@davegreenidge57 And for t/record I'm not disputing if it was lab created or not. I'm saying if he can't even get t/data & timeline right THEN HES GOT SH!T TRYNA PASS IT OFF AS SHINOLA. And those of you believin this pile of 💩 DIDN'T DO YOUR GD HOMEWORK. Clearly there were cases B4 DEC 1
@davegreenidge57 1) they were rounded up made to recant very late Nov 19 and house arrest is a more polite term for their (by Dec 3rd and China's denials anything was going on) "disappearance" (& your pos is Jan 3rd reporting and what's their timeline for events?). China went on to deny CD
@davegreenidge57 was happening all the way through to Dec 31st when they officially reported CD to WHO (Look it up yourself but I earn you you'll have to figure for it now-i did however post a PubMed article below that at least clues you in there's something hinky about WHATS not being
@davegreenidge57 reported re: the timeline). The problem is it did start in Wuhan as tweeted mid Nov 19 by 4-5 Docs who'd had patients with an "unknown type of viral pneumoni die at alarmingly high rates '& pls be careful y'all' (my paraphrasing here) already by mid Nov 19 when they tweeted
@davegreenidge57 about it which if you do the math presupposes a much longer timeline runway just to get to the tweets in mid Nov as KNOWN CASES than calling Dec 1st as the first case). By Dec 3 after forced recanting you don't hear from them any more. If we're claiming
@davegreenidge57 Dec 1 is the first case WHERE THE EFF ARE THE DNA SAMPLES FROM EARLY NOV 19 WUHAN AND WHY ARENT WE ASKIN? Because if we got samples from early mid and late Nov 19 Wuhan that were COVID NEG then BS is going on because I believe the docs and you don't tweet about it mid
@davegreenidge57 NOV and fall under "house arrest after recanting DEC 3rd because the first CD case is DEC 1st
Or is this a pareto optimal operation where you just throw out data b/c you think it skews the samples averages, never mind that you're now shaping the data?
@davegreenidge57 Below is but one WESTERN record discussing the timeline from PubMed so it's somewhat limited but early enough with the timeline observations to find reports that don't include this data to be suspect as hell
@davegreenidge57 PS1 TWITTER EDIT: Oh man my lack of coffee is showing (it's supposed to say "but I warn you you'll have to dig for all that info now [because it's been obscured by a flood of not only from deliberate disinfo but a flood of bad reporting where journalists just keep
@GoadGatsby TRUTH FIRE THREAD: As a Genocide scholar who researches and tracks White Supremacy with 20+ years behind me let me point out that the quote in the photo IS ABSOLUTE FALSE BULLPUCKY but Id expect nothing less from the Riech who loves to confound truth by confusing folks
@GoadGatsby about just what is and isn't true so let's start with this:
"Nazism is a form of fascism, with disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system. It incorporates fervent antisemitism, anti-communism, scientific racism, and the use of eugenics into its creed."
@GoadGatsby Fascism is a system of government led by a dictator who typically rules by forcefully and often violently suppressing opposition and criticism, controlling all industry and commerce, and promoting nationalism and often racism.
As an ideology, fascism typically centers around
@linda_gold5058@docrocktex26@CrazyLikeMoose@markfollman A BEEN TOO LONG DOWN THIS ROAD THREAD: I started tweeting about the above in 2015/16 because White Supremacy is my research and I've 25+ yrs of it behind me. I also tweeted out every change to Red State protest laws as they came down in every GOP State starting in 2017
@linda_gold5058@docrocktex26@CrazyLikeMoose@markfollman based on t/Trump/Bannon plan and as White Supremacist groups started organizing rapid out of State "test runs" to "hot spots" to disrupt, run DEM cities out of tax dollars, incite violence, cosplay ANTIFA, start riots etc and even threaded over and over about the gun hoarding
@linda_gold5058@docrocktex26@CrazyLikeMoose@markfollman WP White Supremacists connected to local PDs and Sheriff's offices who expected to deputize THESE FOLKS TO SETTLE SOCIAL UNREST and how local PDs across the US used these adjunct White Supremacist services without formally deputizing folks so as not to tip their hand in a
@IdeaGov@MelissaJPeltier@jennycohn1 I've told y'all this as t/convergence occurred b/c t/White Christian Reich has long infiltrated t/"natural" baby, homeschool & enviornmental movements moving them into the circle of White Supremacist groups & was roundly dismissed for it b/c that's " alarmist Kate" "that's
@IdeaGov@MelissaJPeltier@jennycohn1 just too fantastical Kate." I say this now to say I DONT SAY FANTASTICAL SH!T. Given my research I tell you what's true as do a few others yet your blind denials dismiss us all when we present you with issues you didn't want to deal with because frankly it's more inconvenient
@IdeaGov@MelissaJPeltier@jennycohn1 than just putting your head back down and dealing with only you. And as we predicted it would, this has now morphed to be y'all's WP problem. Those who truly want to deal would do well to start interviewing and talking to White Supremacy and Genocide researchers b/c we focus
I've told y'all this as t/convergence occurred b/c t/White Christian Reich has long infiltrated t/"natural" baby, homeschool & enviornmental movements moving them into the circle of White Supremacist groups & was roundly dismissed for it b/c that's " alarmist Kate" "that's1/
just too fantastical Kate." I say this now to say I DONT SAY FANTASTICAL SH!T. Given my research I tell you what's true as do a few others yet your blind denials dismiss us all when we present you with issues you didn't want to deal with because frankly it's more inconvenient
than just putting your head back down and dealing with only you. And as we predicted it would, this has now morphed to be y'all's WP problem. Those who truly want to deal would do well to start interviewing and talking to White Supremacy and Genocide researchers b/c we focus
@awaisaftab@nassirghaemi Maybe because ITS NOT MDD OR BIPOLAR BUT BLAST INJURY. After all 1) general rule of thumb if lithium doesn't work ITS NOT BI POLAR 2) if you use a hammer to to find a needle YOULL NEVER FIND IT and that's basically the way the VA operates when it comes to detecting blast
@awaisaftab@nassirghaemi INJURY and/or in dismissing any attempt to make such a determination. 3) More they refusal gets worse when you realize that YOU DONT TREAT BRAIN INJURY (blast or otherwise) IN THE SAME WAY YOU TREAT PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS even if the symptoms ARE THE SAME.
So no you are
@awaisaftab@nassirghaemi not going to see/find/determine blast injury with an MRI but if the MRI shows nothing then you've no med rational to use more delicate or refined approach to imaging WHICH SHOULD BE AUTOMATIC anyway as every SM who saw combat was exposed to blast and determining what's
@BwanaLawFirm@tribelaw WHY KELLY IS FOS THREAD: Exactly and I don't recall Kelly running to Congress the IG or Mueller to inform them of any Trump risk. Moreover as COS KELLY OVERSAW TRUMP GOP handling of COVID with the deaths of 750,000 Americans, to date with at least 2/3rds specifically targeted
@BwanaLawFirm@tribelaw in an on the record scheme, eerily reminiscent of Hitler, to allow COVID contagion to commit Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity (as defined by the UN GC Section II a-e & see NYT for documentation of foreknowledge planning & implimentation as it is clear evidence of INTENT)
@BwanaLawFirm@tribelaw and to help it along by withholding, selling off, denying and stealing MED EQUIP from those enemy states and communities while over supplying "friendlies."