⇨ Who should learn?
⇨ Why to learn?
⇨ What should we start with?
⇨ How much is necessary?
⇨ Where to learn?
A comprehensive startup, oops "Starter Kit"
0️⃣ Let's Talk
✪ What is DSA?
→ DSA stands for "Data Structures and Algorithms"
→ DSA is a subject of study and, practice mostly in "Programming Domain"
→ Unlike popular belief, DSA is not one thing, rather 2 tightly coupled topics.
✪ What is a Data Structure?
A data structure is a way of organising (or, collecting) the data so that it can be used efficiently and effectively.
✪ What is an Algorithm?
An algorithm is a set of instructions for solving a problem or accomplishing a task.
• The questions covered here are mostly conceptual
• I do not claim only these type of questions are/should be asked during interviews
• For interviews, you should have fundamentals strong. And you should be able to provide solutions to practical problems.
• The questions covered here are mostly conceptual
• I never claim only these type of questions are/should be asked during interviews
• For interviews, you should have fundamentals strong. And you should be able to provide solutions to practical problems.