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19 Nov, 139 tweets, 23 min read
cw dubcon exhibitionism a/b/o

omega lwj, hostage of the wen sect, is dragged to a banquet and offered up for the use and pleasure of wen ruohan's favourite ally: the yiling patriarch.
cw feared noncon

no one has touched lan wangji since he was taken hostage, but he knew with grim certainty that it was inevitable. either one of the wen sons would take him as a concubine, or he'd be handed off to win someone's favour.

now he has his answer.
he's given clothes to wear: deep red silk so thin it moulds to his body. gold and rubies for his hair, ears, wrists, throat. he refuses, until wen chao storms in and tells him he can wear this or nothing at all.

he is stubborn enough that he... carefully considers his options.
((lunch is over so i'm off but i came here to write filthy omegaji porn and by god i will))
cw: threatened noncon

he wears the clothes, in the end. wen chao spits threats and insults at him all the way to the banquet: that he's going to be shown his place, that he'd better behave or wen chao will punish him himself, that he can't wait to see lan wangji humiliated.
but it's wen xu who meets them at the entrance. who takes lan wangji's arm, and says in a low voice, "if you insult *him*, he'll punish you in ways you can't even imagine. so be good, little lan." then still holding lan wangji's arm, he steers him through the door.
"yiling patriarch," wen xu says. his voice has changed, and is oily, obsequious, overly friendly. "your gift is here."

the hall is full of people. but wen xu takes him toward the only man dressed in black, seated alone. lan wangji has heard of him. the necromancer from yiling.
but that isn't going to make lan wangji obedient. far from it. he holds his head high, his expression as cold as ever, as wen xu forces him forward. he has never showed any fear, only disdain, and he will not start now.
the yiling patriarch is younger than lan wangji would have expected. seated at ease, drinking liquor, a smile curving his mouth as he looks at wen xu, then lan wangji. "a gift, for me?" he asks. "how kind. what is it?"
lan wangji bristles internally.

"a lan omega," says wen xu. "a virgin."

"you do not know if i am a virgin," lan wangji says levelly. wen xu's grip tightens punishingly on his arm.

"now, now," says the yiling patriarch, sounding amused. "don't damage my gift, wen xu."
wen xu's hand spasms, then loosens.

the yiling patriarch meets lan wangji's eyes. "come here," he says.

"i do not wish to," lan wangji says stiffly.

"understandable," the yiling patriarch says. drinks more liquor, still smiling. "let me help you."
resentful energy, dark and gossamer, coils out of the air, as if from nowhere. grasps lan wangji's wrists almost... playfully. tugs him forward.

there are muffled, fearful gasps from watching banquet attendees. the yiling patriarch's eyes have gone strange, red.
lan wangji knows he could break this hold. it is not strong. the yiling patriarch, so very amused, clearly knows it too. this is some kind of test.

so for no reason lan wangji can fathom - perhaps, only out of some deep instinct - lan wangji steps forward.
another step. another. then he's close enough that he can smell the yiling patriarch's scent.

wen xu's and wen chao's alpha scents revolted him. they smelled of ash to him, deeply unpleasant. but the yiling patriarch smells like earth after rain. like new-blooming lotus flowers.
his scent washes over lan wangji dizzyingly. it is heady. he has to take a moment to steady himself as it fills his nose, his lungs. it seeps into his blood.

he sees the yiling patriarch's own nostrils flare.

"sit," the patriarch says. and lan wangji kneels down beside him.
he did not even think of disobeying. he just... kneeled.

lan wangji has never responded like this to an alpha's scent before. a distant part of him is aware he should be horrified.

the resentful energy fades away to nothing. 'closer,' the yiling patriarch says.
lan wangji slides closer. he feels a hand settle on his knee. warm, long-fingered.

