Swapna Kumar Panda Profile picture
| Tech Writer, Educator | prev. Architect | Python, JavaScript, SQL | Programming, Development, Databases, AI Tools, Remote Jobs | Building @JabardastDEV |
39 subscribers
Dec 1 13 tweets 2 min read
I have been working in SQL since 2004.

If I have to start learning it in 2025, I'll do this: Beginner
⭣ Learn fundamentals ➊
⭣ Working with table ➋
⭣ Working with data ➌
⭣ Querying the data ➍
⭣ Operators ➎
⭣ Functions ➏
⭣ Database objects ➐
⭣ Programming in SQL ➑
⭣ Users and Roles ➒
⭣ Advanced Concepts ➓
Nov 28 11 tweets 5 min read
11 FREE Python Books

1. Think Python
🔗 greenteapress.com/thinkpython2/t…Image 2. Cracking Codes with Python

You can read it online or request for a free preview ebook.

🔗 inventwithpython.com/cracking/Image
Nov 24 11 tweets 2 min read
I am a Java Developer since 2005.

If I am to start learning Java in 2025, I'll do this: ➊ Introduction

Effort: 1 to 2 hours daily + Normal practice
Time: 2 weeks

✧ Overview of Java
✧ Setting up [JDK, JRE, IDE]
✧ Basic Syntax and Structure
✧ Primitive Data Types
✧ Variables and Constants
✧ Operators
Nov 24 12 tweets 2 min read
How in JavaScript,

[ ] == [ ] ➔ false
[ ] == ![ ] ➔ true

Let's investigate 🔎 ➊ What is [ ]?

⬘ [ ] is an array literal.

⬗ [ ] creates an empty array object.

⬙ Each time we use [ ], a new array object is created.

⬖ Hence, each time you find a [ ], it references different objects in memory.
Nov 22 14 tweets 3 min read
🎢 Sorting Algorithms, explained

❯ 10 algorithms
❯ Time & Space Complexities

A Beginner's Guide. ➊ Bubble Sort
➋ Insertion Sort
➌ Selection Sort
➍ Merge Sort
➎ Quick Sort
➏ Counting Sort
➐ Radix Sort
➑ Bucket Sort
➒ Heap Sort
➓ Shell Sort
Nov 18 14 tweets 2 min read
If your goal is to be a Python expert in 2025, this thread is for you: Preliminary Steps

Before proceeding, ensure you do these

⬩Know your final goal
⬩Set a target for spending daily 1 hour minimum.
⬩Research about Python ecosystem (libraries, frameworks, code editors).

Remember, it's a marathon; not a sprint.
Nov 2 15 tweets 3 min read
DSA is a key skill for Developers.

Crack interviews by mastering these 12 key topics. ➊ Fundamentals

➀ What is an algorithm
➁ Types of algorithms

➂ Asymptotic Notations
➃ Time & Space Complexity

➄ What is a data structure
➅ Linearity & Contiguity
➆ Fundamental Operations
Oct 22 10 tweets 2 min read
👩‍💻 125+ algorithms to crack any interview

Practice these in
❍ C / C++
❍ Java
❍ Python
❍ JavaScript
❍ Golang
Or, any language of your choice ➊ Algorithms on Arrays

➀ Creating an Array
➁ Iterate through Array
➂ Get an Element
➃ Search an Element
➄ Insert Element(s)
➅ Delete Element(s)
➆ Filter an Array
➇ Fetch a Sub-Array
➈ Merging Arrays
➉ Reverse Array
➀➀ Rotate Array
Oct 19 13 tweets 4 min read
🛣️ Step-by-Step Roadmap for Full-Stack Dev

Front-End → HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Back-End → Spring/.NET/Django/Node.js

Database → MySQL/MongoDB*

Integrations → OpenAI, Kafka*

Others → DSA, Git, Linux, Docker*

⇩ 🎢 Step-by-Step Roadmap

Front-End ➊

Back-End ➋

Database ➌

Integrations ➍

Advanced ➎

Learn 👇 alongside ➊ & ➋

➏ Data Structures & Algorithms
➐ Version Control
➑ Operating System

Let's check them in detail.
May 20 9 tweets 2 min read
To be better at programming

✧ C/C++
✧ Java
✧ Python
✧ JavaScript
✧ Golang
✧ Rust

Start with these basic mathematics: Introduction

⬘ Computer Programming deals with computations and, is closely related to mathematics.

