Arnold is correct, and this is about going green. COP26
WITH COP9 There is another fight.
With Tobacco Control,WHO,BLOOMBERG & His Philanthropies, Many have just tried to show them the Truth with real peer reviewed reseach & science. But they have twisted their own Article 5.3
This Article has everyone banning together, in support to actually ignore all science. Backed by renewed resources funded by a Billionaire who thinks No 1 should have anything except him. He has tried to ban Sugar,Pops,Sweet drinks, and a host of other items. Don't believe me
Read this article, as he tries to ban a dozen things. Now we wants to ban Ecigs and other Life Saving products…
Cigarettes is known for leading to cancers, and the largest known cause of early death. The Whole world has being looking for a answer. Well we have found a few. Ecigs. Snus, by this means even some Pharmaceuticals can help. Problem is Ecigs and a like didn't come from BigPharma
And the solution didn't come by Big Tobacco. It started by Hon Lik in 2003. From this beginning many people got involved in tests,research to make ecigs better. This all came from no Big company at all. Just consumers like you and me. And we were successful, making the best Ecigs
Now this newer Ecig, with better batteries better control with electronics, better elquid. That does taste better even providing different flavors as we are all human and we all have different tastes. So yes Flavors are important just like our food we all like different flavors
Now all of this work has accumulated to what we have created and all know as Ecigs the #1 #HarmReduction tool known to mankind. This has upset the Continuum of BigPharma,BigTobacco and Tobacco Control. This is huge its a over TRILLION dollar business. And it has it teeth set in.
To Never lose control over all this. Bloomberg has also stepped to help as its profits he will lose, and he loves to control with his Dictatorship methods paying off LMIC buying legislation, paying his Philanthropies big money, buying Pr Campaigns all to smear and shut down Ecigs
These tactics include lies and more even bought himself a seat at WHO.
Think I am joking read up on him. Would he or anyone put out over a Billion dollars over the last several years just to shut down a near harmless product. We have provided him, the WHO,CDC, & other orgs proof
Over the last 2 decades many tests ad peer reviewed Researches has been completed and continues to be completed. Yet this gets ignored. Probably not even looked at by some. Or as TFkids has show they cherry pick info & adlib on top of that to make false misinformation propaganda
Below is a small list of great research
By hundreds of great firms & Orgs. That have peer reviewed a lot of there research. 👇👇👇
All of this and more has essentially become what we understand as a new war. Many have called this a War on Ecigs. Its like the old War on Drugs, by the way, the World has finally decided that the war on Drugs is wrong. Don't let the War on Ecigs take as long as the waron Drugs.
We currently have over a billion smokers Worldwide now as we did 20 years ago. This hasn't changed so tobacco control doesn't work either.
They don't won't it to work either as it gives them job stability. We can stop this, we have a lives we can save.
As time goes on we know we can help everyone quit smoking it's time to jion th 21st Century. Its time to start thinking we can do something to help, even if many don't care about saving anyone except their bank accounts.
We have mounted huge resources to help advocates and others
As we the consumer of Ecigs, we have been trying to self regulate. Improve our clean lads, make safer products. We also have started a resource website where anyone can go look up info do their own research or just explore more info on #safernicotine…
We take the safety and concerns of our products seriously as consumers and producers. Many of our own manufacturers even keep batch numbers and stocks and inventory documented just incase if we need to go back and change something or recall products. We did this without FDA ETC.
Consumers make some of the producers, & manufacturers. Because we use these products we care about these products. All or most of or own Ma&Pa brick n Mortor shops also care. They take time needed to help someone new to hopefully pick what products might be the best for them
You won't see BigPharma or BigTobacco do anything like that. They only care about the sell.
Please join Us and help fight for the safety and longer lives of a billion people around the World.
For anyone who gets this. Please scroll up 20 tweets to the beginning. Again sorry I didn't realize I was going to go on a rant or I would have numbered.
Watched the show today like I do often. Good show.
But a lot of this information is old news as well. Nearly 10 millions ppl have quit cigarettes with Ecigs. And a large Number of organizations has been doing tons of great research. Nearly 100 million 🌎 have quit.
So now we have 100 million adults all using ecigs to stay off of cigarettes. Starting out at their higher levels allowing the Ecigs to actually replace that cigarette without feeling deprived.
Like me smoked for 22yrs started out around 36mg, but now I am around 0mg to 3mg
Ecigs allow users to drop down the Nicotine level gradually as you use. And Nicotine it's self doesn't contain any carcinogens. Remove the Tar and thousands of chemicals all burning smoke. So Ecigs are much safer. Now for adults the flavors are a factor that helps them Adult's