kateneuropsych Dr. Kate Shaw MA/MS/PsyD Auntie Fa Profile picture
Recent: Research/Clinical Neuropsychology PostDoc Harvard/Boston Univ/Boston VA Consortium Nat'l Translat'l Research TBI & Stress Disorders & Genocide Scholar
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Jul 2 4 tweets 1 min read
@Marcelius_B DEMS would have to give up white supremacy & their continued ambivalence abt that is killing us—

We kno where white supremacists/GOP/MAGA/fascists stand—they don’t hide it but t/continued focus on whack-a-mole by DEMS b/c they can’t bare to part w/t/real cause is why we’re here! @Marcelius_B When a society refuses to control for t/psychopaths among them b/c as beneficiaries of white supremacy it serves them not to—
You end up maintaining t/structural institutional & culturally corrupt normative psychopathy of white supremacy demonstrated day after day in America
Jul 1 18 tweets 5 min read
@KhEl_Abu_Aisha @fiona_lone This is linked page on the National Stroke Association

for stroke & aphasia

“Aphasia is a language disorder that affects your ability to communicate. It's most often caused by strokes in the left side of the brain that control speech and language.”

1/stroke.org/en/about-strok… @KhEl_Abu_Aisha @fiona_lone Here’s the link for UK Stroke Association on types of post-stroke aphasia

Jun 30 11 tweets 2 min read
@rafaelshimunov That is not an easy question

I’ll start with the basics


2) You have to be able to mange the distress tolerance that comes with dealing with the reality of where we are

3) therapy done right is not comfortable and people only deal
@rafaelshimunov when what they’ve been doing to escape reality is finally more painful than the idea of dealing with reality

The truth here is it’s an inside job and individuals must want/need to change what they’re doing ( ie., t/CBA no longer works in their favor)…

After that you MUST
Jun 24 5 tweets 1 min read
@Poorgirlwaiting @Najnajz8 @AnassBellache @alon_mizrahi Sabbatean-Frankist doctrine was a Jewish religious movement in the 18th and 19th centuries that centered around the leadership of Jacob Frank, who claimed to be the Jewish Messiah.

The doctrine had elements of Sabbateanism, which refers to the followers of Sabbatai Zevi,
@Poorgirlwaiting @Najnajz8 @AnassBellache @alon_mizrahi and Frankism, which involved secret beliefs that contrasted with outward conformity to Judaism:

Sabbateans followed Zevi during his claim of messiahship and after his forced conversion to Islam. Some Sabbateans may have converted to Islam and become the
Jun 22 7 tweets 2 min read
Virginia is boiling— & it has me worried about the feral and outside cats, squirrels birds etc etc… even the shade is smoldering and the ground temp of the earth out of the shade? BEYOND COOKING HOT.

You’d have to burrrow deep deep down and most daytime critters
don’t burrow…

I’m really anxious about all of this and fairly helpless in it

It’s insane watching ppl just carry on like it’s not happening—

commercials depicting life as normal as if that’s anything close to what’s going on…

I feel crazy watching all this—
Jun 20 7 tweets 2 min read
@RnaudBertrand @DrEcoGeo Yes thank you..and Taiwan doesn’t want a war started by typical US bravado “our way or the highway” with China— they meaning Chinese & Taiwanese consider themselves Chinese, have a long history of conflict resolution that does not mirror US bullshit- they will figure this out
@RnaudBertrand @DrEcoGeo across time—all US WM bravado does is fan the flames. Can we provide support—yes in the form of reaching for unity that honors One China with respect for each provinces governance and way of life— they are not opposite but they gotta work out the kinks.
China is a HUGE
Jun 19 13 tweets 3 min read
@RevolutionIn801 @jjfitzgeraldMD Again— If you don’t understand t/disease process &/or disruption in/of a/any condition (syndrome) relative to t/underlying biomolecular cellular dysfunction, youre only treating symptoms which DOES NOT = A CURE

THIS GETS COMPLICATED (stay with me here)
Disruption of any one
@RevolutionIn801 @jjfitzgeraldMD cellular process can result in multiple conditions

As for ADHD/ASD “proper”
That’s a neural wiring thing.