⬗ Mathematical skills play an important role during problem solving.

⬙ To start, you should have knowledge of some basic mathematics.
May 11 12 tweets 4 min read
🛣️ Full Stack Web Development in 2024

Front-End → HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Back-End → Java/C#/PHP/Python/JS*

Database → MySQL/MongoDB*

Others → Git, DSA, Linux, Docker, Kafka, Redis*
⇩ 🎢 Step-by-Step Roadmap

Front-End ➊

Back-End ➋

Database ➌

Integrations ➍

Advanced ➎

Learn 👇 alongside ➊ & ➋

➏ Data Structures & Algorithms
➐ Version Control (like Git)
➑ CLI (like Linux Commands)

Let's check them in detail.
Apr 22 19 tweets 3 min read
How did I master Python in 12 months? Here's how I made it.

➊ Knowing the History
➋ Knowing the Ecosystem
➌ Managing the Operating System Challenge
➍ Learning the language

Keep reading.
Apr 15 12 tweets 2 min read
SQL opens the door for multiple career options.

Master these 10 key SQL topics and you are ready to ——— ➊ Fundamentals

➀ What is a database and DBMS?
➁ What is a relational database?
➂ What are some popular RDBMS?
➃ What is normalization?
➄ Different normalization forms (NFs).
➅ What is SQL?
➆ Different components of SQL.
➇ What is ERD?
Apr 11 18 tweets 3 min read
👩‍💻 150+ Algorithms asked in Interviews

Practice in
❍ C++
❍ Java
❍ Python
❍ JavaScript
Or, any language of your choice

⇩ ➊ Array - Algorithms

➀ Creating an Array
➁ Iterate through Array
➂ Get an Element
➃ Search an Element
➄ Insert Element(s)
➅ Delete Element(s)
➆ Filter an Array
➇ Fetch a Sub-Array
➈ Merging Arrays
➉ Reverse Array
➀➀ Rotate Array
Apr 1 11 tweets 2 min read
Python opens the door to multiple career options.

9 key topics you should master to be an Expert: ➊ Simple Data Types

Effort: 1 to 2 hours daily + Normal practice

❯ Boolean
❯ Number
❯ String
❯ Bytes
Mar 30 12 tweets 6 min read
Remote software jobs paying in USD

Check this out: ➊ WWR


Over 4.5M people visited it to find a remote job.

⬩Front end
⬩Back end
⬩IT Support
⬩Management weworkremotely.com
Mar 29 12 tweets 3 min read
If you have Python interview in just 6 hours,

This is how you can prepare: ➊ Don't panic

⬘ List down all the things (mentioned in subsequent tweets of this thread).

⬗ Keep your phone in silent and airplane mode.

⬙ Keep 2 ltr of water and some snacks/food.
Mar 25 15 tweets 2 min read
DSA is a key skill for Developers.

Master these 12 key topics and crack any interviews. ➊ Fundamentals

➀ What is an algorithm
➁ Types of algorithms

➂ Asymptotic Notations
➃ Time & Space Complexity

➄ What is a data structure
➅ Linearity & Contiguity
➆ Fundamental Operations
Mar 23 16 tweets 7 min read
YouTube is FREE.
ChatGPT is FREE.
W3Schools is FREE.

But no certificates. Top 13 Alternatives: 1. freeCodeCamp

Learn. Practice. Earn Certification.

❯ Frontend, Backend, Database
❯ Data Analysis
❯ ML
❯ JavaScript, Python, C#, SQL

🖇️ freecodecamp.org/learn/Image
Mar 4 15 tweets 2 min read
👩‍💻 Practice these 125+ Algorithms in

❍ C++
❍ Java
❍ Python
❍ JavaScript
Or, any language of your choice

Stay in top 5% of programmers.
⇩ ➊ Array - Algorithms

➀ Creating an Array
➁ Iterate through Array
➂ Get an Element
➃ Search an Element
➄ Insert Element(s)
➅ Delete Element(s)
➆ Filter an Array
➇ Fetch a Sub-Array
➈ Merging Arrays
➉ Reverse Array
➀➀ Rotate Array