'good boy,' the yiling patriarch murmurs, and lan wangji feels instinctual pleasure run down his spine. instead of relaxing as his body wants to, he tenses.
the yiling patriarch makes a low, soothing noise. he slides his palm higher, from lan wangji's knee to his thigh, making the silk rasp.

lan wangji should move away. instead, he feels his thighs move with the pressure of the yiling patriarch's hand. spreading, just a little.
the movement makes him aware of something else: the throbbing ache between his legs. how can this alpha's scent and one touch have done this to him?

it's mortifying. he is aware of how thin his clothing is. if he is - if he is aroused then - the slick might *show* -
'hush,' the yiling patriarch says, even though lan wangji is sure he has not made a sound - has only parted his lips to breathe, little desperate sips of breath. 'are you continue being good for me?' he asks.

lan wangji says nothing. only forces his mouth closed.
the yiling patriarch laughs. 'tell me your name,' he says.

lan wangji will not.

'his name is lan zhan,' wen xu says. 'courtesy name wangji.'

something ugly flickers through the yiling patriarch's eyes. 'i didn't ask you,' he says curtly.
wen xu freezes. from the corner of his eye, lan wangji catches sight of his face. wen xu actually looks frightened.

'lan zhan,' the yiling patriarch croons. 'lan zhan, sweetheart, tell me the truth.' the hand on lan wangji's thigh slides up - up over his hip. his waist. up.
the yiling patriarch doesn't touch lan wangji where he aches for it, and that is a relief and a curse. but as his hand slides up, over lan wangji's stomach, up to his chest, he catches lan wangji's nipple under his palm.
the heat that runs through lan wangji in response is so sharp his breath catches. the yiling patriarch's eyes darken.

'are you truly a virgin, lan zhan?' he asks. he moves his hand - thumb deliberately circling the nipple through silk. slow, soft. 'has anyone here touched you?'
lan wangji's body arches up into that touch without his say so. he clenches his own hands into fists. says, 'not. like this. no one has.'

surely the yiling patriarch knows he has been beaten. lan wangji fought the wens when they took him hostage. but no one has run hands-
-over his body. no one has touched him like the patriarch is touching him.

a look of satisfaction settles on the yiling patriarch's face. 'good,' he says. then he brings his finger and thumb together on lan wangji's chest - *pinching*.
the sharp pleasure-pain makes lan wangji *throb*.

'wen xu,' the yiling patriarch says. 'tell your father i'm pleased with this gift. i'll be taking it with me, of course.'

'what? he is of course for your pleasure and use, patriarch,' wen xu says hastily.
'but my father. that is...'

'you thought i'd use the omega and hand him back?' the yiling patriarch raises an eyebrow. tsks. 'you should be clearer on the terms when you give an ally a gift. this one is mine now.'
wen xu says nothing, face white. the banquet crowd are quiet, uneasy. wen xu looks up at this father, who is sitting on his throne, head propped on his hand. wen ruohan says, smiling, eyes cold, 'keep him, yiling patriarch. he is your gift, of course. do with him as you will.'
lan wangji feels a strange burst of relief at that. he does not want to be stolen away by the necromancer of yiling, certainly not - but at least he will not have to remain in qishan wen any longer. and the yiling patriarch does not seem remotely interested in killing him.
'but,' wen ruohan goes on casually, 'i had hoped to see sect leader lan's omega brother shown his place before my sect. the lan sect have been overly proud, patriarch. it would gladden my heart to see at least one of them understand the place they rightly occupy.'
'what place is that?' the yiling patriarch asks. he sounds genuinely curious.

he has not stopped touching lan wangji.

'you said it yourself,' says wen ruohan. 'he is yours. a possession.'

'a gift,' the patriarch says softly. it sounds almost like agreement.

the cultivators at the banquet are talking, drinking. but there are eyes on them. so many eyes. lan wangji can feel them all.

the yiling patriarch's stare is the most weighty. fixed upon him. his expression is unreadable. 'shall i take you here, lan zhan?' he murmurs.
'unwrap you like the gift you are, and claim you?' his hand slides lower again. down, down to lan wangji's hip. down.

lan wangji cannot - does not - move. the patriarch begins to push lan wangji's robe up.
it is a relief, a horrible, humiliating, pleasurable relief when the yiling patriarch's slide through his wetness. trace where he's open, aching.