There are plenty of women without ADHD/ASD who also suffer from ME/POTS/MITO syndromes and the constellation of symptoms for ADHD/ASD over laps with ME/CFS/POTS etc to
Jun 18 6 tweets 1 min read
@el_sabawi I told y’all that was the case— if you are tracking certain elements for a long time YOU KNOW THUS IS NO ACCIDENT..
But it would in fact take me a dissertation to say why and prove it.
The value of an education and research in your specialty means 0 in today’s world— it
@el_sabawi comes down to what you wanna believe regardless of evidence or experts.

My tweet history shows Oct 8, 9, 10 and onward I was literally telling yall this was no accident and why…
But Isreal IS poison toxic bullshit lies and MSM.

As a lawyer you know I could easily explain
Jun 7 5 tweets 1 min read
@MarkLRuffalo BPD should not be removed but our understanding of it as more information is revealed should be modified.
There may come a time when BPD breaks off into to different categories…
BPD due to complex PTSD

And BPD due to internal occult pathological factors

@MarkLRuffalo As more women are DXed w/BPD it bares repeating that sexual abuse is often causal and that’s an external exogenous etiology vs and endogenous one.

Triggers and what’s driving the pathology continue to be the deciding factor for multiple disorders and getting a handle on
Jun 6 11 tweets 2 min read

Grief can make you temporarily loose your mind & heart to an unbelievable level of pain that is so mind blowing that even if you’re not screaming what he is out loud, you’re screaming it on the inside…. Is it attractive I don’t know—obviously
@KevOnStage he’s not asking to be with any one else and he’s not stalking her

He’s in pain— but you’ve no idea why just assumptions and ask no questions like:
how long had the relationship been,
what kinds of trauma has he been through?
Was it relational betrayal?
sudden death?
Jun 6 11 tweets 2 min read
@michelle_byoung Grief can make you temporarily loose your mind and heart to an unbelievable level of pain that is so mind blowing that even if you’re not screaming what he is out loud, you’re screaming it on the inside…. Is it attractive I don’t know— obviously he’s not asking to be with
@michelle_byoung any one else and he’s not stalking her

He’s in pain— but you’ve no idea why just assumptions and ask no questions like:
how long had the relationship been,
what kinds of trauma has he been through?
Was it relational betrayal?
sudden death?
or did she just leave with no
May 30 22 tweets 4 min read

What I wrote a friend today

“Last thoughts—in very rudimentary form and in brief so don’t assume anything in whole—it’s worth asking questions first

1) What is it people rely on to change the world?
2) And how long does change take…..?

I’ll answer #2) first

In the scheme of things a blink of an eye…

In the short term as long as it takes to have the thought re how to do that!

Everything you see was once a thought and only a thought including you when you look in
May 28 5 tweets 1 min read
@michelle_byoung Yes but that was set up from founding, equally set in motion by WP who went cray cray 1 sec after CRA/VRA/FHA passed w/all their tax based funding of Pub Ed Red Lining & all other policies that became t/mortar holding white supremacy in place despite what was newly put on paper! @michelle_byoung I’m hate Reagan but he was just the figurehead to galvanize all that had been worked on by Stone Cohen et all since Brown VS Topeka ruling, Johnson’s CRA & Nixon ..
I’ll die on that hill!
May 26 7 tweets 4 min read
It poured rain thunder and lightening for hours. I slept with the window wide open.
This morning the birds were singing and chirping so loudly and with such diversity I thought for sure I lived in an aviary—not a bad place at all.
So I went out side to
feed them and spread sunflower seeds up and down the front back and sidewalk for them and the squirrels 

And now just like all children engaged in eating they are silent… 
I shoulda waited longer!!!! lol

