In July 1940, Edward, Duke of Windsor & his wife, Wallis Simpson, moved to Estoril where they lived at first in the home of Ricardo de Espírito Santo..
Johan's ex-wife (also in Epstein's book) is a good friend of Marina Abramovic.
In the middle is Rushka Bergman, film director and contributing fashion editor for L'Uomo Vogue and Vogue Italia. Personal stylist of Michael Jackson and Nicki Minaj.
The futurists come together in this article entitled "Immortality Island" by Jules Evans
"I’m not going to talk about the Burning Man festival. . but .. it was my introduction to a fascinating subculture within San Francisco and Silicon Valley."…
"Many members of the camp I was in were Thielians. They worked for organisations connected to or funded by Peter Thiel, a billionaire who founded PayPal and has since invested in many other leading tech companies."..
Daily Mail : " Dominic Cummings who is planning a new ‘StartUp Party’ which he hopes will smash the traditional Westminster system – is understood to be communicating with Mr Musk on WhatsApp."🤦
"Cummings,who helped to mastermind Johnson’s 2019 election win, resigned the following year after the collapse of his relationship with the PM &his infamous trip to Barnard Castle"
Cummings hired Munira Mirza, the wife of sex parties operator Dougie Smith
"In 2019, the City of Los Angeles Information Technology Agency (ITA) convened its Smart City Committee, composed of 24 departments and elected officials"
"”We have a blueprint for the city
of the future.”
- Mayor Eric Garcetti
State of the City
April 19, 2020"
United States ambassador to India since May 11, 2023.