'oh sweetheart,' the patriarch says. he sounds both dark and sympathetic. 'you must feel so empty.'
now that the patriarch has said it, lwj realises he does feel empty - that the ache is a need to be filled. he grows even more slick at the realisation, wish the patriarch would move his fingers - slide one in...
((reminder this is exhibitionism and dubcon))

the realisation somehow brings him back to himself. he sucks in a breath and flinches away, dragging the silk back down over his thighs. the patriarch lets him, eyes dark.
someone laughs. 'all omegas are the same,' they mutter. more ripples of soft laughter follow. lan wangji feels himself go hot with embarrassment. and anger. how dare they judge him in this manner. if his meridians were not sealed he would destroy every one of them.
'ignore them,' the patriarch murmurs. 'do you think they're worthy of judging what's mine?'

'i am not yours,' lan wangji snaps.

the patriarch leans forward. brushes his fingers deliberately against lan wangji's cheek. wet, from lan wangji's body. 'are you not?' he asks.
in response, lan wangji bares his teeth. growls, low in his throat. a very omega form of anger, primal. lan wangji has never made that noise outside of a heat.

the patriarch's smile is sharp. 'don't worry, lan zhan,' he says. 'i know what you are.'
'restrained,' the patriarch says, sounding mocking. 'cold. you don't believe any alpha is worthy of you. you think you want to be respectably courted. fucked politely to make heirs, and nothing more. but that isn't what you *really* want.'
the scent of his own arousal is in lan wangji's nose. he breathes through his nose and the patriarch's scent fills him again. the patriarch's hands are trailing down his cheek...
'you want an alpha strong enough to challenge you. to fight you and *claim* you. you want an alpha worthy of placing a collar around your throat and making you beg for their cock,' he says. 'am i right, lan zhan?'
as he says it, he presses his slick fingers against lan wangji's mouth. presses *in*.

lan wangji's lips part. he tastes himself, and the patriarch's skin, salt-sharp - and then furious, he bites down.

the patriarch is ready.
something wrenches back lan wangji's head by the hair. darkness grasps his jaw, holding it open for the patriarch. resentful energy holds lan wangji still so the patriarch can slide his fingers deep into lan wangji's mouth. in, out, an obscene slide.
lan wangji gags, glaring at the yiling patriarch. if looks could kill, the man would be dead.

'one day i'd like to see you with my cock in your mouth,' the patriarch says, loud enough for their watchers to hear. 'but perhaps when you're better trained.'
that gives lan wangji a much clearer sense of what his role will be in the yiling patriarch's possession. he strains against the hold of the patriarch's energy, glaring harder.

the patriarch presses another finger into his mouth.
the yiling patriach leans forward. presses a kiss to lan wangji's jaw. ear.

'i can humiliate you here' he whispers. 'call you names and bare your skin, and leave you unused and hungry. then take you away, and let you go, and you can seek vengeance as you wish.'
'or i can fuck you here and claim you as my own. my omega. my other half' teeth to lan wangji's ear. 'i can dress you in my marks. break you for my pleasure. collar you as my own. and destroy the wen sect entirely, simply to please you. anything to please you.'
teeth on lan wangji's throat now. his fingers sliding free from lan wangji's mouth, letting him breathe.

'choose,' murmurs the patriarch. he draws back.
abruptly nothing is holding him. he is just on his knees, breathing hard. jaw aching.

why would lan wangji choose to belong to the patriarch when he could instead be free?
collaring omegas is an ancient custom. barbaric. the lan sect do not indulge in it. to treat an omega as the patriarch describes is obscene.

and yet... he's still wet. aching. still not selecting the obvious choice. and the patriarch has laughter in his eyes.
'you don't make decisions swiftly, do you?' the patriarch says, when lan wangji remains silent. 'here. let me help you.'

his hand darts out. grasps the golden necklace on lan wangji and *drags* him forward. lan wangji cannot breathe for a moment.
the patriarch delicately undoes the necklace. letting the gold fall. lan wangji tries to pull away.

