Open air drug markets in SF are the result of bad policy by extremist far leftists who refuse to allow social workers to collaborate with law enforcement the way they do in Amsterdam and other European countries
This book is lucid, full of real SF citizens like @Twolfrecovery@bettersoma and others who directly experience the worst of our deep policy mistakes buttressed by systemic nonprofit graft and corruption
What do SF Supervisors think about the open air drug laws? Well people like Campos or Boudin sponsor drug use and crime by refusing to enforce the laws. That’s the far far left.
Then there is Matt Haney who is an opportunist and has no backbone to speak of. A true Aaron Burr.
Most people trying to do something new will still err too much on blending in
Often it is fear of not being taken seriously that keeps people from taking the risk.
Before you ship it, try to detect if you are pulling your punch because of this fear.
The bigger danger for people who have new original ideas is that people can’t tell it is different because at surface level it looks the same
“In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is failing. In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible.” —Seth Godin
Blending in is what society teaches us to do for most of our childhood and adult lives. It’s safe. We are social creatures and want to be a member of a tribe.
But: To create a tribe requires the opposite: to be willing to be on the high wire of something never before seen
Bilal Mahmood is my pick for San Francisco's AD17 state assembly seat.
We need bold common sense ideas for how to fix our city & state—
🚨 safe streets
📚 great schools with advanced math
🏡 solving the housing crisis
Follow, donate and volunteer for @bilalmahmood today
His experience reflects my experience: SF is a beacon for people who want to create new things, and it is the frontier. Immigrants from around the world come here to build the future.
But we're losing our way, and a leader like Bilal will help fix our wayward political machines
We don't need politics as usual. A vote for Matt Haney (who removed algebra from public middle schools in SF) and David Campos (who is deeply enmeshed with the progressive machine owned by nonprofits like TODCO) is a path to ruin.