I won’t say happy Memorial Day— that’s such an upside down backwards
May 26 9 tweets 2 min read
@QuantumFlux36 @GusboOnTwitch THREAD: A not so subtle Zionist account tryna put forth t/idea Jihad=Terrorism

“Jihad” literally means striving, or doing one’s utmost (one’s best). Within Islam, there are 2 basic theological
@QuantumFlux36 @GusboOnTwitch understandings of the word: The “Greater Jihad” is the struggle against the lower self – the struggle to purify one’s heart, do good, avoid evil and make oneself a better person. The “Lesser Jihad” is an outward struggle. Jihad constitutes a moral principle to struggle
May 26 9 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: A not so subtle Zionist account tryna put forth t/idea Jihad=Terrorism

“Jihad” literally means striving, or doing one’s utmost (one’s best). Within Islam, there are 2 basic theological
1/ understandings of the word: The “Greater Jihad” is the struggle against the lower self – the struggle to purify one’s heart, do good, avoid evil and make oneself a better person. The “Lesser Jihad” is an outward struggle. Jihad constitutes a moral principle to struggle
May 20 14 tweets 3 min read
@Heidi__Matthews Yup—And I’ve long told y’all the ICC has jurisdiction in these matters too…
But why listen to me!

Signed a clinical forensic neuropsychologist & genocide scholar research/tracking white supremacy/Zionism/EU colonialism—post colonialism/white settler nations 20+yrs @Heidi__Matthews THE US & ISRAEL ARE BOTH SIGNATORY TO T/GENOCIDE CONVENTION (as a matter of fact the US in partnership with Ralph Lemkin wrote the GC after WWII) … that makes the US, Biden, Blinkin etc and Netty Pot Ben Givrh ? fully prosecutable if they violate the terms of the GC period!
May 20 14 tweets 3 min read
And I’ve long told y’all the ICC has jurisdiction in these matters too…
But why listen to me!

Signed a clinical forensic neuropsychologist & genocide scholar research/tracking white supremacy/Zionism/EU colonialism—post colonialism/white settler nations 20+yrs THE US & ISRAEL ARE BOTH SIGNATORY TO T/GENOCIDE CONVENTION (as a matter of fact the US in partnership with Ralph Lemkin wrote the GC after WWII) … that makes the US, Biden, Blinkin etc and Netty Pot Ben Givrh ? fully prosecutable if they violate the terms of the GC period!
May 18 5 tweets 1 min read
@MelissaJPeltier It is— I’ve always said that the cells that make up your body are the imprint of you (see DNA RNA rDNA—genotype phenotype genome neural architecture immune system and on and on etc)
Yes we all come UNIQUE DNA, neural architecture, transcription processes etc that encode
@MelissaJPeltier individ environmental experiences perceptions dynamics & interactions that all play back to us reflexively.

BLENDING SOMEONES DNA WITH YOURS VIA TRANSPLANT ETC WILL BY NECESSARY PROCESSES (meaning if that organ is accepted by the immune system) blend in with and
May 16 7 tweets 2 min read
@aashisjo I believe it’s happening even as we tweet! The world no longer looks the same nor does it operate in the same way. White western powers that be have already lost, they just haven’t caught up to that yet.

Ppl are beginning to make choices based on well being
@aashisjo vs the desperation of meager survival.

To dig out from under economic colonialism one had to participate in it just enuf to reach beyond the threshold of abject poverty it causes in order to then be rid of it while still maintaining a an economically viable and
May 15 34 tweets 6 min read
@TaylorMatthewD LONG THREAD: I’ll take a stab at it! Stick with me here because I’m about to integrate a whole lotta factors and factions!

Let’s start with some basics before we integrate: while there are a plethora of white supremacist/nationalist/christian/and back to the 1950s extremist
@TaylorMatthewD groups I’m going to focus on 3 primary narratives and themes represented by

1) The Neo-Nazi Creativity Movement (est 1977?correct me if wrong), which relentlessly promotes the innate superiority and creativity displayed via white western culture as evidence for the