'no.' the patriarch's voice is suddenly cold. loud enough for their audience. the shift in his expression is like day to night. 'be still.'

his hand circles lan wangji's throat.
it should feel threatening. it *is* threatening: the patriarch's eyes shine red, and his face is pitiless. but lan wangji can still breathe against the warmth of his palm, and the patriarch's thumb is stroking his jaw. almost... tenderly.
((cw brief breathplay))

lan wangji strains against his hold anyway. the grip tightens painfully. 'if i didn't know better, sweetheart, i'd think you *wanted* to be choked.' the patriarch's grin is feral.

cold energy bleeds from the patriarch's fingers.
thickens against lan wangji's skin. the patriarch's hand slips delicately away, and lan wangji raises his own hands up to feel his throat.

resentful energy swirls around it. silken, shifting. this time, when he tries to wrench his whole body away, it holds him in place.
the patriarch meets lan wangji's eyes. he doesn't look away as he begins to slowly, calmly, undo lan wangji's robes.

lan wangji is only wearing one layer. and he is being -watched. he feels all those eyes on him, face hot, furious, as the patriarch strips him bare.
the patriarch slides the robe from lan wangji's shoulders. the silks slithers down easily, pooling around his wrists and waist. like this, at least lan wangji's lap is partially covered.

gently, deliberately, the patriarch removes the robe entirely.
lan wangji feels the cold air on his skin. his own chest rising and falling as he breathes. he feels all those eyes on him. he tries not to look at anyone but the patriarch, who is gazing at lan wangji's body slowly, leisurely.

'so pretty,' he says in a hushed voice.
the yiling patriarch presses his hand to lan wangji's chest. palm against skin. his hands slides down, down.

lan wangji looks over the patriarch's shoulder, controlling his breathing, forcing calm-

feels that palm cup him where he's aching. a breath punches out of him.
exposed. every one can see, as the patriarch moves his fingers lazily, curiously - playing with lan wangji as if he has all the time in the world, as if lan wangji is here for his amusement. they can *see* how wet lan wangji is.

'you're pretty here, too,' the patriarch says.
lan wangji grits his jaw. the yiling patriarch laughs, low and delighted.

'the lan omega thinks he can ignore the yiling patriarch,' he announces to their audience. a rustle through the crowd; the clink of cups, plates. 'shall we test that famed lan control?'
a murmur. more laughter. and lan wangji - naked and collared - feels two fingers slide into him.

smoothly, but so slow. so slow. 'you're so tight, lan zhan,' the patriarch murmurs. 'we're going to have to make room in you for my cock, aren't we?'
more noise from the crowd. lan wangji forces his jaw to unlock. says, carefully, *angrily*, 'whatever you give i can take. it is of no - consequence.'

'is that a challenge?' the patriarch leans forward, angling his wrist. his fingers touch - something. lan wangji's hips jerk.
'ah lan zhan,' he breathes. his fingers slide out, until his fingertips are tracing where lan wangji is open, wet. then they push in again, one inexorable slide, deep. touching *that* place again. 'i accept your challenge, of course.'
again and again, the patriarch slides his fingers in and out, in and out. lan wangji should be growing used to this surely. but it feels new every time, pressing him open, making room inside him.

