked. He had to pay to keep the monster down, this time, and I, for one, hope he can't keep paying the bill.
damn it, of course my shit corrected mortar to mortal. Great. Well, I did warn about the crayons.
Pre-pre-market short share availability check, 2am EST. 2 hours to pre-market. 150k GME, 5 lenders. FBomb- 1m+ // AMC - 1m, 9 lenders, FBomb- 1m+ // SNDL - 4.3m, 5 lenders, FBomb- hard to borrow.
4am- IBKR showed a weird pre-premarket withdrawal of 100k SNDL lendies, prior to market open, then just as PM opened, instantly a milly shares down. Currently reporting 3.2m lendies. 5 lenders.
Ok, they're trying to bore me to death. Imma go watch a movie.
Hmm. I'm just gonna openly talk about this. Full disclosure; pure speculation. So, the Fed pre-emptively blaming meme-stocks for systemic risk in the way they did seeming to point to pre-knowledge of a new event, coupled with the recent load ups and the extreme surprise of the 1/
OG memestonk $SNDL (8000% EPS, EBDITA higher than was predicted for the entirety of 2022, zero debts, restructure complete, investments, I could go on) which was in the cellar box basket alongside the rest of the memes, seems to indicate that their predictive algorithms 2/
are pointing at a serious stock pop for the meme baskets. I can't honestly point to any dates for any of the other baskets that would move them all up together. If anyone has a piece of that puzzle, point me at it. However, it makes me wonder, what happens when you have a meme 3/
@realMeetKevin@vladtenev@CNBC@realMeetKevin the e-mails are going around right now. On the day of, Citadel informed all of their PFoF clients they would not be paying PFoF for purchases of GME, only sales. All brokerages utilizing PFoF would have had to eat all purchase costs themselves. This is the why.
@realMeetKevin@vladtenev@CNBC The story about liquidity was BS from the start. The settlement deposit requirements were waived prior to market open on the day sales were restricted. Those liquidity requirements were still used as a cover story. He did not need to meet them, they did not exist. It was PFoF.
@realMeetKevin@vladtenev@CNBC That is why every brokerage that utilizes Citadel's PFoF payments to offer "free" trading to their clients restricted sales of GME that day, and those that do not, did not. They didn't ALL have liquidity issues all at once, they were simply unwilling/unable to eat trading costs.
Oh good lord. "If the debt ceiling doesn't raise, we can't be expected to protect you." Lmfao.
Laymen's terms: We're printing money, we're going to keep printing money, raised the debt ceiling so we can pay our bills with printed money, or it's going to be Armageddon. Also: I can't even tell you what our printed money is for anymore, but it's no longer a tool for recovery.