the sound is awful. obscene.
lan wangji's hips move against his will. little twitches, trying to meet the patriarch's thrusts. it does not matter how he tries to control himself. some part of him wants more. *needs* more. the patriarch watches him steadily.
pleasure is winding hot and tighter and tighter inside him. *tighter*. he breathes hard through his nose. clenches his hands, trying to control himself. but no matter how he tries to still his hips, his body knows what it wants. he's growing hotter, pleasuring rising through him.
he's on the edge - he's going to shatter right here, on the yiling patriarch's fingers, before the entirety of wen ruohan's sect -

the patriarch stops. fingers only shallowly pressed into lan wangji. lan wangji's hips chase him without his say so, and the patriarch laughs low.
laughter ripples through the hall, too. someone murmurs, i knew he was trainable.

the patriarch strokes lan wangji's skin tenderly, tauntingly. 'i told you,' he says quietly. 'choose.'

choose. to be humiliated, unused, hungry. or to be the patriarch's.
he sets his jaw. looks into the patriarch's eyes. i am not yours, he thinks. and i will not be yours.

the patriarch moves. grasps lan wangji's hips and drags lan wangji onto the his lap. lan wangji struggles, but without his cultivation he cannot resist.
the patriarch make lan wangji sit facing outwards, thighs spread - even more on display than he was before.

he feels the patriarch's mouth on his throat. the collar of resentful energy parts, letting the patriarch's lips meets skin.
'you seem calmer,' the patriarch murmurs. 'let's fix that.'

the patriarch's hands are on him. on his chest, between his legs. touching, pinching. displaying him -

lan wangji can feel now, how hard the patriarch is.
he doesn't look at his audience. bites his own tongue. he can feel the harshness of the patriarch's breath, the hardness of that cock through the patriarch's robes against his ass. he is wet, aching, but he thinks, through the haze of it -

he's not the only one who is hungry.
he lets his head roll back. this way, at least, no one can see his face. closes his eyes. then deliberately, slowly, grinds his ass into the patriarch's lap. he hears the yiling patriarch's breath hitch. does it again.

'lan zhan,' the patriarch says. his voice is rough.
the patriarch seems to recover himself. says, 'you want my cock that badly, sweetheart?'

lan wangji does not deign to respond. grinds back again.

'or do you think you can shatter my control?' his voice is jagged. 'you think you can collar *me*?'
'can i not?' lan wangji says. opens his eyes, as he feels the patriarch's teeth scrape his throat. 'you are lucky i am restrained, patriarch,' lan wangji's voice is controlled, as he grinds down again. says, coolly, 'i could have any alpha in this room if i wished to.'
lan wangji hears a snarl against his ear.

he's slammed forward against the low table, his upper body pressed against its surface, the patriarch heavy against his back. he's surrounded by the patriarch's scent, weight. his legs are shoved wide. a hand roughly raises his hips.
he feels the filthy grind of the patriarch's body against his own - but there's still fabric between them, the patriarch's robes rasping against his skin.

he wants - no, his *body* wants - something. inside. but he could perhaps come like this, from the steady, grinding pressure
if he arches back - if he finds the angle he craves -

'no,' the patriarch snaps. a hand wrenches back lan wangji's head, and suddenly the angle is all wrong. 'look at them,' says the patriarch, voice still a snarl. 'do you think any of them could take you from me?'
'if i allowed it,' lan wangji says, and feels the patriarch's teeth sink into his shoulder in response. the pain is hot, intense, melting through him. he shudders. gasps, 'i am not yours.'

his head is released. face pressed to the table by one heavy palm. he closes his eyes.
a rustle of cloth. then he feels it: the heat of bare skin. the patriarch's cock pressing against him. lan wangji thought he was open, ready, wanting - but suddenly he feels small, tight, like it will break him.

and yet, his fool body still presses back, trying to *take*.
the patriarch presses forward. but doesn't press in.

teasing, again. circling. he moves his hand down, thumb holding lan wangji open for something the patriarch isn't giving him.

'maybe you don't want to choose,' says the patriarch.
lan wangji tenses.

'i tease you, humiliate you, and in return you try and goad me into fucking you,' he murmurs, pressing his lips softly to the bite mark on lan wangji's shoulder. 'and then you say you're not mine. but maybe you're just too proud to admit the truth.'
lan wangji waits to be taunted again. but the patriarch only moves his hands, almost tenderly, to lan wangji's hips.

lan wangji feels pressure - aching, almost sharp. not quite pushing in. he holds his breath, resisting the urge to spread his legs wider.
'it's okay, lan zhan,' the patriarch says. he sounds friendly. kind. 'i won't make you choose again. i understand now. i'll show you your place.' his voice goes even softer. 'maybe if you say no to me, i'll reconsider.'
lan wangji says nothing. the silence stretches. the patriarch's grip tightens painfully.

'i thought so,' he says, and pulls lan wangji roughly back onto his cock.
there's no time to adjust. just hot, blunt pressure forcing lan wangji open. he's so wet that he yields easily, but he's tight enough that it should be slow - coaxing.

but the patriarch is clearly done with teasing. he pushes into lan wangji in one forceful roll of his hips.
lol belated merry xmas, back to the top

lan wangji can't even process it at first. his mind is entirely blank, overcome by sensation that isn't pleasure and isn't pain, just *too much*. his body wasn't meant to take this, he thinks vaguely. but then, the yiling patriarch pulls back until his cock is only shallowly-
-pressing into lan wangji, and lan wangji abruptly feels empty, and hollow.

the patriarch slides in deep again, inexorable, and lan wangji makes a sound he can't control - a rasp of breath, almost a sob or a moan.

over his own voice, he hears the distant murmur of other voices.
shallow, and deep. shallow, and deep. every time the patriarch fucks into him, lan wangji hears a sound leave his lips. feels his body burning, fiery pleasure twisting through him.

on the next stroke, the patriarch says deep - circles his hips, grinding into him.
lwj's hips jerk, and jerk again, and his whole body shudders. he's not coming, but he's suddenly so close - aching on a knife-edge of pleasure.

the patriarch stills, and makes a low, interested noise. his hands tighten on lwj's hips, then slide lower.
his hands spread lwj wide. it takes a moment for lan wangji to realise that the patriarch is looking at where lan wangji is spread open around his cock.

the realisation shouldn't make him wetter, but it does.
the patriarch leans forward. breath hot against lan wangji's ear.

'i should stay like this,' he murmurs. 'i should use you to warm my cock until you *beg* me to move.' lan wangji feels delicate fingers trace where he's spread open, split on the patriarch's cock.
'or i could make you do the work. fuck yourself on me. give these people a show. would you like that?'

lan wangji can't speak. if he opens his mouth he'll make another shameful noise. or beg. that would be worse.
he feels one of those fingers trace him again. press, then press harder, stretching him even more open. he can't stop the noise that leaves him - can't stop his legs spreading wider, his body wanting and and needing and trying to escape all at once.

'tell me who you belong to.'
a nip, teeth against his ear, one sharp spot of pain.

'tell them *all* who you belong to,' the patriarch commands.

lan wangji squeezes his eyes shut. even in the blackness behind his eyelids the world is pulsing, too much colour and feeling, and he is - so close - he just -
'you,' he gasps. it wrenches out of him. 'patriarch. alpha. to you.'

'good boy,' the patriarch croons. and slides two fingers in, deep and hard, alongside his cock.
lan wangji comes. swift, shockingly hard - his mind goes blank as a tidal wave of feeling overcomes him.

the patriarch's fingers aren't the knot lan wangji's body craves, but they're so close that it's pure relief, pure *release*.
he feels the stretch, the ache, the patriarch's voice against his ear, calling him good, sweet, his good omega - and comes back to himself with tears in his eyes and his thighs wet, as the patriarch slips out of him and grabs his hips, lifting them higher.
lan wangji is beyond caring about his audience. he makes a wordless noise of protest at the lost, as his body clenches and flutters on nothing - and feels the patriarch's fingers dig harshly into his sides.

feels the patriarch fuck back into him brutally hard.
he's over-sensitive now, and the stimulation is too much. but the rawness of it, the intensity, is exhilarating.

fumbling, he reaches back one hand and drags the patriarch closer by his robes. more, he wants to say. more, more-
the hand against his mouth, pressing damp fingers to his tongue, is a kind of answer. the patriarch will give him anything he needs.

he's dragged back onto the patriarch's lap. in flashes, he sees the watching cultivators. he thinks, distantly, that his reputation is truly-
ruined, that he will always be known as the yiling patriarch's whore, his omega, debased before an audience, moaning and shuddering on an alpha's cock like he was made for this and this alone.

the patriarch snarls, a low noise, and presses in deep. holds him still.
lan wangji arches instinctually away from the pressure of the knot that begins to swell inside him. the yiling patriarch holds him in place by simply pressing his teeth into lan wangji's throat - sharp, vicious, claiming him.
lan wangji settles into it. breathes, and breathes, pinned and held. the patriarch's breath is hot, his teeth sharp.

there is something visceral, instinctual in him that is satisfied by this: he has found an alpha worthy of claiming him. good.
/cw mention mpreg/

the patriarch is shaking, even as he holds lan wangji steady. lan wangji can feel the heat of the patriarch's release inside him and thinks: there could be a child.

it should not make him whimper. it does.

'shh,' the patriarch breathes, releasing his throat.
his hands trail down. he touches lan wangji, lightly, mindful of how sensitive he is, slowly working lan wangji up to another orgasm. lan wangji comes, gasping like he's under water. the patriarch hushes him again.

'mine,' the patriarch whispers. it's tender. almost a question.
'yours,' lan wangji says.

the patriarch exhales. brushes his lips against lan wangji's throat again.

when his knot fades, he eases himself from from lan wangji. his come begins to escape; the patriarch pushes it back into lan wangji with his fingers.
/cw mpreg mention/

the patriarch says, casually, 'he's a worthy gift, sect leader wen. perhaps i'll sire some children on him.'

lan wangji does not hear what response wen ruohan gives. the blood is roaring in his ears. but he feels it when the patriarch dresses him.
then he patriarch lifts him, urging him to his feet with a hand fisted in his hair.

there is laughter. more voices. lan wangji stumbles after the patriarch, aware of the bites and bruises on him, the fingermarks, the come.

reality is not quite seeping in yet. but it will.
he is going to be taken to the burial mounds. he is going to be the yiling patriarch's omega.

they're alone in the corridor. the yiling patriarch presses him against the wall. the look on his face is both soft and dark. possessive.
the patriarch says, low, 'don't worry, lan zhan. all of them will die soon enough. i'll make sure of it.'

it takes a moment for lan wangji to understand.

'patriarch,' he manages to say.

the patriarch slides to his knees. parts lan wangji's robes again.
'my name is wei ying,' the yiling patriarch says, looking up at him. the faintest flash of a smile, a dimpled cheek. he's grasping lan wangji's thighs, parting them again. 'courtesy name wuxian. and my name is yours.'
then he presses his mouth to where lan wangji is slick with arousal and with *him*, eating him out with a groan. lan wangji's knees buckle. his head knocks against the wall as he arches, and presses a fist to his own mouth.
he comes for the third time that night, right there against the wall. then the yiling patriarch - wei wuxian - steadies him, and kisses him deep and slow and sweet.

when they leave nightless city, wei wuxian gives him real clothes again.
a dark hanfu, beautifully made. in a lavish tent (surrounded by the patriarch's own corpse army), lan wangji dresses.

in that casual voice lan wangji has come to know is not casual at all, wei wuxian says, 'you're free to go, of course.'

lan wangji's hand stills on his robe.

'i took your choice,' wei wuxian says. mouth quirking, mirthless. 'you didn't really choose to be mine. we both know it.'

lan wangji says nothing.

'your brother,' wei wuxian says, 'asked me to save you.'
lan wangji stiffens. 'my brother did not ask you to-'

'no,' wei wuxian says. 'i wanted to do that. everything i did to you i chose to do, because i wanted you spread open on my cock, and i wanted my teeth on your throat. *mine*.'

there's no apology in his voice. he sounds calm.
/cw mpreg mention/

lan wangji clenches his hands. he does not know how he feels. angry, perhaps.

'i could be with child,' lan wangji says. 'would you send me away, knowing that?'

'i'm not sending you away,' wei wuxian says. 'i'm telling you that you can go if you like.'
'if i like?' lan wangji repeats. he is, it turns out, angry. 'am i so easily discarded? do i matter so little?'

part of lan wangji is horrified at his own words. this is not who he is.
but the rest of him knows - this is exactly who he is. the kind of man who loves too much, too suddenly, without mortality, without reason. who hungers for the same in return.
'i don't understand righteousness anymore,' wei wuxian says, 'clearly. a righteous man wouldn't have fucked you. but i understand choices. so i'm giving you one. go, and be free. or stay, and be mine.'

the air chills.

'what does it mean to be yours?' lan wangji asks.
'you know what it means,' wei wuxian says, and his voice is dark. hungry.

the look in his eyes... he could consume lan wangji utterly. he wants to. lan wangji shudders, seeing a possible future ahead of him: a collar of jewels at his throat, and bruises on his thighs.
teeth at his wrists, his throat. strangers, watching as he kneels for his alpha and pleases his alpha. because his alpha desires it.

a future where he can say he wants a man dead and his alpha will kiss his thighs and say throatily, 'anything you want, sweetheart. anything.'
that is not a future he should want.

he swallows, and set his jaw, and squares his shoulders proudly, and turns to the exit from the tent.
he stops at the exit. cold air on his face. wei wuxian behind him.

silence. silence.

'lan zhan,' the yiling patriarch says. oddly gentle. 'you have to choose.'
lan wangji swallows.

'if i do not want to choose?' he asks. he does not look back at wei wuxian. he looks out at the world waiting for him. 'if i wish for my alpha to choose for me, to claim me, to use me as he sees fit - what then?'
silence, again.

'that isn't a choice,' wei wuxian says, voice rough.

lan wangji thinks of his mother. his father. and says, 'i know what it is to have no choice. but i *am* choosing. i am giving my choice to you. take it from me, as you did in the banquet. as i wanted you to.'
he is half in the tent, half out, when he hears the sweep of robes behind him, and feels a cold, strong hand close around his throat, wrenching him back against wei wuxian's chest. his robes, newly arranged on his body, are wrenched apart.

'you'll stay with me,' wei wuxian says.
it isn't a question.

lan wangji is already wet, ready when wei wuxian fucks into him no further warning - using lan wangji like lan wangji belongs to him, like this is lan wangji's purpose. to pleasure his cock.
'my collar on you,' wei wuxian rasps, as resentful energy snakes his way between his fingers, binding its way around lan wangji's throat. 'and nothing else.'

'yes,' lan wangji groans. 'wei *ying*. alpha. yes.'

'my good omega,' wei wuxian says, tender, vicious. 'my lan zhan.'
aaaaaaand that's the end of that very horny journey 😳
cw mpreg

final thoughts: yeah they absolutely have babies

it's a happy if intensely weird relationship, weirdo4weirdo etc

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27 Dec
cw omegaverse

can't stop won't stop thinking about alpha lwj going into rut and his friend beta wwx 'helping' him out and realising he's extremely, extremely into being treated like lwj's slutty, needy omega
wwx is supportive of his alpha and omega friends of course! but he doesn't have heats or ruts and like most betas is just like, 'scenting??? biting?? seasonal horniness? thank god i don't need to deal with that shit'
it's only when he moves in with his best friend lwj that he realises how much it can suck to be on the non-beta end of things. lwj's ruts are *bad* (his jiejie's were always pretty gentle - she just locked herself in a room for a week and that was it).
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